Sunday, June 10, 2007

Weight loss tips, This might be impossible though? -

how can i lose weight, but keep my boob sizeI m a 12C and i really like that sizebut if i diet, i will lose thathow do i keep them?!plus, i m 16, so it s not like i can get a boob job or anything

Stick to a balanced diet, don t starve yourself. Exercising on specific areas is better.You want to lose your core fat (belly, lovehandles etc.)? Just do some crunches and sit ups. Thighs? Lay against the wall in a sitting position and hold it for as long as you can. Butt? Step ups. Arms? Light dumbells. Problem solved.P.S Anything involved in chest exercises (e.g. push ups) will guarentee burning the booby fat.

Afraid I don t know if that s possible!I lost a heap of weight and my boobs have disappeared!!!I m not kidding... I m flat!Still, I don t mind that much, I can wear filled bras... You might not lose that much boob...just depends how much is your natural boob and how much of your boob is fat (mine must ve been all

http://burnfati.blogspot.comhi this website will help you a lot Good Luck