Friday, July 18, 2014

How can i lose weight fast i need to lose 10 pounds by saturday? -

I know this isn t healthy but if you really need to loose weight you can do the trash bags and sweat suit rutine. This is deffinalty not good for you but you can take plastic trash bags and wrap them around your body basicly wear them like clothes and then wear other clothes over them and start running. you will easily cut 10 lbs. BUT LIKE I SAID THIS IS DEFFINALTY NOT GOOD FOR YOU, so be careful.

fast, do not eat anything at all, drink only water and exercise alot-

Go get the book Extreme Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian of Celebrity Fit Club. But losing one pound a week is ideal. Eat lots of greens and fruit. Drink at eight glasses of water and exercise. Like jogging, but make sure you can jog for about an hour.5 mph is a good speed assuming you will use a tredmill.

There is no safe way to lose 10 Lbs by the end of this week.Sorry, you will not be able to lose that amount of weight, in that amount of time.If anyone tells you differently, they are wrong; or you are putting your health in danger.

good luck, just don t eat. HAHA!

That isn t realistic. There are fad diets that will help you lose 5-10 lbs by next Saturday, but you ll gain it all back. The smartest way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise. It ll take a while but the weight will stay off and you ll be healthy.

Did you put the 10lbs on in a week?So it is totally unrealistic to think that you will take it off in a week... It will not be wise to try to lose that amount of weight in a week... If you find the secret please tell me

Don t eat nothing, Drink Only Water!, and do alot of Cardio Exorcises.