Sunday, June 25, 2017

Does anybody know how to lose weight fast and safely without going to the gym or taking any pills? -

i need to lose weight fast please help

to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and diet pills and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time it tones your tummy and all your body up wonderful too ! i lost 2 1/2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question goodluck !

All you do is exercise more, and eat less. If you walk a lot of miles each day and not eat when you aren t hungry I bet you might lose weight. Report Abuse

It s sooo easy anyone can do it! It s all about calorie intake! Eat less of course, but make them high quality foods! And you know what those are.and no more cokes, cookies, extra carbs, deep fried foods or juice. Water only as far as the drinks. Try it.

Losing weight quickly is never a healthy proposition. I would focus on eating as much raw food as possible. Try lots of veggies. Read up on juicing here: vibrantinnergy .com. They have a lemon ginger blast drink that tastes like crud but it really detoxs your system. You need to excercise as well to burn extra calories. Don t stop eating simply focus on eating salads with little dressing and lots of veggies raw. You can also eat pineapple and celery both of which burn more calories that they contain. They also increase your metabolism as well. Focus on a solid healthy diet eat at least five small snacks a day. You can eat a can of tune on a sald to get some protein and keep your claories down. Keep your metabolism running high via excercise and eating those veggies. You should see the pounds melt away pretty quickly if you stick to a good diet and some solid regualr excercise.I lost 50 lbs in four month slate year - check bjjtalk on blogger .com for a picture of my actual fat and skinny pictures. I m not pitching anything this was a fact. A living food diet did it for me. It can help you too.Good luck.

ummm. starving yourself. No acctaully if you need to look thinner quickly try drinking only lemon water (no sugar) it will detox yourself and reduce water weight. then try walking 30 mins to an hour a day and eat more veggies you will lose weight in no time

weight loss is simple math: scientifically speaking to lose a pound a week you need to consume 300 fewer calories per day than your body requires (to find this do some online searches, you may be suprised) forcing your body to draw on it s fat reserves. you can limit you intake two ways, 1) eat fewer calories, this doens t mean rabbit food and tofu all the time, simply eating less of the foods you love can help, and 2) exercise. I speak from experience when I say that 300 calories is a lot to not eat each day so it s much easier to split that up and east say 150 fewer calories and burn 150 in exercise. but there is not easy fix. if you want to lose weight you ve got to work.

Eat less calories... Eat a whole lot of fruits and vegetables to fill you up... and some yummy soup. Then have some good protein that s low in fat... like tuna fish in water. Drink LOTS of water (like 1-2 liters per day) Don t eat anything that s really fatty. Outside of changing your diet, you re going to have to exercise... but do something you like... swimming maybe...

Eat less calories... Eat a whole lot of fruits and vegetables to fill you up... and some yummy soup. Then have some good protein that s low in fat... like tuna fish in water. Drink LOTS of water (like 1-2 liters per day) Don t eat anything that s really fatty. Outside of changing your diet, you re going to have to exercise... but do something you like... swimming maybe...

To successfully lose weight, you must carry outa plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionallybalanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

Stop eating at micky D and places like it .

Fastest way to lose weight free and easy ( with mild discomfort since nothing is free in life ), keep daily carb intake below 100 grams and drink alot of ice water. The water intake might make you retain water weight so to counteract this take a strong laxative (stronger then ex-lax) like colon cleanse. Another great idea I have is only eat tuna with low/no-carb dressings and go to the gym, if you can stand it for a month you can lose 20 lbs (only I have tried this since everyone I know can t stand it for more then a few days)

I would try to get enough sleep but don t sleep in the afternoon after eatin lunch specially!

My weight is now 117, and i wanna lose more weight?help? -

i need to know how to lose weight rapidly without diet pills. i m still in my teens but i want to hit 100

Apple cider vinegar diet (:Take 3 teaspoons of it before each mealIt absorbs the fatYou can add it to water, if it tastes bad.

How tall are you?

