Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I need a weight loss tip... -

so when i started summer i was probably a 3 in jeans..now summers almost over and i m now about a 7 in jeans...i know thats not that big but i dont want to be the girl that gained 10 lbs over the summer...school starts in about 2 weeks and i need any help on ways to lose about 10-15 lbs by the end of the summer.ill take any advice, comments, anything (as always) help please and thanks a bunch

Just be healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Skip the fast food. If you aren t working out, try to start. There are no secrets... just hard work and a good attitude! Good luck... but 10-15 pounds in a few weeks for someone who doesn t sound that big to begin with, is going to be diffiuclt to do in a healthy fashion.

hey when i went to california my brother his wife kids and i we ate out at this place called inn and out burger, well i gain about 10-15 during that vacation and ate there only 2-3 times and i was a size 3 and i didn t go up a pant size or anything, so i don t know what you were eating or doing to make u go up that much in a pant size. and actually that is a big jump in pants size if your a 3 to a 7. . oh by the way its been several years(5,6-7) that i have been a 3 and now that i have been filled up with stress and frustration, i still fit a size 3 but now its just getting a lil bit tight, so now i m size 4.and like if you really want to lose that much weight in two weeks, go running about three times a day and work out on your stomach, also your hips, it could be that your still growing and that your hips are just getting bigger.

Eat less then 1000 calories a day and you will lose at least 6 pounds in two weeks