Thursday, March 22, 2007

Weight loss tips in 09!!? -

I am a junior in college and needless to say I have gained some weight. The whole college dorm experience...went straight to my hips and stomach. I turn 21 in Sept and I plan on partying HARD, but recently I have lost alot of self confidence. And I want to look stunning on my birthday! SO....I need help getting back in shape (I was active in high school) and I need tips to help me stay on track and stay motivated!!!All help is welcome. Thanks in advance!!

its all in your diet trust me. I lost 20 pounds just by eating right... im not saying you havto completely stop eating normal food and drink some gross tea or anything. Just cut down on junk food and slowly but surely you will lose weight. If you are looking to lose it quick then I suggest joining some kind of activity like yoga or something but thats only if you are really dedicated. otherwise just eat right and try and get some exercise in daily like jogging around or somethingi know its no awesome advice but this is what you havto do.. trust me

i lost 39 pounds in five months without any crap. not to be a jerk, but stop eating crap. it will make u feel bad and u will just keep thing that really helped was when i got locked in my basement by my parents, i learned to hunt like the iruits and i lived off of the vermin present underneath the stairwell. needless to say, the beast was crushed! war paint helps!

Here is where you can read a good article called Top Ten Principles and Tips for Weight Loss��They are good tips that work.