Sunday, March 25, 2007

Weight loss tips for pear shaped bodies? -

I m 5 7 and 136 pounds. my weight isn t a real issue. My problem is i have excess fat around my hips, butt and thighs. Above my waist, I m pretty skinny. It s a classic pear shape body. I m really self-conscious about it. Does anyone have tips on how to lose this particular kind of fat?? No fad diets please. I m looking for something along the lines of exercises...

Cardio is key, at least 3 times per week for 45+ minutes. That will burn fat. To firm up muscles, you could do strength training - squats or lunges, walking lunges are great and you don t need weights to start. In fact, you may want to go lighter on weights but more reps so you don t build muscle and make your hips look bigger (go lighter to tone). Just make sure to fatigue your muscles.You might also want to consider working your upper body to build up just a tad to balance top and bottom. Some shoulder and back exercises like military press, rows, and others can make your upper body more proportional.

Maybe you should try walking daily. Start off walking 30 minutes each day and that fat will eventually turn into muscles. If you only want to loose weight in those areas do exercises that only targets those parts of your body. I mean there is no need to do situps if you want to loose the fat on the lower parts of your body.

Do lots of cardio... you may see your leg bulking up a bit but don t worry..then once you see more muscle, begin eating right (well you should be eating right whole time), stop doing cardio on feet, then do more of those palates or yoga exercise to slim down your leg and butt.I m a pear shape person too but doing that really made my thigh and butt look thinner. If you want to get those skinny leg then might not work out cause some people are just naturally have soccer leg.good luck and hope that helps

swimming,freestyle for lower body ,waist,hips .butt ,thighs.legs kicking from hips ,toes pointed ,keeps knee straight,mushroom float ,do crunches for lower

Sorry, for the most part fat distribution is genetic. You can t target a particular spot except in terms of building *muscle* there.