Monday, February 27, 2006

Can I have some weight loss tips for a 16 year old? -

I m 16,6 2,and weigh 245.I want to lose about 16 in a few months so can I have some tips on how many calories am i suppose to burn a day and what foods i should eat?

Honestly sweetie all you have to do is exercise and stick to it. You can t be lazy and lose weight, trust me-you wont lose anything that way. Try running and doing sit ups and push ups things of that nature. I know its cliche but the old method still does work. This may not mean much to you but i weighed 170 pounds (i m a female and to us that s considered fat) I started going to the gym (running, sit ups, crunches, bicycles) consistently (5 times a day) and lost 20 pounds in a month and a half. I feel great and now i can t live without going to the gym because i m scared i ll gain a pound! LOL seriously it s hard at first because you feel like you can barely do a crunch or a push up but if you push yourself you will succeed! and don t forget to eat healthier, cut out the sweets and sodas ok? let me know if theres any progress a month from now. Have fun!

Besides to go to gym every day, to pick the right food is very important. Apple (Red or Green Color)Includes rich potassium, may remove unnecessary sodium salt, if eats 3 above apples every day, namely can maintain the satisfactory blood pressure.Does everybody know that in the morning if you eat apple which may govern the constipation in your stomach, in the early morning it is a good habit to go to bathroom which may help to lose weight, therefore before having breakfast may eat an apple first!

Calories is a large subject when it comes to weight loss. We need to know three things: the volume of calories in our food, the volume of calories a certain physical action burns each hour, and last but not least our own personal daily limit of calories. The only thing that clearly worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a few free trials left, it has been featured in Fox News and CNN. I lost twenty pounds, it clearly does produce success!

play any kind of sport play basket balldo sit ups and jog eat healthy or you could be like me and get a really bad cold and not be able to eat and all cause you are coughing like mad so you replace your fat weith muscle for 3 weeks. that works too

Develop healthy eating habits that you can adapt for the rest of your life.

Does anyone have any good weight loss tips? -

hey!I want to loose about 5 pounds in one month. does anyone have any good ideas?I m not fat but I kinda of gained a little weight because I got a little depressed when my grandpa died. My birthday is in a month and i want to fit into the new clothes i get (or atleast better). any good ideas?thx!

Weight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals------Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--��

Water. The same mechanism that triggers hunger in the brain also triggers thirst. So you may think you re hungry when all you really are is thirsty. Go drink a glass of water. Most people are chronically dehydrated. This can cause many issues one of them being lack of energy. If you don t have any energy you probably won t feel like exercising which is another key component to losing weight. Eat healthy organic foods. Organic foods are proven to have more nutritional value. Your body gets the nutrients it needs with less food.

One of the fastests ways I have found to lose some some weight is Hoodia. Checkout my post below to find out how to get 2 free bottles while supplies last.

Eat fresh food. No canned, processed or fast food.Cut out sodas and sugary snacks.Between meals, nibble on carrot sticks and other fruits/veg.And try to do more cardio workouts like biking, hiking, jogging or jumping rope.

