Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to lose weight fast !!!!!? -

just looking for some good tips of how to lose weight fast and some good exercises to get rid of love handles ?????

try the lil Jack workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr��and it only takes a minute and half adn works great

Graze on healthy snacks. Just because you re getting healthy doesn t mean you can t snack. In fact, eating small meals and snacks throughout the day, or grazing, has been shown to aid weight loss, (compared to eating three large meals a day), by keeping metabolism steadier. Pick snacks that are low in calories and fat and high in fiber (dried apricots, nuts, rice cakes, fruits, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and so on). Vegetables are generally very low in calories, very high in fiber, and full of flavor and nutrition. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes, and try to eat vegetables plain, without fatty dressings or dips. Fruit also makes a good snack. Fruit contains more soluble fiber than vegetables, which slows your body s absorption of carbohydrates, thus releasing energy more slowly, (preventing sugar highs), and keeping you feeling full longer. Fruit juices are not a replacement for the real thing. You need that fiber, and juices often have more calories than the equivalent serving of fruit -- as many calories as soda! Be careful with dried fruits, because without the water, you tend to eat more, and fruits, when dried, are calorie-rich per ounce. With any dry or dried food, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Weight loss through eating less fat - but do it wiselyWe ve known for some time that limiting high fat foods in the diet can be helpful with weight loss. That s because fats pack in 9 calories per gram compared to only 4 calories per gram from proteins or carbohydrates. To many, the message to limit fats implied an endorsement to eat unlimited amounts of fat-free products. Just to clarify, fat-free foods have calories too. In some cases fat-free foods have as many calories as their fat laden counterparts. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Eating less fat will help you to lose weight. Eating less fat and replacing it with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not.

Be confident. You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. They may taste good, but there are other foods that taste delicious, too, without being unhealthy. You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target for the week, find out why is it so. Is it because you have missed a jogging session? Or you have been eating junk food for one of the days? After evaluating, look ahead to next week and try your best to stick to your plan.

Exercise is essential for weight lossIt s nothing new, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether you will succeed at long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. In order for exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five 30 minute sessions per week. The good news is that recent research has shown that three 10 minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30 minute session. This helps many in combating the old no time for exercise excuse. Be certain to find something you enjoy. You ll be more apt to stick with it. Try walking with a friend, joining an intramural sports league, participating in outings with a group like The Sierra Club, or trying some classes at your local gym. Once you give exercise a chance, you will begin to enjoy its positive benefits on your psyche as well; you will literally become hooked.

I don t recommend this but you want an answer. Take ephedrine. You can buy it at your local pharmacy from the pharmacist. It reduces your appetite significantly and gives you loads of energy. Never take more than 150mgs a day, and no more than 25 mg at a time. Consult your doctor before starting an over the counter regimen. Also try psylium husk. Two table spoons in a large glass of water two times a day. You ll start to become regular because your flushing out you colon which can have upwards of 15lbs.

hey... janet here.. hopefully my own personally story can be of some guidance/help to you..I m 5 8 and at the time I was about 220 lbs.. and was trying real hard to lose weight for almost 8 months... i just had a baby girl at the time.. and during my pregnancy i gained a tonnnn of weight and much of it stuck with me after she was born, and the hubby began getting on my case and bothering me non stop about my new weight problem... so after a few months of that, it really started getting to me, plus summer was about to get here- and i love the beach! So i decided to try and do something about it... ive since tried almost every diet system out there... the standard eat less-exercise more change lifestyle diet, south beach, atkins, slimfast, weight watchers, etc... I also tried taking many different weight loss supplements.. and overall nothing has really worked well for me.... But i came across this diet program http://www.fatloss.pcti-system.com .. which a couple of my girlfriends put me onto, and it worked amazing for me like nothing else has.Right now I m only 180 lbs.. I m still overweight but I ve already lost 40 pounds and I m well on my way to my goal of 160 lbs.. I hope i was of some help.. I wish you all the best of luck!

