Saturday, August 12, 2006

I AM CRYING RIGHT NOW (Please read on)? -

As you read by the title I am crying. I am crying because no matter what I do I know I will never have a healthy body. As some of you already know I have been exercising for almost 3 months and haven t gotten anywhere! I am so ashamed of myself!! I am only 12 years old, 4ft 10 and I weigh 60kg (132 pounds). I even have to go on the Tony Ferguson Weight loss program now because my weight is going SO out of control. As I sit here crying typing this question all I can think about is how Fat I am and how I m going to turn out like my mum.My mum has rewened her body by drinking, no exercise, over-eating, smoking and drugs. She doesnt even have a neck anymore and I am afraid of turning out like her. She says I wont because I will never do any of those things but I know with my luck I will still turn out like her.I am SO scared! I feel so rotten and I really need your help. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer them.

First, stop obsessing about it. you re only 12 years old, so chances are you haven t lost your baby fat yet. You will still grow in height and then everything will even out. If you haven t started menstruating yet, this too will regulate your metabolism. Your shape will change, and your weight will adapt.

hey hey now don t think like that... i m not a skinny person myself but i know that just because i m over weight doesn t mean i m un healthy... the best way to loose the weight is just to eat healthy and exersise and don t give up!!!! have faith in yourself and by the way being too skiny is just as bad as being too big if not worse so just stick to a healthy diet and in time you will see results...please take care of yourself and if you feel you need to talk to someone please do...

Hey, DONT feel bad! Im overweight too! I weight 140! I WISH I weighed as much as you.Im 13. Ask your doctor if you have a thyroid problem. Oh, and try walking. Eat less junk food. Cut your meals in half, and save the rest for later. Eat more vegetables.I have gained so much weight, its crazy. Nutrisystem is good :)Lose your weight as soon as possible. Oh, and crash diets = crashed plan. I tried eating nothing, and I ended up losing weight...But I gained it back quickly, and every bite counted. I would gain weight much more easily then. But I wish you the best of luck! Also, try and hold the same weight if you cant go down in weight. Because you will grow taller, and stretch out.

Sweetie, you are 12 years old. Why are you so distressed about this? For your own sake, I would STRONGLY recommend NOT dieting. You will do more damage to your body than you realize and will almost ensure that you have metabolism problems and weight problems as you get older. What you can do is stop drinking soda/pop, stop eating sweets and other sugar based things, and above all else, do NOT eat fast food, and exercise 3-4 times a week. Try eating smaller portions more time per day instead of large meals, and drink lots of water even if you don t like the taste or water. When you start doing healthy things like that your body WILL change! The hardest part is resisting the bad eating habits and unhealthy food choices of the past.

Congratulations on being brave enough to know that you need help and to ask for it! It sounds like you are doing something about your life. I don t know what kind of exercising you ve been doing, but have you thought about choosing a goal that focuses on something other than losing weight? What I mean is maybe you could sign up for a charity event like a 5k walk and then train for it. One other thing - try not to be too hard on yourself - I believe in you. Believe in yourself.

Dont cry and dont feel bad..... first eat a low fat diet.... cut out soda, sweets, and sugar.... eat foods with protein.... exercise or enroll yourself in some kind of sports activities.... keep telling yourself you can do it... and dont let anyone tell you you cant.... I lost 30 pounds in 30 days to go from 217 to 187 pounds..... by low fat diet and exercise.... once the weight starts coming off that will motivate you...... stay positive and stay motivated..... we have to exercise everyday in the Army so I know all about exercising and staying in shape.... it is hard but fun and worth it. :)

aww, don t cry! Don t torture yourself with these negative thoughts! Thinking negatively will not help you get anywhere.If you are really concern about your weight, you should talk to your doctor about it. In the meantime, keep exercising. It s always good for your body. Eat healthy.

Hey lemme help u. First of all losin weight starts with havin confidence. As a young girl im sure u have the drive to lose weight. And don t worry about being like your mom..u won t. You are still young so it s better to start now then never. You have exercised for 3 months now..perhaps the reason why u might not see results is probably because of your diet. Not eating anything at all or eating too much is not good. Perhaps u can start off with a 5-meal a day diet. Have a healthy and wholesome breakfast the moment u wake up cos thats when your body needs the most energy, you can break down and have meals after a three hour gap. The key here is to increase your metabolic rate(people with high metabollic rate lose weight faster). The moment u are hungry ur metabollic rate thats the main reason why u should have a 5-meal a day diet. Eat in small portions and lesser carbohydrates and more protein. Don t eat 2 hours before u sleep. If you feel hungry when it s close to ur bedtime drink some milk or eat something light. Don t eat fruits before you go to bed too cause fruits contains sugars. You can eat them during your lunch. Eat healthy and exercise at least 3 to 4 times a day. Start with a warm up and then rotate between doing cardio(running, brisk walking, treadmil etc) and resistant(weights, push ups) work out. Just give yourself an hour. And as u are more used to the routine..u can increase the timing for your workout. Don t exert yourself too much since you are young. You can give yourself cheat meals(anything u wanna eat) once every week. Don t starve yourself and don t stuff yourself. Always remember...u dont wanna be skinny..u wanna be slim. If u have the cash u can hire a trainer and join a gym. If not u can go for the tips i told me it really works. I lost 17kg through a trainer and those are the tips he gave me. Don t worry be confident and u are on the right track!

well...please stop thinking negatively...everybody can have healthy body--of course you can also have. i was also chubby whey i was your age. don t worry, you re still so young, and there s still plenty of time before it s too late to shape it. I stronglly dont suggest you to go on dieting since your body is still developing~ i m sure you don t want to end in skin and bones, with nutritions deficiency, and look older than your real age. better eat healthy food and keep exercising, you will turn out greatly as you re passing your patient, being in shape needs TIME -- instant things are bad.