Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to lose weight? -

I am 13 years old 4 foot 6 and 104 pounds I need to lose about 20 pounds how can I do this safely without starving myself.Thanks

I m not sure of weight brackets for a 13 yr old, but you should look online. There are lots of sites where you can plug in your info and it will tell you if you are over weight. And if you are, good old fashioned workout will do it. Eat healthier, and stay active. Lay off the junk food and video games. Get outside and move. You will loose the weight in no time. Also, you are so young, you will grow into it and you will be fine. I wouldn t worry too much about it unless you are seriously obese. Which I don t think you are. Be patient, weight doesn t melt off in a day.

hey join a sport, get up and move around ..more.Ya know if you starve,yourself . you ;ll gain more weight. You have to eat to stay heathy.

NO you don t You are a very good weight

20 lbs?! are you kidding? your body needs to re too young to be losing that much weight..just eat regularly and exercise

The natural ��diet��: Eat, drink, and be merryEat smart �C well-balanced meals, cut out any unnecessary calories (snacking just because), eat when you are hungry (grumbling stomach, hunger pains) and only eat until you are satisfied (not a bite more), 5-6 smaller meals is better than 3 larger ones. Also, stop eating 2-3 hours before bed �C you should be slightly hungry at bed timeDrink plenty of water, not only to stay hydrated, but its important for weight loss, including helping the muscles tone and suppressing hungry. (Tip �C the lighter your urine the more hydrated you are.)Be merry �C in other words exercise, not only is it needed for weight loss, it releases chemicals in your brain and makes you more happy (some of it is addicting which is known to a lot as ��runner��s high��). 30 minutes of cardio is recommended daily, and a good work out program uses cardio and weight training (even if it��s just toning �C light weights, more reps). Do something you enjoy and it will be easier to stick it out.

I am 16 years of age and weigh 175 any tips on how to lose weight plzz? -

i will appreciate any help thanks

Don t worry about it too much, you re not that heavy, and losing weight as a teenager can harm growth procedures. Besides, even if you still think you are slightly heavy, plenty of guys, including me, like big girls.

ok honestly eat moderately but eat less of your junk and fat, and exercise !! simple !!

Lay off the cheese burgers and have a salad!

Proper diet is the only way to loose weight.Here is a popular diet program that worked for me Luck

hi Cathy.There are so many things you can change and lose weight. Actually you do not need to make it hard. You can make small nutrition changes and this will help you lose lot of weight. If you add physical activity this will make it better.Here is big list of changes you can do (training, nutrition, supplements):��Hope it will help you.

AVOID dieting and restricting calories. Also? don t fall for gimmicks, such as magic diet pills, crazy weight loss devices, and other expensive and useless things. You can easily lose weight by starting to do more cardio exercise, and of course eating healthier on a daily basis.-Definitely get into an exercising routine, and try to find something that you enjoy! If you re in school, definitely try to join a sport - even if you think you won t like it. Sports will give you the excuse to exercise nearly every day, and it can also be fun interesting you can meet new friends.-Drink water. Water is ESSENTIAL for you your body - and definitely does help with losing weight. Water gives you minerals, increases circulation, and of course suppresses your appetite. Try to drink water (or 100% juice) instead of pop, coffee, or any other carbonated beverage. Water s definitely better for you.-Change one small eating habit at a time; take it week by week. Start eating more fruits during the first week, eat more veggies the second, switch your milk from whole to skim the third, etc. Making small changes over time will definitely help you more in the long run than trying ( failing) at dieting.Good luck =]

Since you are young, you have the blessing of a youthful metabolism. Once you start a sensible eating / activity plan, you should be able to return to a more healthy weight quickly. I ve personally found that having feedback really helps me keep on top of my diet. I m using a web based calorie / exercise tracking tool. So whenever I eat something, I immediately log it. When I do activities, I log it also. I get to see my caloric intake/burn for the day. It helps to see how many calories you re taking in daily. The website is: also have a lot of foods listed so you can immediately determine calories for something you re eating. If you can t find what you re eating, you can input it yourself manually. I ve been using this tool, and I ve already lost 10 pounds. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Use whatever tools work best for you.