This probably isn t a good thing, but just put off your growling stomach, and find something else to do it will subside. Clean house or something to keep your mind off, and then when you get hungry, only eat a small amount, enough to get full and that is it. Just keep doing this it should shrink your stomach a bit, then you won t have to eat so much to get full, so you will be burning more calories than you are eating. I wish you the best of luck!

Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

Just dont fall for any stupid products that try and tell you that working out doesnt have to be a hassle anymore and it can be fun and easy Working out is just as exhausting as it sounds. But thats where it all counts. Just run, or bike alot. drink lots of water, there shold be no need to reduce your calorie intake. if you work out even for just a little while during the day, the amount of calories you burn will surely outnumber the amount you take in. You dont want it to outnumber them too much, that may make you feel week or get you sick. But just some good old fashioned cardiac workouts should do the trick.

Anyone looking for a weight loss pill should really consider the Acai Berry. Many people claim to have lost 40-50 pounds in a couple months while using Acai. 60 Minutes and Oprah have even featured it on their shows. Dr. Oz said it is a Super Food and is full of vitamins and anti-oxidents.

This is where we all make mistakes. We are in such a hurry to lose weight. When losing weight you want it to be permanent, therefore about a pound a week. When we are impatient, it ends up taking us longer in the end. So slow down. Count your calories, monitor what you eat, drink water not pop, and exersice at least an hour a night =]. And give it some time! Good luck!=]

Weight loss support: join a weight management groupA big key in long term weight control comes from receiving encouragement and support from others. You can check to see if groups such as Jenny Craig offer programs and resources in your areas. You may also wish to check with your local hospital to see if their registered dietitian conducts group weight loss programs.

You need to have right information if you want to lose weight. You can tried method that I lost 19 pounds in 40 days. It works just amazing and It will work for you too. You can get more information from link below.

the easiest and fastest way to lose weight is ecstasy.since i started i lost so much weight.it makes you like not hungry for days

theres no such thing as losing weight fast, unless you get lipo, and most of the time its not worth it

luv laxatives

How do I lose weight without gaining any muscle? -

NO COLON CLEANSERS PLEASE! AND NO ACAI BERRY!:) I would like to know how to lose weight mostly on my legs without gaining any muscleThanks in advance for all answers!

Why don t you want to gain muscle? 90% of women think they have a lot of muscle underneath the fat but it s rarely true. Stop worrying about gaining muscle! Even for men, who try REALLY hard to gain muscle, it is tough to do. And as a woman, you don t have the growth hormones that men do so even if you tried to gain muscle, you wouldn t gain much.Secondly, you can t do spot reduction . It s been proven time and time again. You can t just lose fat on your legs. Now, it might be that your genetics force your fat to your legs but don t think about losing fat on my legs think losing overall bodyfat, which happens to be centered around my legs .So the only way to lose fat is to consume fewer calories than you burn. It all starts with your diet. Eat fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. But to lose fat, and not lose muscle, you do need to exercise. Weight lifting actually DOES burn more calories than most other forms of exercise because you burn calories during the exercise itself AND you continue to burn calories for many hours afterward (it s called EPOC). Cardio will help burn calories but to be honest, without all your specifics (age, weight, height, current eating habits, etc.) nobody will be able to truly answer your individual question.But exercise is secondary. Start with your eating habits.

Women really need to stop being afraid of gaining muscle. Gaining muscle doesn t necessarily mean that you will get bigger. Muscle takes up less space than fat does, so if you gain 5 lbs of muscle, but lose 5 lbs of fat, you will weight the same but you will be smaller, leaner, more toned, and fit into smaller clothes, and look much better. If you have a little more muscle it will be much easier to lose fat because you will have a faster metabolism. Also if you train properly, your muscle tissue will become more dense, not larger and plumped out like a body builder. So don t be afraid to lift weights and add some lean muscle tissue. Also you need to eat right, get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, and manage your stress well. If you want exercise or nutrition coaching starting at only $20 per month, check out the online personal training website below.

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.2. Do all the sit-ups you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don t have a lot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hour lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes.3. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks, etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.4. In the evening do another 6 sets of sit-ups maxing out each set. Cardio again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes it��s hard, that��s why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.Source(s):ok i didnt write this but i copied and pasted the words but i just put it in number order and made it easier to read.

