Friday, March 17, 2006

What can I do to lose weight, and get thinner? -

Okay, so I m starting to cut down on eating/drinking things with lots of fat and carbohydrates and stuff like that, and I do PE every school day for about 45 minutes. I walk about 2.5-3 kilometers home from school around 3 days a week, and I usually go skating or swimming on the weekends, and I go swimming once a week after school. I m going to continue to eat healthy and exercise. Any other things on how to lose weight, and make my stomach thinner as well? Not super skinny, but thinner. And please no diets or weight loss programs, or stuff like that.Thanks in advance!!! :)

It seems simple, but if you just eliminate all refined sugar/corn syrup from your diet you will lose weight. You d be surprised at how difficult it is to find things without it!

Drink and eat only water. I did for a month and I am 110 pounds.