Monday, March 12, 2007

How much should I exercise in order to lose weight? -

I m talking cardio, mostly brisk walking. I need to lose about 50 pounds.Thanks for you help and any weight loss tips you could offer.

I would strongly recommend this new form of exercise which is new in the USA. This is how to do it and it guarantees weight loss...:......oops i forgot. LOL

Lets see... fifty doing brisk walking... I would start off with about 2-3 hours a day if possible for a month and see how you feel after that. I dont know what kind of shape you re in, fifty is a lot so i assume you re really out of shape. I wouldnt suggest trying to lose all 50 walking, at some point you re probably better off doing some really low paced jogging. Like baby step jogging for a good distance just enough to really get you soaked. Make sure you talk multi vitamins, drink a lot of water and watch what you eat after you workout because you can get sick eating too much or too much of the wrong food. I ve puked many a time trying to feast on chicken after a good run. Good luck

Hi, Carrie, for weight loss, it s best (if you can fit it into your schedule) to do 30-60 minutes of cardio every day. Obviously doing 60 is more effective than 30. Once you reach your goal and your satisfied with your health, you can do cardio 3-4 times a week to maintain good health. For weight loss, my best suggestion is to learn to eat healthy.��That means understand the food pyramid, the food groups, the recommended servings, etc. That is how you should eat for life! If you eat that way and have 3 small, healthy meals a day and 2 small, healthy snacks, you will lose weight. Each meal should be less than 400 calories and each snack should be about 100-150 calories. Eating highly nutritious foods is the key, so think in terms of lean protein, veggies, whole-grains, fruits, low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy oils.The second option is to do a short-term drastic diet that is designed to last for 2 weeks max. This would take off the most weight rapidly. There are several on the site under Diet Plans but my favorite is the 5-4-3-2-1 diet.��You get to pick what you eat, but you re going to want to pick highly nutritious foods to keep your metabolism working efficiently. Again, the eat healthy page can help you determine what highly nutritious foods are, if you need help with that. If you go on the short-term diet, then once it s over, follow the guidelines on the eat healthy page. Make water your main source of hydration and save the sweet drinks (even diet) for special occasions. Eliminate as much salt and sugar from your diet as you can.As you already know, the biggest component to fast weight loss is going to be your workout. You will want to make sure you do a good cardio workout every day for weight loss. Activities that use the large leg muscles burn the most calories. These activities also tone the lower body quite effectively. Think in terms ofpower walking, jogging, biking, skating, swimming laps, jumping rope, dancing, racquetball, and jumping jacks. To make sure that you re burning fat, you need to be sweating and huffing and puffing. In addition, do some good stretches and some strength training.��You ll find some really good information on the website, including about five pages of weight loss tips, printable weight loss journal pages, printable exercise log sheets, motivational ideas, healthy recipes, etc.Good luck!

pffi had an issue with my weight a while ago. but you can get sea kelp which is a natural herb which means you dont have to change ur diet or exercise and it strengthens ur hair and nails AND i lost a stone in a week. iv stopped takin them now and the weight hasnt gone back on and i even checked with my doctor and as its rich in iodine theyr just generally like multi vitamines.they work by increasing ur metabalism so basically if you take 1 everytime you eat something ur digestive system starts working and when thers nothing left to digest it digests a bit more of whats already dont even have to worry about health problems as its all natural and very good for you. theyr like ��3 from holland and barrat for 260 tablets.

for a workable diet - here is what my dietician suggests - follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb. potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category. 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ,ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. have a protein shake too, if you want. it will fight the fat and give you extra energy to exercise. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Needless to say, NO soda, chips, cookies! Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like. get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.

see this is your problem right here, you re too lazy to google some exercise info and you just want attention from yahoo answerers...are you likely to do what we tell you? probably not because you would want us to do that for you too. are you eating chocolate right now because when you say in order to it sounds like you haven t even stopped gorging food yet. get off the computer and do something more productive and you may start gaining some respect, that might lead to self esteem and possibly exercise. how much? you could never overdo it sister.

Eat about 500-800 calories a day,or just less than 1000.Walk for 2 hours a day and do 8 minute abs.Your 50 pounds should be gone in about 2-3 months.:]

try the Lil Jack exercise program��

30 minutes of cardio a day would be good as long as its challenging and make sure everytime you brake sweat

You might want to visit this blog. It contain some valuable information regarding your problem that you might be able to take away from

you need to spend at least 3 hr in gym doing hard work if you want to loose that much of weight


At least an hour

my wife did the celebrity diet and it worked great