Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How to lose weight slowly? -

I m going to be moving to Seattle this summer but before I go I want to slim down my body a bit. I am 5 1 and 110-115 lbs. it may not sound like a lot but i have a lot of body fat. Sincs I m moving in the summer, I have a lot of time, but I would like to start now and lose it gradually. I excersize about 30-40 mins a day at home and at school we run a mile almost every day.I mostly need help on my eating habits because I love to eat and eat all the time.What types of food (or specific types of fruit/veggies) will help me slim down and stay healthy?And how often would it be ok to eat sweets or oils?Thanks!

Rule of thumb: If it comes from the earth, you can eat it. In other words, meats, fish, fruits, veggies, dairy. Anything processed, stay away from it. I don t mean organic, I mean like frozen pizza, bread, cereal, etc. Just act like you are a caveman. You don t have access to frozen burritos anymore. All you can eat is meat and plants. If you do that, you will lose weight easily. The best exercise to burn calories is weight lifting, but I m sure what you do is fine as long as you eat well.As far as oils, you can eat peanuts, as that oil is good for you. Fish oil too. Most others are crap. Sweets, you can have a piece of dark chocolate every day if you want, but otherwise stay away from sweets. Since you aren t THAT serious I m sure you could get away with a few small sweets a week, or one big one.Last, FOR GOD S SAKE, NO POP!!!

I am NOT a dietician, but I started losing gradual weight by stuffing down a big salad once a day for one of my meals. I d use fat free dressing and avoid fattening toppings on it like ham or cheese. Filled me up, and gave me the psychological feeling I was putting good stuff in me instead of fast food.That combined with increased physical activity, stuff like parking at the far end of the lot at the mall or at work, and walking that much further each day - it got me feeling good about what I was doing and the weight started coming off too.

Go here! Sparkpeople.comWhen you sign up it will give you a FREE meal planning guide to help you lose weight. I ve been going there for two months and just from eating healthy I have lost 10 lbs. You can also have a weight lost goal time line where you can say I want to be this skinny by this time and it will let you know how many calories you can eat a day. It s very effective and again free so try it!

You seem like you have a good plan going on with your exercising. Keep that up and you may want to add more work out time instead of 30 min. do 60 min. a day. Stick to fruits and veggies. Cut out oils, sugars and fat. There s all types of low calorie cook books and websites online. I m only 4 11 so I know what you mean. 5 lbs. extra on us looks like 20 lbs on someone else.

Its really easy to eat yummy fruits and vegetables that are juicy. Also, when you eat celery, it takes more calories to digest the food, than the celery is itself. And its really filling. Keep exercising and eating right and you will see results!

Make carrots and Swiss chard as the main dish in you meal. Berries, pears, and oranges as snack. Cut down on sugar and sweet and starchy food. Oil should be no more than 1 teaspoon a day. Increase you exercise to 45 minutes a day.

You should exercise for at least 1 and a half hours everyday, and you should start eating fruit and salads (mixed). You can eat sweets every 2nd day at the most- but not alot, because then you ll start getting cavities.Hope this helps

You need to have correct information if you want to lose weight. You can did way that I lost 19 pounds in 45 days. It works amazing and It will work for you too. You can find more information at http://bit.ly/654wejh9

never heard anyone asking to lose weight slowly. but try the low carb diet it will shed some pounds but not to quickly. @_@

Cut out sugars! All of them, and remember how some foods, may not start as sugars, but turn into them, after digested.

No one particular food is going to burn fat and make you lose weight. Eat whole, naturally occuring foods. Nothing processed, packaged or anything with added sugar, salt, artificial sweetners or preservatives. Live by this quote: If you can t hunt it, fish it, pick it from a tree, bush or the ground, DON T eat it. You must excersie as well. I highly recomend Interval Training. It is very similar to circuit training. It combines cardio(for fat burning) and resistance training(for building lean muscle tissue) into one workout. These are very fast and effective workouts that don t have you spending hours in the gym. Most of them you can do at home! No fancy equip-ment needed. For example, pick 6 exercises. Complete each one for 30 seconds without rest in between. That equals 1 round. After each round rest 60-90 seconds then repeat whole circuit 3-5 more times. I like to do a bodyweight circuit(no added weights, just your bodyweight used as resistance) = squats, push-ups, planks, lunges, pull-ups mountain climbers. Three rounds of those 6 exercises is an AWESOME workout and it only takes me 12 minutes!!!! hope this helps!

How can i lose weight fast in my bottom part?? -

i weight 102,5 tallmy upper parts r fine but i relli dont like my bottom how can i lose weight fast???????help......i think i m pretty slimbut i relli want 2 weight 95....