Eat healthy exercise. Diet pills are sh** dooo not take them,

Lose 30+lbs? without dieting

Exercise! Even a little exercise works! Walk for 20 minutes, run around, dance, walk up and down the stairs.You must eat! Don t eat 3 big meals, instead, eat 4-6 small meal a day.

Why are you complaining???????? I am 93lbs and I hate it its so hard to gain weight. If you are a teenager you need to be over 100 why not try being 110? Good luck

Is it true that heavier overweigth people tend to lose weight faster thanthose who are just 5-25lbs overweight -

i weighed 200lbs at the begining of last week (i should weigh between 102 and 118)and my mother weighed 157lbs (she should weigh 117-140). we started weight watchers and i have seemed to lose 4.5lbs (safe for the 1st couple weeks) already when she hasn t lost any (actually gained two lbs, even tho she s been good on the diet).

A person s metabolism and how active they are factor in heavily on how fast they lose weight. Are you more active than your mother? Water is also a factor because it has been proven that drinking more water instead of say juices and soft drinks does help you lose weight because you are consuming less calories.If your mother has been good on the diet it is possible weight watchers may not be the right diet for her. Many times it is not how much you eat but what you are eating that determines a person gaining or losing weight.

your mother is older that you and it may take her more time and energy to burn more calories.

I do not no it for a fact but for me in 8/2004 I weighted 260 pdsIn 3 months I lost 40 pds In august of 2006 til present I sit at 135 I can not get any lower And all I want to lose is another 10 pds So I would agree that for some reason it is easier for heavie people

just until they get to those last 5-15 pounds, those are the hardest to lose

With women it can be anything. PMS/Period/Water gainHowever, tell your mom to hang in there. She may lose double the next week.Don t forget to exercise !

Does Alli really work? Im considering it to help me lose weight fast for my trip in April.? -

Yes it works. I was on it for 3 months and lost 32 pounds. You have to be careful what you eat- it forces you to eat properly. I never once had an accident while taking the pill. I think people are highly exaggerating that fact.

I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.Go to: task=view id=205 Itemid=62* Take one pound at a time* Set Reachable Goals* Stay off the scales* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin* Fat Free?* Drink plenty of water* Reward yourself* Seek help if you need it* Watch your portions* Eat your food slowlyGo to: task=view id=205 Itemid=62

NO, and I hit the Brown Note while golfing at the Olympic Club. I spoiled my best pair of plaid trousers and ruined the golf cart. The motor shorted out due to the volume and i caught the grass on fire.

You are supposed to wear brown pants when you take it. I d beware.

It is said that you can lose control of your bowel movements. It s best to wear a diaper when using Alli. It might be easier to just keep your mouth shut when around food.

I would suggest you the following:Start a diet - Winter diet is fine, but you can select another one you likeExercise - it can be just walk (5 km per day at the beginning), run, dance, swim. Change the diet after two weeks - start new one, continuing exercising. The secret is the body not to get used with the particular dietDo not give up if you do not lose weight as fast as you want. The body needs time to react.Other tips and working diets www best-fat-burn-strategies com

It does but many people have had accidents. They say you should wear dark pants in case you um well.....Watch the video

I would honestly try Herbalife. Have been using it for nearly 3 months, along with exercising and eating healthy and have lost nearly 50lbs.

Yes it does but Alli isn t just a diet pill that is going to melt off the pounds without doing anything. You still have to diet and excercise even while taking this pill. Also, people are now saying that while you take these pills, it can cause uncontrollable bowel movements. They say you don t even feel like you have to go to the bathroom and then you realize you just went in your pants.

Anyone know cheap weight loss centers or how to lose weight fast and healthy? -

I need to find a place where i can lose weight like a camp or maybe just a trainer but idk where and that is not too costly...any help?

