Monday, April 20, 2009

How to lose weight (14 yrs, 510quot;)? -

Hey I m a 14 year old girl and about 155 pounds. I am 5 10 and very muscular and athletic but have started feeling really self conscious and want to lose 10-15 pounds. Any suggestions on how to lose weight?

cut out the junk food in ur diet, start eating more fruits and veggiesjust watch ur portion size too. just do cardio, go for a walk or run, go to the gym and go on the treadmill, do some swimming, or jump rope. there are so many different cardio activities, just read up on what they are and what you can do. good luck!

Well, since you say you are so muscular and athletic, you do know that muscle weighs more than fat right? the more muscle you gain the more you weigh even if you lose fat. but for losing weight, completely cut out soda s and go for water instead. cut down fast food to once a week if not less. (a soda with your fast food is ok but no refills, op for just one big one and enjoy it) try to eat a lot of whole/multi grain breads and pasta s instead of regular stuff. don t eat diet food, eat real food but just portion yourself. eat a lot of fruit as the natural sugars are better for you than what you get from sugary soda s and milkshakes and junk and will keep your energy up normally instead of a sugar induced glee. oh, and eat foods / take a vitamin supplement that has a lot of vitamin C in it. your body needs C more than most people would think. ~Drac

Wow, you do sound like you are at a great weight for your age and your height. And you re athletic. Muscular? Are you self-conscious about how you look, or about your actual body weight? Because you know that muscle weighs more than fat, and that weight (the muscular weight) is a good thing.I can tell you what NOT to do:- DO NOT Diet for a week-a month then go back to your natural habits.- DO NOT excercise intensely, non-stop until you can t even think.- DO NOT use any weight loss powders, pills, or promises (anything you are talked into paying for, they are all fake or very unhealthy for your body.)- DO NOT use colon cleanse. This can be harmful to your body.- DO NOT starve yourself (I m sure you already know that.)- DO NOT totally cut yourself off from foods you love. Proportion is the key. Treat yourself once in a while, in moderation.These things may help you:- ask your doctor. She/he will know how to help you, if you even need to lose weight. Your doctor will know that too.- Health teacher. They are there to teach you about health. Perfect.- Keep track of what you eat and how you excersize in a journal.- Keep up your athletic lifestyle. Good luck.

First of all, you are going through puberty so you are bound to gain weight easily.Your BMI is 22.2 * Underweight = 18.5 * Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 * Overweight = 25-29.9 * Obesity = BMI of 30 or greaterSo this is based on adults, not teenagers going through puberty.You are definitely a healthy girl and considering that you are muscular too, muscle weighs more than fat.If you want to loose weight, you definitely dont want to be loosing muscle, just fat so do expect to gain weight if you over exercise. Try exercising in the morning before breakfast and than waiting an hour before eating. never skip breakfast, This method really works for weight loss rather than at night.Breakfast should be your biggest meal because you havent eaten while you were sleeping so its important to refuel your body.Watch your portion control as well. A lot of people over eat, and eat when they are not hungry, but thirsty. Just keep doing what you are doing, love yourself for what you are. You are not fat, but a normal healthy tall girl :)

It doesn t sound like you need to loose any weight as you are a tall and growing girl. But if you wish to the best way is exercise and dieting.I find the best way to loose weight is to go for a 10 minute run three or four times a week and only eat when you actually feel hungry. Also drink lots of water as it detox s your body and makes you feel alot healthier

Muscle weighs more than fat which is why you might think you are too heavy. You are tall so you will naturally be slightly heavier than your friends, but please don t go on a diet, you re still growing and need all the vitamins and minerals that a healthy diet can provide. If you are really that concerned about your weight then see a doctor. You don t sound overweight to me.

Ok let me say this ive been overweight for a long time ive tried every diet out there...and NOTHING never lost a ounce... started a new diet 2 weeks ago and ive lost 9 1/2 lbs.... its a strict strict strict 1000 calorie diet... count EVERYTHING you put in your mouth, tea, pop, food, chips, candy, gum anything............ and dont go over, dont eat past 8pm and you will lose,... i never have exceresided so its possible just stick with it.

wii fit, a calorie counter or go o n youtube and type in 4 min cardiovascular workout, it worked for me if you do it every dayhope this helpsenclose a pic next time so we can judge if you actually have anything to worry about

First Of All Dont Starve Yourself Cause That Can Cause Serious Health ProblemsSecond, If You Eat About 2000 Calories A Day Try To Cut Back To About 1500 And Excersise So Your Body Will Use The Extra Calories In Your Fat As EnergyHope That Helped

Just eat healthier + Exercise everynight for about 30 minutes :)Hope i helped .Answer mine ?! (:;_ylt=AudrXjOBLLOn7vo__RIEnMDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091209132226AAKjQdJ

While you re at an ideal weight, I guess 10-15 isn t all that much. Keep exercising and eat fewer saturated fats. See your local nutrition facts labeling for details.

