Sunday, May 21, 2006

What % body fat can be realistically lost in 3 months? -

I ve read from multiple sources that healthy weight loss should typically not exceed more than one pound per week. What about % body fat? I want to lose 10 lbs, and drop from 29% body fat to about 22% body fat. How long should I plan to take to do that?

Thats very realistic, losing ten pounds can take anywhere from 1 month to 3 months depending on your metabolism and your lifestyle. Go on a simply diet, with lots of water, and eat in moderation. Don t over eat, that is the simplest, yet most important part of a diet, excerise, even walking helps.Good Luck, this is very realistic

I suggest a steady regime of Crystal-Methamphetamine combined with a vigorous workout such as basketball,running, masturbation,etc.......Good Luck

Read some useful weight loss tips on this site to help you

if you want to comftorably do it about 2 months if you have to do it fast about 3 weeks

I figure it is best to try to lose 5 to 10 lbs a week to stay healthy, and lose wait kind of quickly. its best to do it gradually. Anyways you could lose about 60 to 100 lbs in that time to stay healthy it would take about a week to lose the weight and you could set a limit on calories and eat less unsaturated fats.Saturated fats settle in the small intestine causing the fat to be shown.

I don t know how much you currently weight, but if you want to drop from 29% and 22%, realisticially, this could take 2-4 months if losing 1lb per week. You could be looking at losing anywhere between 10lb-20lb to reach your goal, but like I said, it depends on your weight at present. HTH : )

Your looking at 6 months... you will loose about 12%-15% in 3 months... and it best to do it gradually, as MOST ppl who experience rapid weight loss, gain it ALL back, as soon as desired goal is achieved.Be careful.

Two months should do it comfortably.