Trying running. You need to just burn the fat on your stomach. Everyone has a six-pack... it s just there is fat covering up the six-pack.
You can try sprinting. It sounds easy, but wait till you try it. Not many people know what a sprint is because they just run . Sprinting is when you go all out and run as fast as you possibly can.Sprinting helps speed up your metabolism to help you burn A LOT of calories throughout the day.Sprint for a few seconds, do a slow jog to recover, and then sprint again for a few more sets. Make sure you warm up because you can easily pass out from a sprint.
dude if there is one thing i do know u need to do it s running. You need to run or else all of those crunches are for nothing. try running up stairs or a sloped road.
Run three miles in the morning and again three miles in the evening and eating sensibly.
do 30 min. of cardio 4 times a week and get abs by doing leg lifts, weighted crunches, and knee up s
try something like yoga or kickboxing..really works your core a lot
stay on the program.
working your legs help out your lower abs!! try some leg exercises