It s fairly difficult to do this without going on a harmful diet. And why wouldn t you want to gain muscle? Gaining muscle is healthy, it looks healthy, burns calories and fat faster and more efficiently. The key to getting your body into great condition, with minimal fat. Is eat less, eat healthy and get some exercise. There s no trick, but that s the key.Good luck :)

try the Lil Jack workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr�� you can lose wieght fast

eat less and healthier, diet is key to fat loss.

Ok. I really am not happy with the way My body is. Any tips on how to lose weight? -

I am a 14 year old girl and going into high school. I have lost a bit of weight, but I am still kinda insecure of my weight. I am 145 lbs and 5 6, and I want to lose around 10 - 20 lbs in under 7 weeks. Any advice?

The Matrix has you. The only variable you can really control is exercise. Find a method exercise that you enjoy and do it every day. Build muscle. Eat what you want when you are actually hungry and stop before you are stuffed full. Try to eat a balanced diet, but don t limit yourself with a bunch or rules and diets. Diets don t work and are unhealthy in the long run. Only do things that are healthy and that you can do forever, for the rest of your life, like cutting fast food forever. 95 percent of dieters gain it all back in one year and 99 percent do in two years. Dieting is associated with weight gain over a long period of time. You need at least 1200 to 1600 calories every day just to perform basic bodily functions.If women like you learned to love their bodies, a billion dollar industry that cashes in on insecurities and making people feel like they are not good enough would collapse. Quite frankly, being a little fat isn t as unhealthy as being thin. Anybody who thinks diets or restricting food types is a good idea is uneducated about the human body. Short cuts do not work. Most of the weight you lose is water weight. For health, eat a balanced diet and exercise for the health and endorphins and forget about an ideal shape. The average age a girl starts dieting is 8. 1/3 women are on a diet at any given time. 4/5 US women are unsatisfied with their appearance. Your body has a set point weight that it wants to be. If you starve yourself, the body will fight back by lowering the metabolism to maintain it s ideal weight. Limit your tv viewing. 1/4 TV commercials send out a message about attractiveness in this brainwashed society that has been seeing images of beautiful skinny women and mocking chubby people. It s worse for women: look at the number of average or uglier guys on tv and in movies versus the number of women. 30 percent of women in a study rated their ideal shape and it turned out to be 20 percent underweight. Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz meet the clinical requirements for anorexia, and so do 25% of playboy centerfolds. If the flippin mannequins became real women, they wouln t be able to menstruate. Women finally get some rights, but we limit ourselves like this and our bodies are reduced to objects we inspect and criticise. Men decide to only value women for their looks and a thin, attractive wife symbolizes social status for them. Girls call each other fat as the greatest insult they can muster. When did fat become worse than cruel, stupid, dishonest, lazy or cowardly. When did chubby start to mean the last four of those things? We are killing our daughters and wasting our lives trying to meet an ideal that blows. I wish women would get together and fight it instead of letting others control us like this. Unless you are considered obese, or have a BMI of over 25, don t worry about it. Love your body and your confidence will light up the room and give other women permission to love themselves too. Who cares? It s just the current society s little trend. And you know what? Even if you lose that weight, you ll never be good enough . Trust me, get your mind off of this. In 50 years, who knows what we ll think is beautiful?

drink waterget involved with something else at binge time

Get outside, move around a lot, and find ways to do things differently like if you have stairs use them more often than you do now and stuff like that. Eat foods like almonds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, apples, blue berries, cherries, grapefruits, oranges, pomegranates, arugula, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, leeks, onions, romaine lettuce, shiitake mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, egg whites and yogurt cause all those are super foods that fight fat. get a lot of exercise and drink lots of water.

THe old fashioned way. Diet and exercise. Eat a salad daily with chicken and exercise daily for at least an hour. But don t worry you are fine the way you are right now. Don t focus on losing so much weight; focus on how hot you look right now.