Try to eat like salads and no junk food for about a month

eat healthy!! :Dif you re really athletic.. well that s a start...sleep properly too hope this helps!

are you the same person that asked if 14 was old?0-0

You weigh more than me! I m 5 11 and 145. Get running!

ur taller then me and weight more then me and i m so sad I HATE MY SELF

How to lose weight fast? -

I m 14 and I ve gained quite some weight, and I want to LOSE IT. It s just a bunch of flab and fat, UGH. I can t try acai berry because I have no money, and my parents wouldn t buy it for me... lol. Help?I m 5 3 and 126 pounds.

Try this website and set a goal. It will tell you how many calories you need per day to lose however much you want by when That is what I am doing now and it is great. It is helping me and also you can track your calories..Good thing you didn t try acai berry it is just spam and it don t work. Go to it is free to join.

Ask them to buy healthy food, instead. And don t eat any fast food, and exercise.

Just try cutting back on how much u eat, and try to stay away from alot of the fats and sugars u have been eating. dont try to rush the proccese its simple.

swim! fastest results

How to lose weight in 2 months? -

how would someone go about to lose 40 pounds in 2 monthswould it be healthy just to eat breakfast in the morning and the rest of the day just drink water?

No, that would not be a good plan, and unless you need to lose a LOT of weight, 100 pounds or more, it is very difficult and unhealthy to try to lose 40 pounds in 2 months.Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Vary your routines. Don t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn t adjust to any one routine.An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc.

Every week the maximum amount of pound to lose is 2 pounds. Therefore, since there are 8 weeks in a month than you can only lose the maximum of 16 pounds!! Please do not kill yourself to look beautiful. I know its cliche to say this but beauty comes from the inside!! If you accept yourself you can love yourself more.It is not healthy to eat only breakfast. You must eat every 2 hours a day with lots of water (these meals can be snacks, but must be healthy). If you want to lose weight than diet and exercise, never do one without the other or else you will have health risks.One pound=3500 calories, so you can burn these calories at the gym AND cut back on extra eatings. So to lose 2 pounds you must burn 7000 in a week as in 500 in a day. You are not only burning but also cutting back. Only exercise for 5 days of the week or you will get health risks.

A person who is looking for a way how to lose 40 pounds in two months knows that there are a number of challenges ahead of them while trying to lose weight. However it is also true that losing weight can be done more quickly than a person might think.In fact, a person can lose up to 40 pounds in two months by doing the following:1. Leave the bread alone. Nothing can make a person bloated more than bread and pasta. It is important that a person who wants to know how to lose 40 pounds in two months makes a commitment to stay away from bread and pasta as much as possible.2. Water is your friend, everything else is an enemy. A person who understands how to lose 40 pounds in two months understands that a lot of empty calories are added simply by sipping cola, alcoholic beverages and even skim milk. While there is nothing wrong with a little skim milk every day, drinks like cola, lemonade, coffee, tea and beer must be avoided.3. Work it out. Any person who knows how to lose 40 pounds in two months realizes that it is unsafe to try to lose this much weight simply by eating less. A 15-20 minute run on the elliptical machine in the morning and a 10-minute run in the evening can boost a person s metabolism enough to speed up the weight loss process.4. Hello Jell-O! Liquid foods are best for a person trying to lose weight. In addition to Jell-O, soup is another great liquid food that can help a person be nourished, but not lug around extra food that is hard to digest or process.5. The scale is a friend. A scale may not always tell a person what he or she wants to hear, but like any good friend, the scale will be honest. It s great to see visual evidence that a person is losing weight. A person who knows how to lose 40 pounds in two months understands that a scale can keep him or her on track.6. Or visit diet review site and find the right diet plan that really give you the power to decide for yourself, what you eat and how much. such as http://www.top5dietproducts.comGood luck!

