Thursday, January 18, 2007

What are some weight loss tips? -

I was recently sick and I had no appetite for about a month and a half. I loss 9 pounds from not eating. The doctors told me to take it easy because tests came out that I had an enlarged liver. However, ever since I got my appetite back, which was about a month ago, I ve gained 4 pounds. I really want to lose weight, I don t think I m fat and I don t think I m skinny, but I want to lose the weight before the summer is over. By the way, I m also a vegetarian.

Tip #1- Avoid going on the scale on a regular basis. For most people the is a bad habit. You see the scale can be very discouraging. If you constantly go on the scale and do not see a decrease in your weight you will feel like giving up because you may think that your program is not working. But note that the scale can be misleading. You see while you are losing weight, you are also building muscles. Therefore it will not show on the scale since the mass of your muscles will replace the weight loss. So to avoid feeling discouraged, you should avoid the scale.Tip #2- Do not compare your body with others. Everyone has a different genetic make up. Some people can lose weight fast while some people will take months. Now if you are comparing yourself with others, you will only discourage yourself more and not focus on your real goal that you want to achieve.Tip #3- Treat yourself after you cross small milestones. This will motivate you to continue. So break down your long term goals into smaller goals and once you achieve one of your goals, treat yourself to something nice.

Well you should exercise a little more each day. Do 25-50 situps a day and that weight will be lost in no time