The best thing is to cut out sweets and crisps and fatty food and find a form of exercise you enjoy and go for it. Dancing swimming walking tennis. The number of calories you burn has to exceed your intake for you to lose weight. Good luck

How to lose weight in a short time? -

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on yourinitial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don t eat wheat then you don t eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don t eat junk food, and you don t eat biscuits. But your diet isstill balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

losing weight in a short time meaning it will bounce back in a short time too and its definately NOT healthy to lost weight in a short timei try a product called B-Fit lately, its a health supplement yet help to slim down effectivelyemail me at if you want to know more

How to lose weight quick without buying stuff? -

try the Lil Jack workout�� and Merry Christmas��

Babygirl, it is far more important what you eat to control weight than just losing pounds. I assume you mean in not buying something, you mean products to suppress you hunger. Let me suggest a eating lifestyle rather than a diet, and for now, don t buy anything that is a product. I will suggest two but it is because they are high in essential nutrients often lost during crash diets.Lifestyle eating habits:Six small meals per day rather than the traditional three.Some exercise for endurance and body tone, walking or jogging in place or serious swimming, one of the best overall exercises. Just do not ever be a couch potato.Eat fresh and washed vegetables and fruits, some at each meal. Experiment with vegetables and fruit salads, can be interesting and great tasting.For your oils and spreads use olive oil and butter.Use whole wheat, brown rice or multi-grain products for bread, rice.Raw milk if you can find it.If you sweat a lot, use a sport electrolyte replacement powder without sweetener. At least after a sweaty workout eat a banana, it is yellow, not white.What to eliminate forever in your eating habits:Snacks--never eat snacks unless it is raw vegetable or dried fruit.No fried foodsNo fast foodsNo soda drinks, no fruit drinks and no fruit juices with sweetener.No boxed cereal, except plain oatmeal without all the added stuff.No vegetable oil or margarine--both are high in releasing free radicals which will destroy body organs.No white foods: white rice, white flour and products made from, white cake, white potatoes, pastas. No to any white foods.No meals or drinks after 6-7 PM.When you feel right about this, add Goji berries and Chia seed meal.

The pattern for losing weight is simple - consume less food and workout more often - the difficulties appear when we really try to put that into practice! There are plenty of opportunities to fail in the real world don t you think?! I learned some excellent advice by learning from the website in the box below, they have plenty of tips, I worked off 10 pounds by taking their advice.

running everyday and eating marginally less. It worked for me - oh sugar does not help weight lost, the more you stay away from it the better in my opinion.

You will need to buy some stuff,like fruits,veggies etc.

How to lose weight after c section? -

its been two years since i had a csection. Before I wasn t consistant with exercise or my eating habits. Now I m ready to get very very serious with it. I have been walking for a couple of weeks for about an hour a day and watching my calorie intake with no sweets and no soda. I m still not losing weight. I really desperately need to lose 20 pounds.

