Friday, June 22, 2007

I need help. I want to lose some weight.? -

im almost 17, i weight i think 160.. maybe less, and i want to lose a little weight.I need some weight loss tips.What are healthy things to eat, and what excercises can i do at home?Thanks in advance.

Okay. I was always told instead of junk food grab fruit or veggies, like an apple or carrot. Its better for you and your not tacking on that extra fat that you dont want. DO NOT starve yourself but you can limit your portions of food.

to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. therefore if you re 17 and 160 your BMI should be about 1200 calories to maintain to your body at rest. and a pound of fat is 3500 calories. so maybe you should eat about 1200 calories and burn off about 500 with cardio and resistance training. i recommend running in the morning, which i particularly burning fat calories before breakfast. because your body already used up the carbs and protein calories. and resistance training raises your metabolism and tones your body. also try eating 4-6 small meals all day rather than eating 3 big meals.

Do some walking and jogging or biking. Write down what you are eating and the calories that go with it. Set a goal saying I won t eat over 1500 calories a day. Normally people burn around 2000 calories a day without doing any physical activity at all, so a little walking, weight lifting, crunches, or push ups, plus eating slightly less, will get you on your way. (3500 ~ 1 pound) Cut out the sweets and junk food. Watch what you drink too, soda is a big no-no, just try to drink water, and only water.

Always say to yourself I shouldnt eat a lot just reduce eating fatty food or even healthy food maybe just alittle, BUUUT go to the jym a lot and always check your wait every day. YOU WILL ALEAST LOSE 10 POUNDS IF YOU FOLLOW THIS INFORMATION!!!!!GOOD luck.... fatty lol jk .. jk..

young as you are u should be able to drop it fast!u can eat all the stuff u normally eat, but not the super fatty foods (fried chicken, bacon, ice cream, etc.)and try to jog around ur house, or at ur school on the trackdont stress it

Low fatHigh proteinhigh fiber8 glasses of water a daylots of walkingfruits and veggiesno junk fooddon t eat late at night - no sodas or sugar (if possible) except in fruit,Good luck,Heather

plain chicken breasts are good, along with fruits veggies and other lean meats. just take in less calories than you burn every day and you lose weight fast. also good excersises are squats, lunges, and abdomnial crunches.

eat protein and fiberrun, swim etcjust have some determination, you;ll do it

give it to me. i need to gain some weight.


more fruit, take 30 minute walks each day, stay active