Saturday, December 14, 2019

I want to join some kind of weight loss program but cant afford one? -

Losing weight should save you money not cost you money ! all ya really need is to closely follow a few tips; 1, never eat unless your actually hungry! 2, only eat till no longer hungry, never till you are full! 3, only eat healthy foods like fruits, veggies and low fat meats, you need some carbs ie; Bread, Pasta, potatoes or rice, but keep them to a minimum (small portions and no more than one per meal)! 4, add to this some exercise and you Will lose weight, perhaps slowly but you will find that doing this is much easier than you would think

Here is a place that reviews lots of weight loss programs, dieting aides, supplements and so on. Even has categories like diabetes, low fat and hypnosis. Pretty cool site.�� Many of the programs listed have consumer reviews, so you can read what others think of it.Hope this helps!

there are plenty of websites on this subject. go to i was recently referred to this group and it has some very good tips and guidlines.

I recommend www.sparkpeople.comalso I do health plans and workout routines one on one with people if you want to email me.But sparknotes allows you to document your progress online.Any way those are my recommendations.��

If you can afford a few dollars for an ebook, try The Logic Diet.It s all you ll need!

What the best weight loss program to use? -

I am 19 yrs old and im around 400lbs, i need to lose weight before i end up killing myself or having major health issues, whats the best way to lose weight fast and most effectively without having surgery?

Diet and Exercise, you ll hear it a thousand times but that is it. Reduce your meal size, eat 6 small meals equally spaced through out the day. At least 20 minutes a day exercise, 4 to 6 days a week.If you end up going the diet pill route, go natural.Natural weight loss supplements can be a benefit to a good diet and exercise program. There are two all natural supplements that are safe and have no side effects. They are Cha de Bugre and Hoodia Gordonii. Cha de Bugre, is a new weight loss supplement that is growing in popularity and is similar to Ma Huang (Ephedrine) without any of the bad effects. Cha de Bugre is from Brazil and has been used there safely for centuries. Cha de Bugre provides energy, fat burning and appetite suppression that benefit weight loss. Cha de Bugre also has additional uses that are known in Brazil that include being used as a mild diuretic, a cellulite reducer, aides in reducing herpes simplex outbreaks and a heart tonic. You can find more about it at http://hoodiagordonii.totalink. com/cha_de_bugre.htmlHoodia Gordonii is a natural appetite suppressant derived from a South African cactus that the bushmen have eaten there for thousands of years. You need to make sure you get a strong pure hoodia that is certified to be genuine. Check out Totalink s unbiased Hoodia comparison at http://hoodiagordonii.totalink. com/hoodia_comparison.html in the Confidence column it will indicate if the brand is Certified . These Hoodia brands have the credentials to back up their product. Also in that column it will indicate if the brand is Returnable . These Hoodia brands allow you to return opened bottles and get your money back. I think this indicates that a company has confidence in their product that it works.Keep in mind that Hoodia Gordonii alone provides appetite suppression but not fat burning. Cha de Bugre is a fat burner but not as good as hoodia with appetite suppression. There are also brands that mix Cha de Bugre with Hoodia Gordonii and other weight loss herbs like Green Tea that can increase both fat burning and appetite suppression. I have written a lot of articles on Hoodia. Just search Yahoo or Google under my name ��Andrew Aitaken�� to find them.Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement.

quick runthrough:1 lb of fat=3500 caloriesfemale body burns 11x body weight in calories a day through basic metabolic functions.You need to be in the red, so to say, 3500 calories to lose 1 lb of fat. I would say immediately cut back your caloric intake to 2000 calories a day. The weight will drop in no time. Also, exercise.

Stymie makes some good points. It really is a simple equation. Calories taken in - Calories used = Calories converted to or from fat. All these snake oil salesmen trying to peddle their books and pills want you to think otherwise but it really is a simple formula. I would definitely say that you should think about joining some sort of group made up of other people who need to lose weight. Going it alone usually leads to failure in this sort of endeavor.

Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little help so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.

First thing is to speak to your doctor before starting any diet and/or exercise program.You may be a candidate for medication to help with metabolism.The doctor should also look at any medication you are taking if you are on any as some meds will cause you to gain weight.You should see a dietitian who can help you learn what foods to eat and what ones to avoid.I was put on a low fat diet but had to learn how to read labels on food to avoid trans fats etc.Weight Watchers is a good program as you eat your own food and learn portion control.Exercise in addition to reducing calorie intake is important.You may have to start out slowly and gradually increase the amount of exercise you do.Walking,swimming,exercise bike etc are all good.Maybe consider joining a gym if you can afford it.Drink lot s of water and get rid of all foods in your house that are high fat,sugar or calories and stock your home with nutrious foods so when you feel hungry you have something to snack on that isn t going to sabotage your diet.Good s hard work but congrats on realizing you need to get healthy.

i would talk to your doctor.. go to tells you how much of what you should eat

Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I m also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!