First off, i dont see why you think you should weigh less than one hundred pounds. Like one of the previous answers above stated, you are in the med-low range for your height and are about to be considered underweight . not enough weight can also cause health problems. If you feel like you need to work the legs though, that is fine. you dont need to lose weight to tone your leg muscles. You can ride bike, walk, run, do squats, jump rope(really good! very underestimated!), or get on an elliptical machine or stair climber. What i learned from my own experience is that after a while, you need to switch up the routine. if you just walk or run the same distance for the same amount of time everyday, your body will get used to this as normal and you will stop seeing results! This is called a plateau. You need to continue to -confuse the muscles in your legs. Maybe you can ride bike and jump rope one week, then run and do sqauts the next, etc... Muscles confusion is key if you wish to tone and not get the plateau effect that makes you feel like you are wasting your time. REMEMBER- MIX IT UP AND PUSH YOUR BODY PAST ITS COMFORT ZONE!! YOU WILL SEE RESULTS... GOOD LUCK!

Your weight is just FINE for your height. Many ladies use walking to slim their bottoms, but for heaven s sake please don t obsess over this -- far too many girls and women ruin their health and sometimes die due to anorexia. And take it from a true backside man: ladies bottoms are much sexier when they re a bit chubby. Slim bottoms look masculine, which isn t attractive at all in a lady.

To lose weight successfully,you should know the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!Yes,it is really important.You should know the truth:1.Low Fat Foods DON\ T always WORK...2.Low Calorie Diets DON\ T always WORK...3.Low Carb Plans DON\ T always WORK...I followed the guide above and I lost 7 lbs in 11 days and then 30 lbs in less than a month.I followed the guide on: ---http://www.fitnessreport.infoHope it can help you.

Run for at least 45 to 60mins a day. It doesn t matter how fast you do this, as long as the duration is around 45-60mins. Any less and your body is going to increase muscle mass instead. If your legs are not big from muscles, then you can do standard exercise routines and diets.

You can go outside and run, jog, walk...anything really just go outside and get your legs moving!And you are really perfectly fine. You not overweight at all. You are acually in the low to med-low range!

you can do it ...ask me how ???call me at ameysid id in yahoo masenger.we are just control our calori taking + our tea mix.ok

walk, speed walk, ride a bike

What is the best way to lose weight fast? -

i really need to lose some pounds, and i would like to know what is the fastest and best way to lose a few pounds a week? it would be really helpful for me, because im trying really hard not to turn towards throwing up as a way to lose weight. because it seems like no matter what else i do im not losing weight.please!

First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONCheck out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_�� FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

Since July of this year I lost 45 pounds. I went from a size 18 to a size 10. The product that I sell and take is 100% natural, safe and a quick way to lose weight. If you re interested in knowing more about this product my website is www.miracledietsupplements.com. I am about 85% complete with developing my site. If you are really serious about losing weight send me a message with an email address where I can contact you and I will send you information on the product and a before and after picture of my results.

You should just try and do the 20/80 thing...be smart and do 20 percent of the work for 80 percent results.Exercise smart and eat smart(kinda what I call my routine..lol)Exercise smart = running in the morning...so your metabolism stays elevated throughout the day.(do about 15 minutes a day...even any other time can work)..for your case...even simply trotting inside your home for 20 odd minutes would work well..if done early morning!Eat smart = using a natural supplement that increases metabolism Green tea or white tea will do. I prefer white tea coz its more effective when packaged with Acai... try http://freewhitetea.com I got a free pack from them recently.It has tons more antioxidants than green tea=much faster metabolism!Drink it about 2 or 3 times a day...and itll help not only for metabolism...but also for suppressing appetite naturally. Tastes awesome too! :)By doing this...you should see a decrease in weight of about 2 or 3 pounds a week...gradually increasing..... after you have reached your optimal weight.... lower the amount of white tea acai you take...its extremely powerful and must not be used sparingly...Please oh please don t resort to throwing up...it aint worth it.... i hope what ive written helps you lose weight as it has for so many others!

Drink tons of water and go running. It goes without saying that you should stay away from junk foods. Eat small (healthy) meals throughout the day.The more often you eat, the more likely you are to refrain from over-eating. Best with everything and stay healthy!Oh yeah, I hear eating spicey food speeds up your metabolism.

cut out the sugar and bread out of your diet. then lower the carbs. drink Lot s cold ice water with lemon. exercise for 1-4 minutes doing free wight squats or hindu squats and push ups. do that all through out the day preferably 5-8 times. thats it.

Try the Lil Jack workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr��

If you just do a low carb diet and workout about 60 minutes a day doing cardio, you will lose weight very quickly.

blood type diet books have helped me tremendously. live right for your type is the one that tells the best exercise for each blood type.

