Sunday, March 18, 2007

Losing Weight (I know, too often of a question... but I need help)? -

So, I m 5 3 and I weigh 145-150. Yeah, you could say I m overweight. I just want to be healthy and fit as a fiddle for the beginning of the school year (I m going to be a senior!!!), so does anyone have some weight-loss tips? I m not looking for the magical answer, and I know its not going to instantly drop off after I read your replies. I ve tried a lot of things, and I just want to hear your input.

I used to weigh 150 and now I weigh 130. Which is an ideal weight for me. hopefully this could help you get to your ideal weight.First of all, to lose weight, you gotta start eating right, meaning no more fast food. This doesn t mean you have to starv yourself. Just eat healthy foods with healthhy fats. Soo you started eating right, your on the track, now what. Well you gotta get some exercise. I go to the gym. But there are soooo many things you could do at your home. I worked out at home until i was able to go to the gym. Sooo try and get exercise everyday or every other day. Soo your on your way to fitting in those jeans. A fun way to lose weight is... Play a sport! Join a team in high school. Its aa way for you to have fun and burn those calories! thats how I lost my exta weight. It will work best when you eat right and play or do a sport. If you hate working out, sports are the best. Hope I helped! hahaha

For exercise, start with walking. You should do this 3 days a week, starting at 20 minutes and working to longer spans once your body starts getting used to it. You might also try swimming aerobics (or just swimming if you re not into that) or Tai Chi. It s also possible for you to use resistance training starting out, with a latex exercise band - just make sure follow the instructions cause it kinda hurts when they snap you in the face.A normal-sized meal paired with exercise should be about 6 oz. meat, 2 cups vegetables and maybe 1 1/2 cups of starch. I would reccommend cutting out liquid calories and making sure to only eat about a cup of things like cereal or oatmeal. Start reading nutrition facts and see the amount of calories really going in your body - sometimes it can surprise you - you should be trying for about a 2,000 or less calorie intake a day. It s okay if you can t do it right away, changing your routines do take time, and it s okay to eat snacks - but read the calories and serving size first, and stay limited to two snacks a day.Hope this helps! Good luck. :)