get help from a proffesional, I did and it was the best thing I ever did. if losing some pounds of any description and inches is what you want then I would suggest you use a diet that is all natural and is rich in protein and vitamins, which is what the FDA recommends. I used a protein based diet after a friend who had lost a lot of weight with this recommended it to me. All the way through you feel great and energized, you also get great coaching and support along the way. The people are very friendly and gave me lots of great advice. I needed to lose 40 pounds and I did so with no problems. The products really work and you feel great whilst losing weight. I lost all my weight in less than four months and they have helped me to keep it off. I would definitely recommend using them. My sister did this also and lost 76 pounds in five months (She works out, I don��t). There is no pressure and they will even send you a load of free samples so you can try before you buy. The samples were the thing that initially convinced me that this was the right diet for me. You also a get a free complete health consultation with the samples, I just paid the postage and handling, but for what I got it was well worth it. You just go to to register your details to get the free samples and the free advice etc and then they just call you up and ask you a few questions. It was so easy. Their main site is and you can see all the products and packages and order from their. Its nice to have contact with real people who care about you losing weight and improving your health. I am in better health now than I have ever been thanks to these products and I know that I will continue to keep the weight off with the help I have received. I hope this helps.

I used to weigh 265 lbs., and dropped down to 150 but just changing my diet. Therefore, I wouldn t exactly suggest a program , but more of a diet change. I would suggest cutting out almost all fat, and consuming lean proteins and low glycemic carbs. You should probably keep your carbohydrate consumption somewhat low as well, but not completely cut them out as you will need them for energy to get through the day. I would however suggest consuming no carbs after 6 P.M. Low glycemic carbs are those which are more from whole grain type products and fiber. Try to cut out as much sugar as possible. It s extremely bland, but I would suggest a diet consisting mainly of egg whites, chicken, tuna, and whole grain carbohydrates. When I decided it was time to lose weight and get in shape, I just followed this diet and completely stopped eating out. I lost 50 pounds in the first month just from cutting garbage out. The most important thing of all is will power. Good luck!

First talk to your doctor. Then try Weight Watchers. It is the best way to re-learn how to eat right. Walk a bit every day also, it may be hard at first, but stick with it! Good luck!

How do i lose weight quickly? -

im 15 weight 165.i want to lose 25 pounds quickly. i lost it before but it took there a way i can do it fast. what if i ate salad everyday, worked out on an excersise bike for 20 minutes,a stepper for 20 minutes,and did 200 crunches on my ab lounge. how long would it take to lose the weightim a guy

Lose about 10 pounds. 15, 140lbs too skinny. If you eat less, you ll burn muscle and store fat, so eat a lot. 6 meals everyday 2-3 hours apart drink water instead of soda/beer/juices.Start lifting weights at your gym and do cardio, 3 days each, then take a day off. Ask a trainer or go to to get some good exercises.You need to lift to build muscle even if you don t want to become a bodybuilder.Find out how many calories you burn daily and eat 200-500 less than to safely burn fat while preserving muscle. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week, any more and you ll get saggy skin/put it back on.

The bad take it off right and keep it off, it s going to take 3-6 months. You need to loose 1-2 lbs/week, faster than that and you re setting yourself up to gain it all back.Eating salad every day is a good idea. I hope you re eating something else, too! Avoiding fatty snacks will probably do more for your diet than trying to live like a monk on some extreme diet. It s easier to stick to that, too.The bike and stepper for 40 minutes is good, but only do the crunches if you like doing them. They ll do more to strengthen your abs than they will to help you lose any weight. If you re just after weight loss, find some other cardio activity to do for another 20 minutes/day (or just work out on the bike or stepper longer). But working out for more than about an hour a day is probably overkill.If you re dropping 1-2 lbs a week, you re doing fine. If you re losing faster than that, give yourself a treat every now and something that s off your diet that you enjoy, skip a workout to do something fun, whatever. Just don t stop your program completely!Good luck.

I once lost 30 pounds in one summer while eating a great deal of unhealthy and fattening food but spending almost every day playing several hours of In The Groove, which is an arcade dancing game like Dance Dance Revolution.Your mileage may vary due to metabolism, but I doubt it would take more than two or three months to lose at least 20 pounds if you actually did all the stuff you mentioned (which you probably won t).

My doctor tells me that you can eat as much lean protein (i.e chicken, fish) as you want and salads and fruits and veg, and you will not gain weight at all. And I questioned him saying what if I ate a whole chicken, and he said as long as it was the breast part, u could eat as much of it as u want and you will not gain weight. So I am trying my hardest to stick to a only protein and fruit/vegetable diet. But its really hard cus I love my bread carbs. If you can though, jog or run for 20 minutes because that realy gets your *** in motion. I have lost weight in the past 2 weeks doing this. Its kills at first but u get used to it. I started with 200 sit ups on my ab lounge too, but now im doing 300 after my cardio, but yeah, ur workout sounds good.

You will get temporary benefits from this routine. You should not eat just salad and do onlu cardio and crunches. The results will be slow and temporary. - Consider strength circuit training- Eat sufficient proteins- Lower your carbs- Do HIIT cardio- Drink lots of water.For A LOT more details, visit my blog.

go on the protien diet i done it for 2 weeks lost 12 kilos just have lots of protien no carbohydrates no sugar just protein and salads its one of the best diets i done i was 80 kilo now 70 im 15 years old

For a start...eating just salad wont get you anywhere. You need carbs and fats to be able to function properly.