Thursday, April 19, 2007

Can I lose weight without screwing up my body? -

I m a 13 year old boy, not sure about my measurements but I m not fat. A while ago (about 3 months) I had a little extra stomach so I went about losing it. I joined soccer as well as going for jogs and just generally being active. I also ate a bit healthier (as much as I could but it s not perfect, but it s better than most of my skinny mates). Well I have gotten much fitter but I have not seen any difference in my body. I can run further, faster and longer than before but I have not lost any fat (I don t have scales, I judge on pics, before and after you know). Well, why didn t I lose any fat, how can I and is it possible to (without screwing up my body). What can I do?Btw, all the weight loss tips I have seen on here I do, like drink more water etc.Thanks.

maybe you just need to do what your doing for a while longer or maybe its just your natural body shape? idk good luck anyway :D

You should try Thermogen Plus it works very well and you can maintain your normal diet while you lose weight. Your accumulated fat is exposed through body heat and eliminated in the urine, bowel movements and sweat. here is the website to order it good luck :)

don,t obsess. you sound very healthy. don,t have unreasonable expectations.