Try Calorie Shifting...This site has some helpful tips and a free ebook to help you along.good luck

What is the best thing to do to lose weight FAST!!!? -

I eat a lot of sweets and sometimes when im bored i eat ,,,,HELP!

My friend I have wondered that many times myself ! I keep praying that they will invent a pill that you take when you go to bed and all your excess weight will fall off and you can throw it out the window the next morning !!!!!!!! Seriously though, I have found when I get bored to keep myself from eating I try to get involved in a household chore that makes it difficult to eat, example; gardening,washing dishes, dusting etc.I know its not glamorous, but it keeps me from putting things in my mouth. I have also gone for a long walk.Drinking alot of water helps fill you up and flushes the excess from your body.Unfortunately the only way to truly lose it fast is to have surgery.Any other way is dangerous to your health.Keep the faith my friend.You can always post answer s to keep your hands busy.Have a great day!!!!!!!!

stop eating fatty foods, exercise, eat vegetables.limit the number of calories you eat per day.

eat healthy food, exercise, fill up your schedual with stuff to do, hang out with friends and go to healthy food place if you just have to eat outside

I m telling you...NO, I m promising you that the kimkins diet works! I lost 13.5 lbs in one week and still going! I know if someone would have told me that I wouldn t believe it, but itis true. The plan really works.If you want to check it out for yourself, follow this link: http://www.kimkins.com/467.htmlThey don t require you to buy ANYTHING except the lifetime membership and the plan is easy to follow--no crazy food or difficult recipes.Feel free to ask me any further Q s!Kelli

How to lose weight fast? -

ok im 13 and i weigh 110 i want to get done to 100 and i want to know how to do that fast. im not exactly fat or anything but i want to lose this extra weight im carrying

My stomach is not very pleasant either. so here is a list of exercises i do every other day-20 regular crunches-30 bicycle crunchesprop up your legs parallel to the ground.hands behind your head.bring your left elbow to meet with your right leg. that s one rep.go back to the starting positionthen do your right elbow to your left leg.two. and so on-30 tabletop crunchesprop your legs up parallel to the groundhands behind your headslowly drop your legs to the left.go back to the starting positionslowly drop your legs to the right. go back to the starting positionthat s one rep. -30 push up crunchesprop your legs up parallel to the groundhands behind your head.push your legs up straight into the air until your body is in the shape of an L. go back to the starting position. that s one.-30 hover crunchesrest your entire body on the floor, propped up on your elbows.push your self up till your on your toeshold for five seconds. Thats one rep-30 side hover crunchesrest your entire body on the ground propped up on one elbow.push your body up until you are on the side of your foot( i usually split these 15 and 15 with each arm)-10 pain crunches(theres a reason i gave them that name)prop up your legs straight up( you can use a desk or something, i had a hard time keeping my legs up )bring your head and shoulders toward your legs then go back down( i only do 10 cuz there really hard)-15 squats-20 lungesand i try to doo one cardio exercise.i usually jog swimjump ropeor play a sportalso drink nothing but water, it helps flush away ecess poundsi do it every other day cuz after the first day my stomach was killing me but if you really want to lose that wieght by this weekend you should do them everydayhope i really helped! i know how you feel!

Alternate CaloriesThe theory behind alternating calories is a good one. The body determines how many calories to burn based on data collected from the previous days caloric intake. For instance, if someone normally eats around 2000 calories a day, the body will become accustomed to burning at least this much. When one alternates calories, they eat the typical amount of calories for one to two days and then drastically drops the amount of calories for one to two days, and then return to the normal amount.For instance, Monday and Tuesday might be 2000 calorie days while Wednesday and Thursday are 1000 calorie days and then back to the 2000 calorie diet for Friday and Saturday. Sunday would be a 1000 calorie day. This tricks the body into burning more calories and helping the individual lose weight.

Step 1: Cut down on the amount of processed sugars and carbohydrates you eat.Step 2:Consume only small portions of starchy grains and vegetables, such as brown rice, beans, corn, and potatoes. Try to limit yourself to only one small serving of a starch per day.Step 3:Eat one portion of lean protein with every meal, and two portions of veggies.Step 4:Varying your menu will keep you from getting bored. Also, using lots of fresh herbs and good quality spices will make your meals more flavorful without adding fat.Step 5:For exercise, if you haven��t exercised in a while, start with something low impact, like walking. If you can, walk somewhere hilly so that your level of excursion varies. Pair your cardio workouts with strength training. Lifting light weights will increase your muscle mass. More muscle means you will be burning more calories every day, even while at rest.

that s a perfectly healthy weight. i m 12 and i weigh 102.5 but i m on 4 10 1/2 haha :)

drink lemonade