Healthy weight loss is gradual weight loss. We all want to lose weight fast but when this occurs it usually means loss of water and/or muscle. This is not good. Our body needs water and we gain it back fairly rapidly (which in turn means weight gain). More importantly we need muscle in order to burn fat.Muscle is a very active tissue, so burns fat even while resting. You need to have a certain amount of muscle in order to burn fat efficiently. Every pound of muscle you have will burn 50 extra calories per day.Weight loss is all about hard work, commitment, goal setting and desire. If you want to lose weight you can and you will. You don t need a trainer or a camp. You can lose weight on your own, you just need to learn how.This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

First, take your weight in pounds, add a zero to the end and that s how many calories you should eat everyday to lose weight. (example: 250 pounds = 2,500 calories per day) You will have to adjust your caloric intake as you lose weight.(be sure it s not under 1,200 calories per day)Then, plan your meals off of the basic food is a great website!Water is also very important! Take your weight in pounds and that s how much water you should drink in oz. everyday. (example: 250 pounds = 250 oz.)1 cup is approx. 8 oz.Daily physical activity is not required but if you want to boost your weight loss and tone up then you should be physically active 30-60 minutes per day. Remember this is a gradual proses, it doesn t happen over night.Hope I helped!~Ruthann

This informative website provides me with effective Fat Burning Nutritional Tips in a natural and healthy ways.The results was surprisingly impressive. Most importantly, I need not spend much money to the weight loss center anymore.Hope you find it helpful. All the Best.��

Here s a site that lists a handful of free weight loss programs. These are all online programs so no personal trainer, but they do give exercise and weight loss advice on line.��You can also find personal trainers online or weight loss coaches, but again this would be online. Your best best is to create your own exercise plan with the information you can find online.

You may also check out some weight loss programs instead of going to a camp, which might be more cost effective. You can find reviews of the top 5 weight loss programs on the market at to find the best one which suits your needs.

Thoes two don t go together! You can NOT loose a lot of weigt in any FDA approved healthy way!You gotta do it Holly wood style!Or just not loose weight fast!negitave calorie foods!

My wedding is in 1 month and I want to lose weight fast. Any suggestions? -

I fit my dress. That s not a problem. But.. this is a one done deal and with pictures. I will look back at them and not be too happy.

ok, go on a diet whats the big deal

If you fit your dress I would suggest not losing any weight as it could look awful if it then doesnt fit. One month before the wedding is not the time to start losing weight.I would instead concentrate on having you hair done, facials, etc to make yourself feel as beautiful as possible because a happy glow is what will show through on the photos.You will look beautiful whatever happens!

Change in lifestyle, eating habits and doing regular exercises/ yoga will control your blood pressure. First of all you do ten sun solutions but if you feel pain in heels has been more then stop it and lye down on floor or hard bed and make zero by rotating your both the legs in clock wise and anti-clockwise direction and do Urdhvahastottanasana Ek Pad Utanasana and Pawan mukta asanas. Stop taking junk and spicy food, deep-fry food, processed food, ice cream, high fat diets chocolates, sweets, wafers and high carbohydrate food like potatoes, rice and pasta as these items lose nutrition balance and causes deposition of excess fat on body. Eating too much than the required amount of dietary intake may also cause obesity. I f you do not know to do the asanas you can take the help of ebooks for alternative exercises for loosing weight and diet supplements. You may visit following site to find ebooks and other products on weight loss: -

it s a little late for weight loss at this point... besides, do looks matter that much? don t be seen as superficial- be comfortable how you are. As for the Atkins diets, South Beach diets, those are known as fad diets . You may lose weight at first (due to such an extreme change in eating habits) but it will not stay off. Quite frequently, your body will be shocked by the change in foods, and will start packing on pounds because it senses that something is different (damn those survival instincts!). also- some people aren t meant to be skinny, no matter how hard/often they work out. i know a man who runs Truthons easily, usually in the top 10, and he looks chubby, despite the fact he is extremely fit. it s all about genetics and personal habits. so stop worrying, get comfortable in your own body, be aware of fad diets, and have fun on your big day. don t let insecurities about your looks ruin the best day of your life :)