Why under 7 weeks? The most appropriate methods of acquiring a healthy weight often take some time, patience, and commitment. It usually means doing a lot of physical exercise and participating in sports. For example, running, jogging, swimming, volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, etc. It also means eating well - eating healthy foods instead of junk foods, and sleeping well.

Hi, I lost 30 lbs in 35 days!I followed the guide of 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips .I highly recommend you to read that article.It really works.Check out here to read 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips :http://fitnessreport.info/20_easy_tips_t��

What is an easy way to lose weight? -

I need to lose weight to fit into my dress, i was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to lose weight quickly?

Read this excellent article by Bethany Roberts called Top Ten Tips for Weight Losshttp://www.nhomag.com/00_v2_n1_4.asp

Nowadays you see all those weightloss programs like Weightwatchers coming out and saying that you can eat pizza hamburgers lasagna etc on the diets and still lose weight. And that is completely true. What you eat matters, but how much you eat is even more important. You first need to find your basal metabolic rate.This is the number of calories your body uses per day to perform its basic, everyday, life sustaining functions such as maintaining liver and kidney function, keeping the heart beating, breathing, etc. Thats what you need to just stay alive. For me that s about 2000. I absolutely need that or I will feel weak and tired and eventually go into starvation mode b4 dying. Then if I m Sedentary all day, like a desk job,go home ,sleep, I ll multiply my bmr times 1.2 (2000 * 1.2) If I m lightly active (light exercise after work 1-3 times a week), then I multiply by 1.3. My number is about 1.3. So the amount of calories I need a day just to stay the same weight is 2600.(2000* 1.3). There s 3500 calories in one pound of fat. There s 7 days in a week. So to lose one pound of fat in a week, you need to create a deficit of 500 calories a day in your body. So if I eat 2100 calories a day, for one week, I will lose one pound of fat. http://www.freedomfly.net/Articles/Nutri�� http://walking.about.com/cs/calories/l/b�� I ve always been a why guy. I need to have a scientific explanation of why something works. And when I began to have weight problems I decided to check out the Internet. OMG. There are literally millions of different ways, means, websites, exercises, pills, teas, books, meditations, Techniques. I even saw a weightloss bubblegum. There s is one commonality in all of them though. And that is the caloric deficit, bmr, and exercise theory. And websites like calorieking.com make it easy. You can find how many calories is in a slice of pizza from pizza hut, dominoes, in a cut of bacon, a happy meal, anything! And I lost weight the healthy way. There was a guy on National Geographic who ate less than he needs, did martial arts training 3-4 hours a day and was still 400 pounds overweight. They couldn t explain it. But they did find out that his brain had an imprinted mechanism that kept his weight at a preset level; like a thermometer on a thermostat. Genetic coding causes that. Who knows, he could ve had Eskimos in his ancestry line. They do need the extra fat. And that code, which was dormant in the parent, could have been activated in him. To me,there are people who are walking up on stairs. If they step up, they ll go up, step down, they ll go down, stand still they won t go anywhere. There are those on an up escalator. They don t even need to try and they go up. But it is a heck of a lot more difficult to go down. And there are those on the down escalator trying to go up. They need to keep moving just to stay in the same place. And they need some real, consistent, gut wrenching effort, just to move up two steps. But you know what, they all reach the top (eventually). Once there, and you step off that escalator, all the odds are now the same. Who would you say is in the best shape? Good luck!

Hi There,You might want to try Colon Cleansing or Acai Berry. Those are proven ways to lost weight fast and easy. I don t know how much time you have or how many inches you need to lose, but combine these methods or use one, drink a lot of fluids, do some exercise and stay away from stressful events, so keep a good peace of mind, positive outlook and thinking. I m sure you can reach you goal.

Get into running- theres so many benefits. Start at short distances and build your way up to longer distances. It burns a lot of fat and highers your metabolism which helps control your weight too. Trust me on this i run a lot and i can eat a lot and not gain a pound.Also, drink a lot of water and eat more foods with fiber like apples and salad.