eat more fiber

Dying to know how to lose weight fast with a good diet plan?Now before you decide to join any fast fat loss program, figuring out what is the root of obesity and being overweight is a MUST-know fact.And the straightforward answer? A desk-bound lifestyle. And it��s true that every obese individual is LAZY! That��s been proven time and time again.Better get this fact - half a century ago, we only have our hands��all for manual labor. And that served well in giving us time and work to do that helps in losing body fat and calories. There was no need for a strict exercise regimen.Obesity was almost unheard of back then.HOWEVER, today our lives have never been easier��thanks to all the gadgets that mankind invented.Computers, cars, ovens, etc. - all of these and more have made our lifestyles a LOT easier BUT lazy. That��s the precise root why thousands of kids and adults are being swallowed whole by obesity.So what are we to do with this awareness?Sure enough, we can��t travel through time 50 years back so that we can live the life-style that help our ancestors to have a healthy and slimmer body without worry how to lose weight fast which we are accustomed to.On the contrary, through regular exercise and following a good fat loss diet program, WE CAN!Drop those beverages that are overwhelming in calorie and sugar content.Go for 8 glasses of water instead. Succeeding in doing so will NOT just eradicate the harmful toxins within you body BUT it will also boost and speed-up your metabolic rate in a way that aids greatly in fast weight loss.AND you will also feel like eating less than you normally would.The next step is to go for juicy fruits.Why go for those sort of fruits?2 reasons - first, they��re easier for the digestive system to handle. Second, they��re made of 90% water which means they��re immediately flushed out and will not build up as extra pounds.STOP! Don��t go for fruit juices in tetra packs.No matter how natural and safe they sound, they��re filled with harmful chemicals and substances you want to keep out. PLUS the calories and sugar in it will destroy your lose weight fast efforts.Go for protein and fiber jam-packed meals instead.If you think this will be difficult since you��re not used to the idea of cutting down your food intake, this will make it a lot easier.By settling for fiber-rich and protein-rich foods, you will not be plagued by hunger pangs as they take a longer time to be digested and will fill your stomach faster than simple carbs would.Not to mention their release of calories is pretty slow and it��s almost an assurance that you won��t gain any weight from eating such foods.

wake up every morning and before you do anything (eat after), go for a run. It will be a hassle the first few days but you get in the rhythm of it after a while.Breakfast: Boiled eggs, oats, fruit.Not: cereal, omelet, bacon etc.(breakfast is important)Eat more meals, less food.Cut out carbs: pasta, chips, crackers, bagels, bread)If you need energy, eat *fruits*Cut out fried foodsDinner: Steamed vegetables, salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, fruit salad, boiled chicken, cauliflower, yams, fish etc. More and more researches are concluding that bread isn t very healthy. Full of glucose and carbs, fat and cholesterol. Try to decrease the amount, or cut it out altogether.Drink at least 8 cups of water daily. (You don t need that much, but it helps a lot)Take multivitamins, omega, kelp etc.Cut out caffeine!No fizzy drinks.In between meals, try to eat only fruit.If you have time, hit up the gym 3 times a week. Buy some whey protein to help build some muscle.

I have ben trying to loose some pounds my self i think i have lost 11 pounds in 3 months i just walk everyday eat low fat foods i don t eat ice cream or any fatty foods its hard but im doing it and its working.

You might want to visit this blog. It contain some valuable information regarding your problem that you might be able to take away from

Please visit, about diet healthy weight loss, low carb fat diet, south beach diet? -


Anyone ever tried a body cleanse/detox program? -

An acquaintance keeps telling me I should do a detox/cleanse program before I start a weight loss program... has anyone had experience with one of these cleanses and are they truly helpful if so can someone suggest a good one to try?

NO. Don t do a detox/cleanse before a diet.After it, you will binge and you might not even notice it! You ll lose muscle, which isn t good. Detoxes are good if you are actually trying to DETOXINATE. It s not good for weight loss.

Yes But it works For sure Try just maybe putting a little taste into

Ehhh people will lie what works for some will not work for you. But try it...GNC has a 7-day Total Body Cleansing Program....30day moneyback guarantee lol...Only if its GNC BRANDED I THINK.

OCD - If I control my Diabetes without meds for 3 years, Does that mean I am suffering from OCD? -

My doctor told me that I am suffering from slight anxiety because I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Since OCD was not relative to our conversation, I asked him what does OCD mean. He gave the meaning to OCD as I had already guessed. I asked why would he say I have OCD? He stated that you have controlled your diabetes to a excellent degree for almost 3 years without medication, you would have to be OCD to do so. BACKGROUND HISTORY - My doctors have warned me more than once to get control of my sugar and loss weight, they recommended a weight loss program 3 years ago, I lost 65 pounds and have maintained my weight loss and controlled my sugar. So instead of insulting me with not taking care of myself, I have been giving another medical condition insult, of basically being mentally ill, in the form of OCD. By the way, I am with an HMO.What do you think?

