Saturday, May 19, 2007

BEST weight loss tips EVER?? -

OBVIOUSLY eat less, move and workout more- eat fruit and veggies, good carbs...etc-etc. But any really good HINTS TIPS or TRICKS for those last few lbs before a vacation, after 7 weeks or hard working out, any LAST ideas???

Drinking water is a good idea, but the diet is the most important thing, also the amount of time you gave your self to loose a set number of BODY FAT pounds...not just body weight. You can loose a pound of body fat if you burn 3500calories. If its last minute you should start lifting weights. I don t mean the pink or blue weights at the gym. But weight that is heavy enough to only allow you to lift for 6-8 reps in proper form(ask a gym-rat). That is when you will build more muscle to burn that BODY FAT. Then do cardio for MAX of 25 minutes a day at a heart rate of 75-80% of your MAX heart rate for 3 days a week you should feel damn tired after. Don t work out more, work out efficiently.

I found this neat bunch of tricks that reduces your food consumption: First, take slightly smaller bites. That is, cut off smaller pieces of bread or meat or pasta or whatever it is you re eating, so that the same size serving takes you longer to eat. Secondly, put down the knife/fork/spoon once you ve got a bite in your mouth. Start assembling the next bite only after you re done swallowing the current one. The normal tendency is to start assembling while you re still chewing the last bit - avoid this.Thirdly, add a piece of salad/veggies to every bite, instead of eating it in a separate bite. Cheap tricks, I know. But I reduced my food consumption by nearly HALF just by doing this. And I didn t feel like I was starving at all!

drink hecka water do alot of excercises in a daily routine and have fixed meals

never eats when not hungry and always leave food before u are stuffed

eat something every 3 hours, it speeds up the metabolism.

sex. im sure yahoo will look at this poorly, but yeah, sex. it burns calories, makes your heart stronger and makes you lsoe weight.

eat less, move and workout more- eat fruit and veggies, good carbs

Try Yoga and Pranayam. It really works and works faster than anyhing else!!!

drink water at every 20 minutes...everyday for a couple of months

buy a few grams of meth, make sure you eat healthy while your using it.

green tea aka EGCG calorie blocker and raises the metabolism and drink a fair amount of water to shed off access water weight that your body stores. Today s day and age too many people drink the hell outta soda instead of water. If your working out get a whey protein isolate (loaded with BCAA s) and a nighttime protein�� you heal ripped muscles in your REM stage of sleep. Get your full 7-8 hours of sleep sleep deprivation = s no healing and lowers your metabolism and naturally gives you munchies don t do the fasting or starvation diets you ll raise your cortisol levels which will lower your metabolism also and cortisol makes you store more body fat (picture 3rd world country kid with pot belly)

FAST! don t eat much more than an apple for a meal drink lots of water take your vitamins and light*(!LIGHT!)* exercise like walking

Beleive it or not, butt clenches are helpful when you sitting in your office all day. You can burn a lot of calories just from working around the house. While watching TV, do something with your hands. Or chores, ect.Then there s sex. The lesuirous(sp?) activity everyone loves is a workout too! YAY!

Drinks lots of water