Sunday, March 26, 2006

Help I need lose weight fast-for wedding? -

Okay I know you should lose 1-2lbs a week for healthy weight loss.... but right now I dont care, my wedding is in a month, my dress just came in and it doesn t fit I m thinking I need to lose 20 lbs, and I need to lose it fast, I don t care if its just short term and I ll gain it back since it wont be a healthy way.....after wedding I ll try and lose weight the correct way,,,,, but I need to lose 20lbs fast even if it s short term. I need to fit in my wedding dress......also I have one other thing against me I had this foot procedure done and I can t put too much stain on my foot so I can t really to do much excerise like running or treadmill ect I can walk outside probably about 15 mins at a time before my foot starts hurting again but thats my only form of excerise I can really do for the next few weeks while my foot heals. Help can you give me suggestions what to do and eat

low carb all the way. Eat a max of 15-20g of carbs a day. You re allowed to eat all lean meats that aren t high in carbs such as chicken, beef, steak, fish etc. and you re allowed to eat fat too. Not too much though. Not too many fruits or veggies are alloed on tthe diet. Just eat lettuce.No bread, rice, anything made out of flour basically.Take centrum to make up for vitamins and nutrients you re losing out on.And take centrum as a fiber supplement.Eat a max of 1200 calories a day and split your meals into 5-6 seperate meals.Walking is enough exercise on this diet. Do it everyday though.And drink a ton of water everyday. I m talking like 3 litres because protein breakdown takes long and you want to fluch out your body regularly.Hope this helps, good luck. You ll lose 20 pounds pretty easily if you follow this.

Hi Lovely,Gd Day!!!In my view side....i sugggest you to take on an extemely diet progaram......which i had done before.1. Day 1( you have to eat whatever you want to eat exp: pizzas, mc donalds, KFC .......2. Day 2 ( early in the morning before meal you have to take i glass of lime juices without sugar)* don t allow heavy foods such rice...meat.....*only eat fruits (banana, pineapple,papaya oranges*drink a lot of wateri m very sure you ll loss your weight

Heyy. A natural way to loose wieght is to eat an aple before every meal. It blocks about 50% of the calories and fat that you would absorb with out an apple. No side affects. Weight loss pills only block about 5% of calories and fat. With this method and Weekly or daily exercize, youll be gorgeous in a short while.(I lost 20lbs in 1.5 months)

Bullimic or starve yourselfbut that would be wrong..i think thats the only way you can lose weight quickly but i wouldnt recommend doing thisTry excersizing eating less watch what you eat and you can lose about 4 lbs a weeks i think but just keep it up

You could lose 5 pounds by swimming and biking a lot. You would would also need to eat around 1000-1200 calories a day.Don t drink soda or alcohol and stay away from processed foods.

Colon cleanses work.. Im using China Green Dieters Brand green tea. A hot cup every night and its working for me. Im in a wedding this weekend and im feeling confident...try some!

drink alot of water ,or a colon cleanse you can still do sit up s right?NO cards only veggies fruit

Low carb all the way, baby!!

ignore what the girl just said about being bulimic (dont go there!). I was there and its horrible so please dont. I ve lost weight and I m happy with the way I am by just cutting out sodas, juices and super sweet snacks. Just eat healthy and in portions, and try to eat every four hours, if your hungry of course. Avoid carbs (like breads) eat maybe a little bit of rice but dont over do it because it has a tendency of bloating etc etc.if you really want to lose weight, maybe go vegan, it cuts out all the fatty food, basically what i would do is eat rice with some soy sauce or veggies, a lot of sushi and it works like a charm.

my cousin lost 20 pounds in 2 or 3 weeks, i can t remember exactly, but this is what he did:he cut out all red sodas.ate oatmeal one to two times a day, it makes your metabolism go faster, which helps you get rid of the waste faster.ate cheerios for dinner.if you eat bread, whole wheat or whole grain is better.if you get a sweet tooth the hundred calorie packs are great.and if you can find organic bars, i found mine at walmart, they fill you up really fast.and drink lots of water.