Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Im 17 (gir) ...53...and weigh about 180 lbs...what are some healthy weight loss tips for me? -

1. Eat smaller meals more frequently (5-6 day)2. Cut out all processed foods, fast foods, sugars3. Exercise-a combination of cardio and weightlifting (don t worry weighlifting won t turn you into an Arnold unless you start doing steroids and eating like a madwoman)

If I were you I would only want to lose 15 pound at the most. I think that is a healthy weight. I have a sister that is 14 and she weighs 120 and that is perfect her doc said. so add on 3 more years and 20 pounds for each. If you think you look fat, go to your doc and he will tell you what to do. Maybe if ppl could see a pic, thay would give you more info.

Eat less than 1000 calories per day..

Push your self AWAY FROM THE TABLE !!!!

The never ending myth of weight is sugar. Pay more attention to FAT!!! If you want to lose weight you must not have:1.- Mayo2.- Fried stuff (Chips, french fries, etc)3.- Dairy (please don t ask about light stuff)4.- Ice creamHaving no dinner or a light fruit dinner will help in a matter of a week. Remember that a meal you do not burn you better don t have it!!! Unfortunately current lifestyles put people behind a PC for at least 8 hours, so if it s your case avoid fat as much as you can and well if you can help also with soda much better.

hi. some tips to shed weight (some might be hard tho..) Godbless!avoid fast food joints (these places make it seem we eat only a small meal but truthfully, meals are packed with calories!) avoid midnight / unnecessary snacks! chose light over whole ( non fat milk for full cream, even better is soy. coke light instead of regular coke, hope you get my drift). eat slowly, it will make u feel full. dont skip a meal, it will just make u binge on your next meal. Eat veggies and fruits (not only are they healthy, they help remove dirt from the body) exercise 3 times a week for an hour, focus on cardio workouts. :D

Cut out all the fatty, processed, ready made bad food. Add lots of steamed veges, white meat and fish, plenty of fruit. (Fruit in the am though). Dont even after 7pm. And EXERCISE Cardio and weightlifting. Join your local gym, take advantage of the free training sessions. And dont think that everyone in the gym are slim, they are not. Good for you for taking charge and trying to do something about your weight. GOOD LUCK and PERSEVERE! Your Health is worth the hard work.

I think you should talk to your parents or caregivers about letting you go to Weight Watchers . They charge a fee, but you eat healthy. You also get to meet people that are fighting the same battle. I think you would enjoy it. Hey, best wishes to you. Here is a link to the site. www.weightwatchers.comReally, eating from all the food groups is important, if you cannot go to Weight Watchers . Watch your proportions of what you eat, broil meat whenever you can, fish and chicken are great on a diet, steam your veggies, drink lots of water, and walk. Walking is great for weight loss.

How much exercise should I be doing per day? -

I have been doing a weight loss program for about 5/6 weeks now. I have lost 8 kilograms in total (about 16 pounds). How much is the ideal amount of exercise I should be doing each day? I have a stationary bike. Half an hour? An Hour? Two hours? Six hours?!

Congratulations on your weight loss =) Ideally, an hour of exercise a day is good.

Experts recommend that you accumulate one hour of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve our health. Obviously this is also good if you are trying to lose weight and keeping it off.The rule is the more intensive the activity is, the shorter the duration of exercise. As you progress into activity with moderate intensity, you can cut down to 30 minutes a day for four days per week.There are 3 types of exercise that your body needs to keep healthy - cardiovascular, flexibility and strength. Cardiovascular activities are those ranging from moderate to vigorous exercises.Here are some of the light, moderate and vigorous activities:http://rapidweightloss.nmaskuri.com/2008��

The first thing you must understand about exercise is that just because you are burning calories does not mean you are burning fat. Your main focus when you exercise should be losing body fat, and you can��t lose body fat just from burning calories.Do exercise regularly.

