Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I wanna lose weight fast, did I eat too much or too unhealthy today? -

Today I ate a pretty small (cause it was disgusting) portion of wok vegetables with small salmon pieces in it and then later I ate some grapes and that s all I ve eaten today, is that too much or too little or too unhealthy?? I really wanna lose weight fast, I m not overweight but I hate my thighs!! And I ve been out walking for like an hour, and I ve done like 150 squats and dancing for like 40 minutes...

These answers asking you to try stuff. . . don t listen to them.You need to eat a balanced diet and figure out how many calories you need in a day and count them. Do portion control and all that.You didn t eat enough. Bottom line, when you don t eat enough your body starts to turn everything it can get into fat because it thinks you re starving.Eat lots of fiber and whole grains and cut out (ALL) trans fats and most saturated fats. Make sure you get enough vegetables and protein. Also, it may help to take a multivitamin if you re not sure about what vitamins and minerals you need.

it s tough to say how many calories you ate without a more detailed description, but if I had to guess, you ate around 200-500 calories. Without knowing anything about you, you should probably be eating 1200-1800 calories a day. Try not to focus on losing weight fast, but simply losing weight period. Squats are great to build up leg muscle, which will make your thighs more attractive whether or not you lose weight. Dancing is great for burning calories and walking works too, but is not as efficient. I suggest you start running or jogging a few times a week to burn off more calories and not too obsess over food, but just don t overeat or eat late at night. Vegetables, a little fruit and some lean protein, like salmon are all great things to eat.

most healthiest way to lose weight is to eat about 6-8 times a day ( small portions though, about the size your fist for every meal.) this way your body thinks that it is going to still be fed, so your body automatically increases its metabolism. if you eat small portions 1-2 twice a day, your body thinks that it is not going to have enough nutrients so it will store all of your food as fat deposits... also, drink a lot of cold water, whenever you consume cold water, your body will try to heat it up and your metabolism will rise.

It s best if you eat 3 unhealthy large meals a day and if you want snacks do that 3 times a day as well, healthy though. That way, you wont gain the weight back when you start eating regularly. And fast weight loss isn t healthy , long lasting, weight loss. So do it the healthy way and exercise 3-5 times a week,, and you ll be on your way to slimmer thighs and a healthier life , and the weight will stay off longer.

well if ur not overweight its gonna be harder for u to lose weight. If u just wanna lose a little and tone ur thighs than stop stressing and eat! Eat 3 meals a day and a snack here or there, like fruit or something. Drink alot of water and dont eat sugary foods or junk food. But brosk walking, and the squats that u have already been doing are the best way to lose in ur legs. Starving urself and the squats alone wont do it. eat, do the cardio (walking 30 min a aday) and keep up the squats and it will come off easy.

You need to slow your roll. You dont wanna lose the weight to fast be left really ugly stretch marks. For every meal you eat in a day make sure it s healthy for you. Insted of drinking tea or coke drink water with your meals. I find walkin is the best way to lose it. I walk 3 times a day 7 days a week 30 min a day already I ve lost 20lbs it s only been 3 months. Walkin burns more calories than anyother exercise out there. Trust me it will work.

Travis Banned 4 is soooo coool!Hey check it out...every time I put one of these answers on Yahoo! Answers. I get a rise out of all these wrestling fans. I m so cool!I hope they don t realize that I am just a twenty-something nerd with no job. And, I have all this time to put questions like this one on the web because the girls don t call and my hemorrhoids keep me from going outside. But, remember I M COOL! I M COOL!I m the cool one here because that s what my Mom told me when I was younger.

are you kidding me?!you ll probably lose weight to begin with, but your body will go into survival mode if it is being put through starvation like this - which means it will hold on to whatever it can and you wont lose as much

that is really good! if you want to lose fast work out a ton and eat tiny portions like every 2 or 3 hours. you will be dropping pounds in no time!

poor diet. that is why people dont stick long enough to their diets. this is what i do to lose weight. drink plenty of water, not lots of water, just plenty no sugary drinks except coffee, need that, you can eat normally just dont over do it scale down your plates to half of the norm, just dont eat out that restaurant food is just horrible. cooked food at home is alot better just dont eat to much fried food often or have to much bread or flour tortillas. dont eat like there is no tomorrow. take your precious time when sitting down to eat and thank the lord. feel like eating sweets have fruit as much as you like their healthy or dried raisins. for activity i jog 2 to 3 miles during the week lots of stretching.you should start out slowly by walking first then start jogging when you feel you are ready or your body is conditioned enough. challenge yourself . jogging does it for me ive tried workouts but i really dont stick to them i lose interest and feel they dont give me dramatic results. but if they work for you give it a go . pilates i recommend. if you want to eat out leave it for the weekend i recommend you have as much salad as you like before the main meal so you wont feel guilty afterwards. dont deprive yourself either if you feel like having something have it just a couple bites. it is all about discipline. that is the keyword remind yourself everytime. try meditating or praying or even a hobby to try and practice on discipline and focus on better choices for yourself not only will they apply for your diet but for your other life choices. wish you all the luck. if you fell it is ok every day is a new start. peace be with you. oh try not to eat late at night. on any night.

fat chicks are gross