You should realize that you are indeed part of a small minority that manages to lose that much weight and control their diabetes without meds. That takes incredible discipline and very strict and regimented eating, therefore many people would consider you to be wound pretty tight. Are you a happy person? Are you enjoying life and spending time with friends/family? I wonder if he got a very anxious or unfulfilled vibe from you. It s very common to be anxious or depressed with diabetes, because let s face it, our outlook is not very rosy, and the regimen and frustrations with BG s can really get to you. So just be aware of your emotions around this disease and don t be afraid to seek counseling or medication if you need it. Seek a balance in your life so that you are controlling your diabetes without letting it control you.

Just because you are doing what the Dr. told you to do to control your blood sugars does NOT make you OCD. And you don t have to have OCD to be able to do it either. Now that doesn t mean you don t have OCD, I don t know if you do but diagnosing you ONLY on the grounds of your doing what your supposed to do is so not who to diagnose it. keep up the good work on the diabetes front and just let that other stuff roll off your back. If it bothers you a lot then go get a second opinion.

Your doctor is a jerk!!! You should be so proud of yourself as should he for having you as a compliant patient. This just goes to show how little some doctors know about diabetes. Keep up the good work!!!

Healthy weight loss? -

i want to lose weight as i am about 15 stone, 5ft 7 or 8 and a size 16 (UK) So i am going to eat healthy but its so expensive! im 16 years old and live at home and would love to have like smoothies for breakfast etc but i cant afford a machine also i cant afford to keep buying fruit!!! help!

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator�� This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Beginners Guide to Dieting -��

Eating healthy is no more expensive than not eating healthy. However at 16 it is more difficult if you are not making the normal food purchase choices. Don t focus on one thing -- like a smoothie for breakfast, because then when you can t get it, you will have problems. If you are looking for some fruit, you may want to try dried fruits with cereal -- but be careful what kind of cereal. With your weight, you may want to speak to your doctor about a good plan for you, or a school nurse or health teacher can help you with a diet plan that can work based on the foods you have and can purchase. There are a lot of good breakfast cereals that help give you a good start to your day. The most important thing is to make sure you exercise regularly, and don t skip meals thinking it will help. It may reduce calories, but you need to eat to live, and you are more likely to make poor food choices if you don t eat a good healthy breakfast.

its hard to loss weight i know, i have the same problem for years. go to your gp , he his the very best person to help.good diet advice and someone to talk to as well.good luck.

As you feel changing your food is not an option the easiest way to loose weight is to exercise more. Eating = more caloriesexercising = burning caloriesif your exercise = more than you eat = loose weight.

Bloody hell everyones wrote essays! Bottom line is i was pretty much in the same boat but im 18 and weighed 10.9 stones...i now weigh 9.3 and still going...Eat less have 3 meals a day...its not expensive markets and stuff have offers like 10 kiwis for a pound and so on...go look around and dont be em ur healthy...for breakiee have some cereal with low fat milk..lunch have some chicken with a salad and for dinner some pasta...then just do some form of exercise...dancing, swimming, jogging, walking....walk everywhere...atleast half an these for 1 or 2 months...and then start to tone up with sit ups and crunches and all the sure your mum or dad will be supportive in this situation as its for your benefit and will make them happy as patient if you feel like you cant do it anymore just think of how better you could be than everyone else around confident and weigh your self every week to see how much youve lost...good me if you want more helppp can motivate you....mwah xx