As far as cardio, it s good to get to your target heart rate and keep it there for 30 minutes. Here s a page that will give you a good idea of what yours should be:http://www.ahealthyme.com/topic/targethe��I do that for 3 days a week (30 min = a tad over 4 miles on a treadmill at my pace), and then go much further on the weekends (my long on-road runs). I try to do about 45 min to 1 hr of weights two or three times a week, on the days that I don t run.

half an hour of cycling on you bike is a good warm up. followed by some sit-ups for 15 minutes. 10-15 minutes of stretching. This should give you sufficient exercise.

Depends.Half hour of cardiovascular exercises OR1-2 hours of light exercises ORjust walk around the blocks after each meal

I do 30 minutes of cardio three times a week, and 20 minutes on sunday kind of like my day off. And three days strength training about 30 minutes.

half an hour, it gets your heart beading faster which is good for you. to be health you should only lose 2lbs per week, if your not losing 2lbs per week increase your workout time.

30 min cardio. and about 10-15 min of sit ups or something

What is a healthy weight loss in 30 days? plz read!!? -

Tomorrow I m starting Curves!!! It s a special cause they re doing a study on women and weight loss..but I have to work out at least 3 time s a week in 30 days(I migh tworkout everyday for 30 mins.) What should I expect in 30 days??

At first you may see a big number, that is due to water weight. After that you should see 2-3 pounds a week. So I am going to say you should drop anywhere from 8-12 pounds. ( The heavier you are the more you ll lose) That is losing weight healthy. If you lose anymore there is a good chance you will put it back on. Workout 3 times a week, change your eating habits. DON T DIET! Just cut out the junk, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies. In no time you ll drop weight and start to feel better about yourself. After when you are maintaining I would give myself one cheat day. That way you can eat what you want without ruining all your hard work and effort. Good Luck

Amazing! But True!! 6 glasses of water (1.5 litres). Without spending on medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, Doctor fees, etc., just by drinking pure water. You can never believe before practising.don t go for medicines or any other side effect piles etc. do the natural technique to loss weight like water therapy.here is the link for the information on easy weight losing natural methods.http://www.naturalwayofcure.info

What are some weight loss tips for a ten year old? -

what are some weight loss tips for a girl that is 10 years old and her weight is 125.5 because that is my sis

Your sister s only 10!!!! She shouldn t even be thinking of weight loss, she s a kid!!

Don t think about it in terms in weight loss. 10 is too young to be worried about that, plus she s getting ready to start puberty soon, which means that she ll be growing and possibly just growing into her weight. If she s gotten overweight by living an unhealthy lifestyle, then it certainly won t hurt to think about ways to improve her health.Just like adults, she should be eating a lot of fruit, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. She can eat a little junk once in a while, but the majority of her diet should be healthy. She should drink mostly water or juice.She should be exercising most days, but it should always be with something fun. You should never force her to work out. She should be playing outside with you, her friends, neighbors, etc. It would be good to get her into some structured sport, but it should always be her choice. If she s forced to do it, it s going to put too much emphasis on her weight and she won t want to keep it up.

First off, remember support and encouragement are very important. And if you really want her to loose weight quickly don t be pushy, because that can get annoying sometimes. Anyways, try going for walks with her.Maybe she should get involved in some school club, to get her mind off of whatever she usually does that might be too much watching tv, over-eating,or on the computer.And go to bed early or around 9 for her.Let it be a regular basis that she has a bedtime, and a good diet that include whole grains, natural foods, non-sugary cereal, and no artificial, preservative type of food.I hope I helped!:)

It s really sweet that you re concerned with your sister s health and weight problem. It is best to solve this issue now while she is young rather than having her battle this all of her life. You should take this opportunity to get into an exercise routine with her. Go for a walk with her every day or maybe a run! Perhaps you two could take a dance class or something. Encourage her to be active! Get her into sports if she s interested at all.

go outside with each other and play. it is good of you thinking of your sisters health but don t be mean to her because of it. try getting her to play games with you like capture the flag or Frisbee golf or something. good luck

10 year old girls should not be losing weight but the key to losing weight with anyone is taking in about 500 less calories than recommended and exercising as hard as you can

DO NOT make her diet... she should play outside, ride bikes and her parents should give her fruit and veggies instead of fatty snacks....

make her eat veg.and start doing some excersice..

eat balanced meals with no junk food ( NO DIETING NO NO NO ) join a sport club ! and have fun !

