Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How can I lose weight quicky? I also have a question about dieting and diet sodas.? -

I m 5 6 and 123 pounds. I really want to know some good weight loss tips. I also have a question about diet sodas. I heard that drinking it makes you want to eat more sugar, but how would not eating more and drinking diet soda affect your diet? Will diet soda ruin your diet even if you don t eat more?

If you are 5 6 and 123 pounds you don t need to lose any weight it is recommended that a person who is 5 the ideal weight is 100# and to add 5 # for every inch above that. Drinking a can of diet soda will hurt if done in moderation, if you want to lose any weight drink water and it flushes out toxins and fat.

your weight is fine. I am 5 5 and wish I was 123 lbs.Stay away from soda period! Drink water only. Also, look atthe ingrediants of the foods you are eating. Stay away from anything with high fructose corn syrup. It is in everything! bars, fruit cups, yourt, lite mayo, breads....Eat right. I know I feel better when I eat good and excersize!

okay there is NO healthy way to loose weight fast, it took you a while to put it on it takes a while to get it off. the best thing to do is work out and cut back , when you eat eat little portions at a time! also drink ALOT of water!!!!!

Why do you want to lose weight? You are completely normal! Calculate your Body Mass Index: