Saturday, January 21, 2006

How do you avoid becoming scrawny on a diet? -

I have been obese most my life, and have just had a very successful weight loss program that took about a year to take pounds off and get me into the normal range. That s the good news. The bad news is, I now look like a scare crow -- no tone, no muscle. Whereas I was embarrassed to remove my shirt before I lost weight because of a pot belly, now I am embarrassed to because I am so hollow chested and wasted looking. I don t want to become heavily muscled like a weight lifter, but I would like to have some solid, NORMAL mass to my frame. Is it too late for that? What is the best way to do this?By the way, I opted for diet rather than exercise in the first place, because I have some physical/health issues that prevent me lifting very much at all. I should be able to walk or cycle or do anything that doesn t take too much straining. Will this help overall in filling me out, or what will it take?In advance, thanks for your time and input.

Maybe you could go to the gym and get a personal trainer who can set up a good program for you. Good luck. You know I sort of have the same problem. I lost 30 pounds really fast just dieting about a year to a year and a half ago but I still don t have everything toned like I d like to.

I just lost 5 sizes and don t have your problem but I ate vegitables and fruits.Watch what meats you eat,don t ever eat the skin or fat. Stay away from bread and white pasta s,rice and starchy foods that turn into sugar in your body.Drink skim milk it has all the things that real milk has except the fat. I m to ride a bike rather than walk fast do to limitations of the back.(it s the jarring of your spine)

you should definitely walk, maybe try cross country skiing, or boat rowing? that will work your chest muscles without lifting anything

High protien diet and a good weight lifting program..