What are some weight loss products people have used and seen results? -

I m trying to lose weight but have found myself stuck in a rut, is there anything that can help me get a jump start?

Look it s not easy. I lost 50 lbs and have been able to keep it off. I did it without wt. loss products. I followed this one simple rule, Burn more than You eat! It s that simple. Workout and workout hard. I lost my first 10 by just not drinking anything other than water and tea (this doesnt mean I didnt eat I just cut out soda s even diet sodas and juices). Starting a workout plan sucks but about two weeks into it (if you really give it your all) you start seeing results and that keeps you motivated enough. Earlier in my life I had tried all the wt. loss products which im not saying they didn t work, but they also had ephedra in them. Once I stopped taking them I gained all that wt. back plus 20lbs. So good luck and hope this helped

If you interesting:That s the equivalent of 22 fully-grown elephants, 166,885 bags of sugar or 55,615 heavy house bricks.And that s just the tip of the iceberg! Another 47,000 people are also shedding thousands of pounds in their bid to beat the battle of the bulge.The ever-popular weight loss regime will celebrate 30 years on the go in Ireland next year and the Irish franchise is now THE most successful in the world.At present there are 55,000 members on both sides of the border with 7, 945 people having reached their perfect weight and become Gold members.http://www.medicine-infonet.com/articles��

It s more important to understand there are no easy answers. Rather than wanting products eat better foods in smaller portions. Drink more water. Exercise and understand that the most you can lose and keep off in the long run is one to two pounds a week.

I ve had some success with a new patent-pending weight loss system. Get back to me with some specifics about your weight loss goals.

Trouble dropping weight with exercise and diet.? -

Figured I would bring a question that my wife was seeking some input on.We are both active people, sometimes when things get busy or whatever, we don t exercise as much or eat out more often, this usually adds a few pounds on us. I m not talking much weight we are both average to athletic builds. Just start to get a little thicker.Anyway we both put on about 10 extra pounds throughout the year, nothing that we haven t done or lost before. Actually I know a fair amount about weight loss as I lost 30lbs about 5 years back. My wife has been Biking probably 20 km or more religiously a day. Eats perfectly, right amount of calories to target healthy weight loss, and eats a proper balance of food at proper intervals throughout the day, drinks plenty of water and takes vitamins. She has been doing this consistently since September, with no weight loss, some body improvement, but I do not think it s do to creating muscle mass. This week she has started to gain weight?Anybody have any ideas what might be causing this?

The problem is that you have been listening to the wrong people for advice on how to manage your weight. Calorie intake is what drives the adipose tissue (fat tissue) to produce a hormone called Leptin or not. This hormone is released when the body senses it is in a starvaton mode. Grains, even whole wheat, etc., greatly affects this leptin release. When you eat carbs, you get quick, fleeting energy from them, even the high density ones. This type of calories causes leptin to be released because your body feels like it is in a starvation mode. Fat is where the body gets sustained energy, unlike carbs that are like the kindling on a fire and fat is like the logs.If you are eating a low fat diet, this is very destructive to the body. We were designed to eat fat and in fact, primitive men and women ate primarily wild animals and wild fish as their primary food intake and very little fruits and vegegables. They had NO cavities, good jaw formation, great body physique and resistant to most diseases.Going for extended periods of time without food was normal for our ancestors, so the body is designed to deal with that very nicely by eating fat. If you eat good fats, you will not get hungry between meals and the Leptin trigger will not affect your metabolism negatively.The Leptin hormone regulates the way the body utilizes insulin and glucagon and thereby controls the metabolism. When you get the right diet of fat and start eating less carbs and more protein as well, you will notice that you won t plateau the way you do on these crazy low fat, low salt diets.There is a very good book you should read that will give you a lot of incite into this issue called, Life Without Bread by Christian Allan, Ph.D. Read it and I think you will be on your way to having a much healthier diet.good luck to you