There are lots of rapid weight loss methods around, but they can cause more problems than they solve.Generally, the SLOWER you lose the weight the better. The fastest a human body can possibly lose fat (if ALL its fat-cells are releasing fat, under PERFECT nutritional circumstances) is about one pound per week. Anything faster than this will CERTAINLY be water loss or disposal (not burning) of muscle tissue. Neither of these is particularly good for you, and both of them can interfere with fat loss.In reality, perfect circumstances do not happen, and fat-cells release varying amounts of fat. It is much better to set a very low target, perhaps ONE POUND EACH MONTH, so that over a year you are losing nearly a stone, and you will not be severely affected by any loss of muscle or dehydration.A very low rate of loss requires very little adjustment in your diet or (better still) activity pattern. Exercises to do at home are often boring, so you could add a regular dance class (social dancing, say at a nightclub or etc, is often less vigorous than it seems, and you get to eat drink unhealthy stuff while you re out) to your current activities.If it is a style that needs constant practice of techniques (such as Rock Roll), this will give you an opportunity to fit in small (say, ten minutes) sessions several times daily. That way, your ability will improve quickly, and you ll be burning off a bit more fuel while you re having fun, so that it doesn t feel like hard work.

Try, it s a great free website, totally healthy, you can watch how your weight changes while also tracking whether you get all the needed nutrients. And they give you all the guidelines you need about losing weight the healthy way. There s also a support research centre, where you can read millions of great articles about healthy eating or excercising. It will take a little bit of your time, since you ll have to enter foods that you ate over the day (a fast internet connection is a plus in that case). But it is totally worth it!

you may not be able to afford a machine but you will be able to afford a hand-held blender, they start from around ��5 and go upto ��30 depending on the make. They look like a large vibrator but are not (I promise!!) you just chop up the fruit like you would in a blender and out it into a cup or bowl, and wizz up what you want.Try apple, orange and strawberry,or watermelon, grape and a satsuma/clemintine/mandarinor just banana and skimmed milk.Also try any seasonal fruit, you can tell which is which by the prices as seasonal stuff is normally cheaper!!Also try making tomatoe based sauces as oppose to creamy ones by blending baked tomatoes (removing any core) and adding fresh herbs, tabasco or lea and perrins or balsaminc vinegar and lemon juice

find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours - it optimizes your metabolism)5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day8 glasses of waterhave complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energyhave protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner - repairs musclecardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

Nikki, healthy weight loss doesn t need quantity but quality of food. Once you get into a routine of healthy lifestyle it will not be much work. Sometimes it will take time to change over, but if you really want it you will persist and concur . Here is the essence of healthy weight loss. If you eat NUTRITION (no empty calories) the pounds will shed off of you. Questions is how to do that. I have been serching for some system to keep me healthy without too much work and this is what I have found. I am taking routinely a set of integrated supplements. What I mean is I don t have to worry if I ingested all the essencial viatmins minerals and essential fatty acids while I am on the system. This will make sure I have good ellimination which is the 1st requirement to be helathy and certainly to loose weight. If your colone is not functioning well you inevitably going to have problems with your metabolism. Excercise daily, even if it is just a 30 minute walk.Next I am trying to only eat healthy, that is raw organic fruit and vegetables and high quality protein. Never, never never put in your body anything conatining white flour, sugar or other refined products. When you eat qualtiy you need very little as your body is satisfied, it has enough nutrition. There is a doctor who has a booklet with high lifeforce recepies. They are also delicious . Many puddings that will taste better than smoothies with all the artificial sweeteners and colores etc. His name is Dr. Mick Hall (ask for Jenice if you call). He has his office in California in Costa Mesa, his website is You are very young and would have a lifetime of benefit changing over to a routine that your children and grand childrren will benefit from. Not only because they will not inherit demaged genes, but will learn from you how to live a healthy life. I do believe he does have someone in England as well, but I don t know any more than that. Try to contact them (by phone)and find out. And Nikki there are no shortcuts. You will lose weight and be healthier then when you were borne if you change over. Good luck and congratulation for thinking the right way. I wish I would have started that early.Olghi :)

Whos Program is best????? -

Me and My Sis Arguing Off Which is better P90x (Me) or Michael Thurmond weight loss programs

P90x, more exercise

Have you tried Yoga? Check this website if you want to:,