Monday, April 24, 2006

Lose belly, thigh, and calf fat by beginning of next school year? -

School starts August 27th. No weight loss programs, products, teas or acai berry please.

Here are some tips:1. Change your diet. Try and obtain most of your calories from complex carbohydrates (this will give you energy and keep you feeling full). Remember, you lose fat by burning more calories each day than you consume. Example: If you burn 2000 calories each day just by existing, and burn 300 more through exercise, eat less that 2300 calories. Never skip breakfast. Snacks are fine as long as they are healthy. Examples: fresh fruit and veggies, rice crisps, peanuts, yogurt, etc...) Also, little things will help tons! Like, switch to skim milk, eat low fat yogurt, use cooking spray instead of oils, opt for the low fat foods, eat whole grain bread... All these things will help a lot. 2. Drink AT LEAST 8 (8oz) glasses of water each day. The more water you drink the better. Especially if you are working out.3. Try and do 20-40 minutes of continuous cardio exercise (jogging, speed walking, elliptical, biking) every day, at least 3 times per week (the more days you can do this, the better).4. Create a weight training schedule. Try to do some general strength training exercises at least 3 times per week. Remember, muscle burns fat. So, the more lean muscle tissue that is on your body, the faster you will burn fat.5. Stretch! This will help to lengthen and tone your muscles. Some studies even show that it can help to prevent injury. It also feels awesome!It sometimes takes about 8-12 weeks after starting a weight loss regime to see results (depending on the intensity of your fitness plan). So be patient, and keep with it! It will pay off.Hope this helps, and good luck :)

There is NO QUICK EASY way to lose your fat. You are going to have to do it THE HARD WAY, or forget it. That means a lean diet of mainly fruits and vegetables, lots of planned exercise and if you cannot find the answers on the internet, then go to the YMCA and enroll in their classes. Or hire a trainer if you have not the resolve to do it on your own. And cut out ALL soft drinks and other sugars. I swam off 30 pounds over a period of 3 months, but it took 2 miles of swimming every week, without fail.

One thing that brought my dieting and losing weight out of the plateau I was in so long was the Acai Berry. I was stuck at my weight loss goals and this brought me through it and made me lose a lot of weight. So in my opinion it helped me lose weight tremendously. I know a lot of that dieting stuff is expensive but I found a free trial of Acai Berry(I think it only cost me like 7-8 bucks at the time for shipping.) The site was - All I did was try it out for a month and I was sold, I saw the results I wanted to and like I said I was in that plateau with my weight loss. This kicked it up a bunch.Good luck and I hope this helps.

The most effective way to burn fat is to eat less and move more, the problems arise when we really attempt to put that into operation! There are lots of opportunities to fail in the real world aren t there?! The only diet that definitely delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials in stock, it has been reported in Fox News and CNN. I lost 20 pounds, it definitely does produce results!

DEFFINATLY thats what im doing. Its all about eating healthy and when you eat unhealthy stuff eat it in small small portions. excersize everyday! swimming over the summer is a good way of excersize! playing tennis, running in the park, jumping on a trampoline. will all help. you need to take a time everyday where you will work out hard for an hour. and try to take a walk or run everyday. :) an easy wway to tone calfs is by doing these cheer workouts- heel ups, bicycle legs and superman. ask a cheerleader how to do them or go to american also seventeen mag has good excersizes and tipps

Thsi simple answer is exercise... if you exercise and eat low fat foods, your body will change. I know it s not fun and it s nothing new, but it works.