This is a healthy way of eating that will help lose weight or just maintain weight depending on how many times you stray from the structure.You can lose 10-25 pounds in one month... safely. Just follow these rules. There are also several recipe books and recipes on her web site.I lost 92 pounds, down from 325 lbs. The first week I started eating this way I lost 8 pounds... but it was probably because I was so big to begin with.The rules are...Food group 1Fats, meats, oils, cream, butterFood group 2Veggies (no avocado or potatoes or carrots, these turn immediately to sugar when they hit your saliva).Food group 3Carbohydrates, rice, pasta, potatoes, non fat milk.Food group 4Fruit, eat only in the morning, on an empty stomach, about an hour before breakfast, not after. Don t eat it at night.Rule... eat anything from group 1 with anything from group 2.Rule... eat anything from group 2 with anything from group 3.Rule... Do NOT eat group 1 with group 3.Rule... No soda, caffeines, whole milk, yogurt, avocados, bananas all of these have fat and carbos so when you want to lose weight don t eat them. Afterwards you can.Picture this in your head, insulin from your pancreas is secreted, to help digest sugars, and anything digested with it will be stored as fat. So if you want the pasta and bread, don t have the butter or oil or meat, instead have a marinara tomato sauce, or sauted veggies with garlic, no oil or butter with carbos... remember.I hope this helps and if you need any help on this let me know. I will be glad to help.

sure. You burn the same amount of calories as you consume. People often forget that you have to work really hard just to sustain your recent weight. That is what you were doing.Gain weight - hard to tell, you are sketchy, maybe several reasons: some food which you forget to include in your calorie count (chewing gum, sweet drinks, other?), maybe she eats protein after and before her workouts - a sure way to gain weight under the muscles, eating more that usual (exercising boost your appetite), and many others.In short, you should be more strict to yourself. Lower your daily calorie intake a little - 100 to 200 calories will do; exercise more Intense. People love themselves and often overestimate their efforts when losing weight and getting fit.

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONFirst check out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

Ohkay, i need a moral help...? -

i have become an addict...i had kept in mind to lose weight, winding up becoming 11 kgs underweight for my height, and became so by eating bare quantities of food and excercising like mad for 6 months...and now i am putting on weight cos i was almost dead by the end of the weight loss program which i did without proffesional consultation, and now i need to concentrate on my studies and i find that i am again becoming worried and 24x7 anxious abt the 11 kgs i have put on...feel guilty and depressed and stressed all the time, i even have sinus problem, head keeps aching, my bones ache, still i keep worrying abt losing weight...i maintain my excercises....i walk briskly for 1 and a half hrs daily incl. sundays, and still i am not able to lose weight, i consume 1000 - 1100 calories, but still...i just want to concentrate on my studies...my weight is 66 and my height is 5 8 , and i am in the 12th grade, 16 yrs old....i want some remedy to divert my mind to other important things...please say something, that will boost up my concsience and that i really am able to concentrate on my studies...please help me...i am on the verge of tears and feel suicidal all the time...please help me.

hi dear..i understand perfectly ur situation.. all i would say is that u are such a lovely gal.. c ur over weight for ur age.. thats okay ma dear..c even i was overweight for ma height.. this s al natural.only thing u ll ve to do is that u ve got to eat healthy foods.. no junks chips etc.. thats it.. any try to take boiled rice instead of raw rice.. trust me u ll be as beautiful as yu are. don take things to heart too much da..jus try conentratin on ur studys.. do u think u ve lot of time left to worry abt al these? u ve gotta keep ur heart cool n happy so that ur body ll also be happy wat say?? i wud suggest yu that don bother too much abt ur calories n exercises okay? this ll only create useless stress. so go out for a walk for ten min max. then hear to beautiful and enjoyable songs. talk to ppl freely and u can always lose ur weight at anytime. but not at te cost of ur health..once u go to work u ll automatically reduce. trust me da. i lost almost 10kgs in hardly 6 months maintainin proper diet.. go out to places wer u feel happy.. now all u need is a light heart and a beautiful smile on ur face, n don think of suicidal attempts .. its the biggest blunder u r doin.. ther are so many things u ve gotta face in ur future n thes are al nothin trust me dear..jus keep smilin, love ur books, talk to ur mom n dad abt ur future, studies etc,, feel always free to mail me up.. ther s always a brighter side of life thats eagerly waitin for u honey.. remember one thing alwayshuman beings are such small creatures arent they? so don be so worried abt everything, treasure every moment, do wat yu wish to do.. broaden your view, broaden ur mind, don worry too much abt things that are bothering yu, do treasure ur love, live safely and peacefully also be happy to welcome the coming of the new day.. enjoy the sunshine..always look at the brighter side of things..wishin yu all the best!!