First - Stop eating chocolate and cakes.Second (and more seriously) - Do cardio workout, Swimming, Biking, Skipping etc.I d recommend skipping or swimming, these will burn off fat more than any other ideas. Biking will most likely build up your leg muscles at the same time - making it appear your not losing weight (fat)

It depends on your metabolism and how determined you are to lose weight, and how much you want to lose, how much weight are you wanting to lose and in what time? will be able to help you more with these details

Maybe you can try diet pills.I m using one and it helps me very much. Some people say that diet pills are dangerous but this one is not because it s made of natural ingredient. Just try it i recommend

I found some great ways to lose weight fast. You can find them on my blog: http://www.rorysblogspot.blogspot.com

How to lose weight FAST?!? -

i need to make my little tummy diasppear by tomorrow for a modelling shoot. i have to. i plan to drink a ton or water and fast all night and all day. will this help any... should i keep on drinking or should i not drink or eat anything.. thanks!!

That isn t healthy at all but depending on the shoot you could wear a girdle or just try sucking your stomach in.

I am going to eat some pizza now and some cookies. Please don t starve yourself.

Well, that is one way to loose muscle mass...Fasting causes your body to metabolise muscle tissue instead of fat. East some high-protien food with low carbs and no fat.Eat a bunch of celery sticks (plain). Each celery stick has a net negative calorie count. However, don t over do it. Celery does have a toxic element, although I can not remember what particular one it is.While you are doing this, do lots of exercise...walk, jog, cycle, swim, etc.

stop drinking for now.and do crunches[20-30 at LEAST] 1/2 hour before you go to tighten your tummy.but please, make this a one time thing!!oo and also stand up straight!

How to lose weight in legs and hips? -

run and do lots of cardio. If you do squats or only leg exercises, they will just get bigger and more muscular (which is what happened to me). You might want to try Pilates, it really does work and gives you some tone which is nice!

Don t fall into the TV-infomercial-hype of spot reduction. There is no such animal. When you lose weight, you lose it all over your body... period.So, unfortunately, there is no easy answer. But, the answer IS simple.Eat less. Move more.Keep at it! And keep smiling!

Try the lil jack workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr��Merry Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQkyA_xDb��

try an elliptical

Does anyone kno how to lose weight fast or inches off the waist and hips? -

ok im a male with a pear shape body my chest is at an ok size but my hips waist and thighs stick out to the sides alot and makes me look way bigger than is i had a body going straight down. can anyone help me on how to reduce the size of that area fast? thanks

It s not going to happen overnight . . . exercise is your friend for shaping your body. Get out and run or walk fast for a half hour each morning, swim, cycle, do swats to tone your muscles, cut out fatty foods.

You can not lose weight in one area of your body. That is called spot training. To get rid of your pear shape you are going to have to lose weight all over. After you lose all the weight you want. You can regain the weight in muscle in the area you want to. Also, please read my blog post about fast weight loss. Remember, good things come to those who wait.

You can try wrapping Saran wrap around your body when you run. It will cost you to sweat more around your waist area and it will slim it down significantly.

Don t bother with Saran wrap.Try the new FDA approved diet pill ALLI with DIET AND EXERCISE!!!!This pill is suppost to help you lose body fat up to 50% faster. Check it out.

How to lose weight fast? -

whats an easy way to lose weight with out starving and exercising alot because i dont have time to do that. i play softball everyday and i just dont seem to lose the weight? what are some simple ways? help?

First, you can t lose weight fast...and when you do, it s not healthy and you gain it back equally fast. So do NOT attempt to lose fast.Starving to lose weight is a myth. NEVER starve yourself. To lose weight effectively, eat a balanced diet. Cut down [but do not totally eliminate] on your fat, sugar and carbohydrate components in your diet. Continue playing softball. Play something else too, if you can.Be patient. For more on why losing weight fast is unhealthy, read this article titled Want to lose weight? Patience is the key : http://completewellbeing.com/article/wai��Cheers!

are you serious ?would u like to try it if i show you the simple way and healthy way to lose weight and at the same time it could increase ur energy ? ASK ME NOW !!

try the Lil Jack exercise program http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr��

Hey, this site might help: http://www.freewebs.com/fatloss00 hope it does!!