Shame on you for waiting this long. You are who you are. You will need to work out and decrease how much you eat. There is no magic formula. You need to be disciplined and determined. Cardio - 30 minutes at least 4 to 5 days a weekStrength training - 30 minutes 3 days a week Flexiblity - Stretching - 4 to 5 days a week Be as active as possible. Reduce fat, sugar, and flour intake. edit: I m sure that you will look great. I don t mean to sound harsh but so many women wait to the last minute. Why? Don t you want to feel healthy? I thought that I would take horrible pictures per usual but my photos came out beautiful. I think yours will too. I hope you hired a great photographer. I didn t cheap out on this area. I went with the one that I really liked. These are your memories.

atkins,fastest diet ever and youv only got one month to do it,your breath dont smell to fresh on it but the weight just falls offi lost a stone in 2 weeks,just stick to meats and proteins and it will burn the fat on your it,it worked for me!X

try the south beach diet-- it works really well!

Atkins. And use a supplement called clintrim. You will lose 5lbs in 5 days. No joke. and you can keep using it.

How to lose weight fast and in only 1 month? -

like i wanna know how could you lose weight fast within one month.? what can i do to lose it that fast and what to eat? anything that can help me lose my weight in one month.????

Chop off an arm...hahaha.Seriously - weight loss that fast (and yo-yo dieting) has serious long-term side effects - I know my wife was hospitalized for 3 weeks due to stones in her gall bladder which were the result of this quick weight loss dieting - and I have never seen anyone in so much pain even with large doses of morphine. You shouldn t lose more than 2 lbs a week - that s a safe amount. Sorry - but all quick fixes have repercussions.Suggest exercise as the best way - and simply cut out snacking between meals and eat sensibly. This is safe and effective - albeit not very exciting.

Yeah to whoever Said to stop eating needs to get out. When you are a slightly larger person and you stop eating your body goes into, What i call, Panic Mode. IT starts store fat instead of burning fat. Your body needs calories to burn calories. Report Abuse

Ok this is the most unhealthy thing in the world, but it works. Baby food and Ensure. It s called the stripper diet . Unhealthy as all get out, but as I said, it works.

drink 3 cups of water before every meal

The problem with dropping weight too quick is that it comes straight back!!! Slimming World is great - red days and green days - lots of excercise - Atkins with caution - it made me very ill.... good luck and don t be too critical ofyourself!

Do what I do...get a smaller plate and eat only how much the small plate can hold.Pratice TaeKwonDo...and jog/walk 6 kilometers a day, drink LOTS of WATER...more than 8 glasses...drink water before and after meals to replace the amount of food you usually miss...believe me...My waistline was 30 and in one month it suddenly got to 26 :Dor simply sweat...see the results...try it yourself...if you maintain this for a ll be as thin as me ^_^hope this helped you...Gammbate kudasai!!!(try your best...)


try atkins or jenny craig

I lost 9,5 kg in one month,this way- before every meal, but even before I get an apple I use to drink two glasses of water with a squeeze of lime inside, and eat plait of soup. This way you are not only losing weight, your skin remain elastic and body healthy

Do not ingest any starch or fat or protein. Just eat vegetables, not even beans. Lots of exercises.

Stop eating white processed foods - such as white bread, white sugar, and related stuff like cakes, etc.Also go to the gym every day and do an hour s workout (with a day off a week) or running, etc.My dad stopped eating breakfast because he said it made him feel hungrier if he d eaten breakfast, and then had a small lunch (e.g. soup), and a normal size dinner, and that helped him lose weight a lot. But most people recommend that you have a larger breakfast and less lunch, so it really does depend on the person.But honestly, if you lose lots of weight in a month, you haven t changed habits, and it s more than likely you ll yo-yo back to your original weight and feel worse than when you started.It s much better to change your eating habits, and your exercise habits, to induce a sustainable pattern that will help you lose weight long term.

try this: mornin -evening-gum, evenin try apples. or: aplles when you are hungry. i loosed 6 in 2 weeks.