Hi,?? It would be better if you take some help from your family doctor.Remove the suicidal thoughts from your mind.You can even talk to your mom and dad as they have the right to know what is going on in your mind.Stop worrying I was overweight when I was in 12th grade.You can try meditation.Take care and suicide is not the answer to your question.It would be better if you would talk to your mom and dad about this and whatever they might tell is for your betterment.

Worrying is not going to solve your problem. Practical approach is what is required. You should see a professional medical practitioner for advice. You seem to be suffering from anorexia which is curable. Do not waste your time further. Always undertake any weight loss program under proper medical supervision. Take care.

RELAX is the key word for U.Leave yourself alone.Let things happen as they happen simply watch .Do not interfere.U have avery strong will power.Use it positively. Concentrate on you studies with zeal.Do one hour walking in the morning leave the rest.Do not glut,eat moderately. These are ur forming years.Form yourself to be a young happy person,giggling.Form a hobby.See good movies read good books.Believe in God go ahead God bless U.

I m sorry to hear it. You have an eating disorder, anorexia and should seek professional help immediately!

Well, you can just smoke some pot and relax.

go talk to someone immediatly. not even joking. call a helpline from below

I can tell you why it isn t working for you:1. You re doing the same exercise, and just one at that. Your body has become used to it.2. Eating 1000-1100 calories has scared your body into thinking that it is starving. Because of that, your body is hoarding what you eat as its long-term energy source: fat.It s good that you want to maintain your studies, and that s what you should focus on! However, just like you make time to study and improve your mind, you should make time to workout and make your good meals to improve your body. Doing this will help you focus on your studies and be less stressed out for sure. This will also help you with time management, improve your mood, help you rest better, and obviously be healthier.If you need suggestions on what to eat, exercises to do, and ways to fit activity into your lifestyle, you can email me your fitness goals and schedule.

hey gurl u r bothering so much don be tense first of all releave urself of tension and wat stupid things you think ....suicidal ...be strong gurl...listen i ll give u sum steps ....and u ll be fyn soonfirst of all releave otu this -ve energy from ur body get engaged in other activities and never listen from anybody or pay heed wat others say abt your body ur height is 5 8 and ur weight shud be 65.7 ...........u know and u r worried for arbitrary ...........126 pounds for ur heights females is low weight 146 pounds is target or medium weight167pounds if called overweightand 1 pound =.450kgsnow go and calculate urself for ur satisfactionand this information is 100 % correct if den also u need to reduce your weight den ping me i ll you sum tips hw to reduce ur wieght

ok in order to concentrate on your studies your brain has to be able to function which it needs calories all on it s own to do that. Your body gained the weight cause it hit a point of starvation and your body is storing all calories just to keep you alive and function the best it can. I would decrease your exercise maybe only exercise 2 to 3 days a week...increase your caloric intake...I would say at least to 1500 calories a day. You need to go to a doctor about your sinus issues and headaches. You might also need help for your addiction to your weight...it s not healthy...why most people become obsessed with losing weight you have to be safe about it. Just remember that you and now it sounds like you are just at the perfect weight so you should be happy and feel good about what you did...you have to feel beautiful. If you have problems with any of these then you need to talk to a doctor and get help for this obsession and depression. It s not healthy for you! Good luck!

Honey, I know how you are feeling. I too struggle with my weight. Seek professional help from a doctor concerning your weight, you are risking your own life and you are to valueable to this world. You are a wonderful person, you have to learn to love yourself. Take a look around, do you see anyone? People are just people, they are just like you. They to are struggling with guestions. But their, yours and my problems are not important enough to end our lives. Tomorrow is always better, believe me I know this one thing with no doubts. I m not perfect and neither is my life. Honey, tomorrow will come. Believe me.