Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weight loss tips? Ive been trying for years...? -

I m trying to lose about 30 lbs before the end of May. I weigh 180 pounds right now and I am 5 9 (I am a woman). I exercise every day, about 30 minutes on cardio and 15-30 on toning, and I m about to start playing ultimate frisbee at least 2 times a week. I go to college, so it s a struggle to eat healthy all the time, especially since I live in a dorm. How long do you think it will take me to lose 30 pounds? Do you have any tips for college kids?

30 lbs by may is doable, but I would increase the cardio to 60 minutes. Diet will play the biggest part, if you drink cutting out alcohol will be a big help. Eat balanced meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. limit breads, starches, and fatty meats. Drink plenty of water it is what flushes your system out and helps raise your metabolism.Ditto on the Soda, try herbal Tea Iced or hot with two teaspoons of sugar, or Better yet splenda, as a substitute.

Keep up with the exercise regime, it sounds great. Make sure that you are pushing yourself with each workout. It is very easy for the body to get used to an unchanging regime.In regards to food I have the same problem. Try and operate on the 80/ 20 rule. 80% healthy food with 20% not so healthy food. This will allow you to lose weight while still having the scope to enjoy some treats (late night-drinking, burgers, popcorn whatever). Also, make sure you carry fruit in your bag. This will really help when you have an attack of the munchies.Good luck!

Ugh I knew how you felt! When I lived in the dorms it was sooo hard to eat healthy. For right now, try using a colon cleanse so that the crap you do eat, doesn t stay in your system very long. I like to use bowtrol and I swear by it! The actual website for bowtrol is kinda lame so the cheapest one I buy from is called I dunno why don t you try it, It s a healthier alternative to those diet pills.

your diet is definately the most important part. There are no special secrets or fixes. Just eat natural foods and cut out the refined sugars. And eat breakfast, you gain more weight if you don t eat breakfast. And make sure it has protein so you don t get hungry the rest of the day. One more thing, I know it sounds crazy but diet sodas are worse for you than regular sodas. The Aspertame messes with your hypothalamus so try not to drink soda, but if you are stay away from the diet ones. Hope that helps

Read this excellent article by Bethany Roberts called Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss

Stop eating as much.

eat ur fresh veggies