Saturday, February 25, 2006

Whats the most I should lose in 6 weeks? -

I want to look good for halloween. I m 5 3-5 4. 120 pounds. That s like 23% body fat. Gross... Well anyways i guess i would LIKE to be about 105 but I seriously don t think I m capable of losing that before halloween. What s a healthy weight loss amount for me like a week? Also how should I go about doing this eating wise. I burn about 2100 calories a day with exercise. How much do you think i could lose in 6 weeks? I;m 14 btw if it even matters. oh and don t be all ur so skinny don t lose weight because that s really annoying and i seriously don t care if u think im skinny i care about what i think..

1-2 lbs is best per week, eat like 1600 calories a day assuming you burn 2100 consistently. It has to be from good stuff though. Lean meats (chicken/turkey breast), vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats (eggs, nuts, oils etc). No processed foods. Water everything, drink a lot of it. Don t skip meals, eat 6 times a day. Don t be like everyone else that tries to live off of 200 calories of vegetables a day, and don t weigh yourself a lot, mirror scale.

Well I m 24% body fat and don t look gross, so either you are exaggerating or your body fat is much higher than 23%. Also people with low body fat aren t skinny, they are lean athletic with muscle. If you want to be 105lb, then it s not worth worrying about your body fat percentage because you are just going to end up losing muscle anyway.


Hello There Shedding weight can be hard , but it is a worthy goalI needed to lose some weight too for health reasons and I began searching on the Internet. I came across They recommended a few products in their weight loss section and I ended up getting the first one. I had my doctor look at the product and he said that it looked pretty healthy and he approved. Since then I have lost about 75 pounds. My blood pressure is down, I sleep better, and I don t crave alot of that junk food I used to eat. I really recommend it. God Bless