Monday, February 11, 2013

I want to lose weight fast? -

I have to lose about 50 KGs. I don t have time to exercise. I wonder if there is something faster than a diet, can anyone recommend a medicine or a herb that they already used?

Surgery is faster than a diet, but you will eventually put all the flab back on and more because you won t have changed your eating and (lack of) exercise habits. Anything else is a scam and you will waste your money on crooks who tell you what you want to hear rather than what you need to do. If you have time to eat and put on weight, you have time to exercise - everyone does. It s a matter of making eating right and regular exercise a non-negotiable top priority in your life. This is hard love, but unless you change your way of thinking on this issue, you are only going to get bigger and more unhealthy. Please rethink your position on this. Exercise not only burns up fat, it makes you feel great and you will live a lot longer.

1. Its all a question of priorities. We make time for the things that are important to us.2. You didn t gain 50Kg overnight, its not going to go away overnight. Fat is simply stored food/fuel/calories. If it went away quickly and easily, we wouldn t be here, because our ancestors would ve starved between mammoth kills.

Drink WuLong tea/Oolong tea. You can find it in Whittards coffee shop. It s worldwidely known for it s fat burning ingredients (natural).It s tea, so i hope you like it

Make time for exercise