Hi,A crash diet is a diet which severely restrict calorie intake. It can hurt your weight loss goal because it is missing some critical fact. Leptin uses the bloodstream to travel into the brain. From there, leptin is able to work on specific neurons within the hypothalamus to aid in appetite regulation. It plays a valuable role in helping to regulate the storage of fat in the body and also acts to control the rate and degree of hunger that the body experiences. Dieting will disrupt the regulation function of leptin and when this happens, the excess food consumption is converted into energy and stored as fat in the body.Over time, the presence of excess fat may result in disfunctioning of leptin hormones, which lead to what is term as weight loss plateau. After your initial weight loss, your progress will slow down and eventually stop even though your exercise and food intake is consistent. Weight loss plateau is a demon in disguise that may torture the dieter into diving into the sea of diet failure.Your thyroid gland produced a hormone called Thyroxine that raises the metabolic rate of almost all the cells in your body. The increase in metabolism helps you to feel more energetic, burn more calories, and therefore allows you to lose weight faster. The activity of Thyroxine is controlled entirely by the type of food and the time you eat. Therefore, if you eat the correct foods at the correct times of day, you will subsequently super-charge your metabolism and lose weight! By manipulating this concept, your body has virtually no choice but to dissolve those immovable pockets of fat that you ve been trying to rid yourself of for years.When I was a teen, I was slim, I could wear whatever I want, my body looked good, even my face was slim. I m 31 now, and I get disgusted and hate it everytime I look in the mirror. I was fat, my face looked like a watermelon. God knows how sad I was since all the good and nice clothes out there didn t carry my size. Each and every time, I came home from shopping depressed, upset and I ended up hating myself even more. I d tried low carb, low fat, extremely low calorie diets mixed with running but it never seemed to work. Whenever I would go back to eating a normal amount , I gained back the weight I had lost, and then a few pounds more. It was so discouraging! I was searching through the Internet looking for fat loss programs when I came across a web site. After reading about the program, I felt some hope that I could get back into shape. I will admit that I am skeptical about weight loss programs but this program offered a money back guarantee, which gave me the chance to try this without fear of wasting my money. I tried it and I am so thrilled that I did. I have lost 58 pounds so far since 8 weeks ago, and feel great about continuing to lose the fat and reach my goals. I m never hungry with this program. It seems that I eat more than ever before.My advice is, you don t need to spend a fortune to reach your goal, just like i do. If you really want to change then surf the link at the source below or else you will get ripped off from online weight loss scam and stay fat forever.

Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there s also the Jojo-effect.The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That s an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn t that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?Take care,:-)

No matter how you slice it, diet is a dirty word. It smacks of deprivation and hunger pangs. To overcome the pain, you need a plan.So WebMD asked the experts for advice, and put together their quick tips on how to get your weight lossgoing.1. Know Your Weight Loss Goals2. Understand Your Weight Loss Personality3. Double Up: Diet Exercise4. Make a Firm Weight Loss CommitmentFinally, be sure you re committed to losing weight for yourself -- not because someone else is pressuring you to do so.Then, take things slowly, keep these tips in mind, and you should be on the road to weight loss in no time.

Little Tricks To Help You Lose Weight FastYeah we all know that we are supposed to cut calories, do cardio and hit the gym to get in shape, but there are lots of little tricks you shouldn t ignore if you want to slim down quick.Take The Stairs Taking the stairs instead of the elevator every day can help you burn some extra calories. It may not seem like a lot but it adds up. Over a period of a year, taking the stairs can burn off an extra five lbs. of fat.

Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.* Be in right frame of mind* Eat whole food* Eat fresh fruit* Drink enough water* Always chew your food* Take small meals* Include protein at meal* Shut off TV while eating* Increase your physical activity

Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.* Be in right frame of mind* Eat whole food* Eat fresh fruit* Drink enough water* Always chew your food* Take small meals* Include protein at meal* Shut off TV while eating* Increase your physical activity


diet and crank up the exercise. Try weight training and pilates.The skin may take time to go back to normal, it may never go back to normal. Just wait and see.

How to lose weight quickly, very quickly? -

i have been dieting and exercising a whole lot. i really want something to really help me shed pounds and not just inches. maybe a cleansing diet. really want to lose 5 to 10 pounds in a week. please help!!!

Whatever you do don t stop eating (because when you start again your body retains all the sugar and calories and you end up gaining weight) You just have to keep a steady diet of nutritous foods and be active. Try to get a good sweat once or twice a day, and maybe invest in a gym membership or buy some work out videos.

ok drinking water no butter no bread no potatoes little things like walking to town if your close water down your juice no cordial walk around the block as long as you have done a walk its all good i am doing the same thing and i have found i have lost 10 kgs a little over a week try it you get hungry have a piece of friut any friut manily apples manderines and then a bit of water grill all meat boil or steam all vegies and bowl of musli cerial lunch dry biscutes with salad on the no butter and try that for a week and let us no how you have gone and may be we can talk and see how you r going

Some girls in my school are about to try a one week apples only diet. They claim they can loose 5kilos in one week by eating just apples during this week. personally i doubt it.

it is not safe to lose weight so fast 5 lbs can be achieved by water and your diet and lots of water

Want to know how to reduce weight fast and lose that weight forever? Without affecting your health. Read some Experts selected Articals for useful information.Checkout this link

Try this: luck!