The most weight you should lose a week is 2 pounds. anymore then that and it s most likely unhealthy and will come back just as easy as you lost it. So sorry to say, but, you can t lose 40 pounds in 2 months. Now you can lose 16 pounds in 2 months! that s not bad...what you should do is...JUMP ROPE!! it is the best exercise, period.I have been doing it for about 3 and a half months now and have lost 20 pounds! First, find a good jump rope. Here is a good one.��Now when you get your jump rope start off easy. I started off in sets of 100 and did that for about 5 minutes. between each of the 100s take 3, 6, or 9 breaths for a little break. You will get frustrated. It will be challenging. But you will get better and be able to do it for 10 minutes non-stop at a moderate speed. What I do now is 6 sets of 10 minutes taking about a 45 second rest/water break in between each set. So that you don t get bored, set up your workout area around a tv. You will need space. But not a whole lot of space. You may have to move your tv or something but I didn t. Avoid jump roping on concrete at all costs. It s bad on your knees and ankles.What s great about jump roping is that you can always make it harder. You can go faster, take bigger jumps, double unders, etc. Also, you will need to adjust your rope, which is easy. With some simple tools you can pop off the caps cut and cut the rope where you want it. How do you know what is the right length, you ask? well, Stand on the middle of the rope with both feet and the handles should come up to your armpits. Don t cut too much off though, because then you will need another rope if you mess up.Now about eating...This is not my area of expertice but I ve heard that you should cut 500-1,000 calories from your diet. So for men you should eat 1,500 and for women it should be 1,200 but NO LESS. Instead of 3 meals a day, eat 5-6 small meals each consisting of 200-350 calories. here s an example of one of my days of eating.Breakfast, whenever you wake up which should be 7:00-8:30: 2 servings of kelloggs special K plus protein with little skim milk =240 Now if you can t stand not having very much milk pour in what it tells you to pour in for each serving which is about 160 per serving? Apple= 70 calories... all = 310-390 caloriesMini-Brunch 10:00-10:30: Dannon Light and Fit 80 calorie yogurt with Planters cashew peanuts. But easy on the cashews. I usually take about half a hand full which makes it all equal to about 150 calories all =140-170 caloriesLuch 11:45-12:30: This is usually my largest meal because I exercise after I eat lunch.deli meat sandwhich with good healthy bread and using mustard instead of mayo and cheese. =about 300 caloriesSalad =100-150 depending what you put on it. I usually have about 5 cups of salad with light dressing, feta cheese, and some sunflower seeds. YUMand you can throw about 25 grapes or something like that in there and it all = about 450 caloriesAfternoon tea?? 3:00-3:30 I usually have something filling right around this time so I don t have to much at dinner. So oatmeal, or anything hot and has fiber and protein. oatmeal = 160 calories. and you can have a small salad with that so it would = about 240 caloriesDinner 5:45-6:30: Um um Usually there is something made for dinner right? So you can t control this one... but you CAN control how much you eat! Use a small plate and limit your meat portions to about a deck of cards. If you had deck of cards meat, half a baked potato, and salad that would =about 300 calories...ALL EQUALS =1,470... OH MY GOODNESS THAT S LIKE PERFECT!! lol So there you go, that s one successful day of eating uner your belt. Now here is a list of foods to avoid at all costs and foods to include in your dietNO-NOsodaany desserts...sorry but seriously cut ANY out completely. Don t even taste it because it won t satisfie you. These desserts includecake,cookies,pie,candy... you know all that stuff.pancakesbaconhot dogsmilkshakesthe list goes on, and on, and on... You know what s not good for youGOODY GOOD GOODS!Fruit such asapplesbananasstrawberriesgrapes, but not too many. Grapes are the sugariest fruit so limit those.and other such thingsSALAD salad is very low calorie so load upa good cerealoatmeal1 or 2 eggsand this list goes on and on too. again, you know what s good for you!One other thing. DRINK, MORE, WATER! From now on, water is your favorite drink. You should be having 82 ounces of water everyday or more. put water in place of fruit drinks, soda, and other stuff LOADED with sugar.HOPE ALL THIS HELPS! it worked for me so it should work for you. weigh yourself every week in the morning and measure your waist every week. GOOD LUCK!:)

Help, need advice on how to lose weight quick? -

I have a wedding that I need to attend to and I want to look good for it so would like to lose about 10 pounds. The wedding is in 2 weeks so this is very important. I know excercise would be help but I have a bad back so can t really do to much. Any suggestion? Thanks 3

If you are looking for easy weight loss way, you can use my way. I lost 12 pounds in one month. If you are really serious about weight loss you must have a look this way. It is easy if you know right info to do weight loss. You can find more info here

How to lose weight ? -

please not such as runing but can i do jumping jack i weight 160 i want to lose 40 poundin one year

How tall are you? How old are you? 120 pounds is not a normal weight for a full-grown man. If you are not an adult, unless you are only four feet tall, you don t need to lose weight.Ask your doctor what he or she thinks about your weight before you go about trying to lose it.

Jack, losing 40 lbs. in a year is doable but will test your weight losing skills. I like the jumping jacks because they simulate jumping rope and that is a great way to get in shape. I would cut about 3500 calories a week out of my diet if I were you too. That will help you lose the weight you want to. It may be that you will need to consider your ideal weight, which is 120, and multiplying it by 11. That is a good way to gage the amount of calories you would need to lose weight without any exercise. It works out to about 1350 calories a day.

well jumping jacks arent as affective but u could try walking everyday and evening, i would say it really helps, and also eat a lot junk and plenty of water

go to the fitness center to loose some weight and drink alot of water if u can ,also u could do swimming and stuff baby girl

Eat healthy. Eat organic. Eat yogurt. Exercise.

40 pounds in one year is very doable! The website below has tons of helpful info. Good luck!

try swimming

exercisedrink lots of waterNO JUNK!!!lots of fruits and lean protein