The only way you are going to lose that much weight that quickly, you are going to have to remove some bone (maybe a rib or two?) and perhaps about 20 feet of your large intestine!!!Those cleansing diets are BS. Go to a clinic and have em put a hose up your @ss, fill you full of warm water, and then suck it all out. That will flush some residue from your system.Seriously, the only way that you are going to lose weight is slowly, that is just how are bodies work, it is a defense mechanism that prevents us from completely drying up when we run out of food or water.My advice, eat plenty of fruit (oranges, apples, ovacado, kiwi, melons, etc./// but not bananas, they really don t do anything for you) and berries. Fruit should be about 90% of your diet. Eat until you are satisfied, but not all bloated, and definitely still not hungry. And then have a snack of fruit throughout the day. For dinner eat some red meat with a salad, no dressing, no ketchup or anything like that, just meat and salad!Go jogging, but not untill you hurt, that will do negative damage to you.The fruit will cleanse anything in your body that shouldn t be there, while infusing your body with essential minerals and vitamins. Your body will burn off the fat by itself pretty much, because your metabolism burns cleaner and faster (and hotter) from the fruit, because the glucose (sugar) in fruit is a simple one and easy to break down, which gives you more readily available energy (but you will get hungry again soon, which is why I said snack on fruit). Fruit combined with the jogging will get that heart beating hard and the blood flowing, you want to jog to a sweat, because that is when you are doing the most fat burning. Don t drink any kind of ***** ADE or anything, just drink lemon juice (not lemonaid). YOu can buy it at the grocery store in concentrate in one of those little plastic lemons, or you can buy lemons and squeeze them. This will give you the kick you need right after a good sweat.Hope this helps. If you stick to this, and your body needs to be flushed it will do it. If you need to burn fat, it will do it.

How to lose weight fast so i can look good 4 the summer? -

i need to lose weight for the summer. my goal is to lose like 20 pounds FAST. i have trouble with snacking. any tips to lose weight fast but heathly??? like diet and excercise tips for a pre-teen/teen. plz help!!!!!!!!!!!

You will get everything you need by eating the following:Raw leafy green veggies (romaine, red and green leaf lettuces, kale spinach, etc)Solid green veggies - raw, steamed or frozen (asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, peas, peppers, etc)Non-green, non-starchy (beets, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, etc)Beans/legumes - cooked, canned or sprouted ( chickpeas, pinto beans, black beans, etc)Fresh fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, watermelon, etc)Starchy veggies (white potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, corn, carrots, etc)Whole grains (barley, millet, oats, brown rice, quinoa, etc)Raw nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc)Do not skip breakfast. Oatmeal with fresh fruit. No sugar or milk. Rice or almond milk is better.You don t have to eat eggs, fish or meat for protein. Raw leafy greens are the highest in nutrient density.Don t count calories or carbs. Diets and pills don t work. Man made vitamins are just that man made . Man can not copy all the nutrients that are found in live foods.Drink filtered water. City water may have added chemicals. Can you really trust bottled water?Pop is one of the worst things you can put in your body. Stay away from sugar, junk food and fast food. For further reading, get the book below. It has recipes in it that are good.Also check out for good recipes. Info on rebounder s:��Info on fitness ball:��

First off, limit yourself to 6 times that you are going to eat every day.. No more. Make sure to eat a breakfast that is at least 60% fruit. A smoothie is always a great idea, and a glass of SKIM milk NOT whole milk. In between breakfast and lunch, if you need to, limit yourself to a banana, or something small and healthy like that. Get a nalgene, or big bottle of water and drink at least three full bottles a day. You will find that the water really fills you up, and takes away any cravings. At least twenty minutes of excersize is also crucial. Try riding your bike to the market, or doing favors for your parents by running to the pharmacy, and doing errands for them while getting excersize. If you are like me, then you dont like running for no reason, so doing something like that is a good excuse. Your dinner should be your smallest meal by far... Go to bed feeling comfortable or maybe even a bit hungry.Good Luck!!!