Thursday, June 21, 2007

Weight Loss Tips/Advice? -

I ve been wanting to lose weight for a long time; I m about 5 4 and I weigh about goal is to tone up, shed fat, and lose weight..especially in my lower regions like legs and me out if you can in any way, thanks =)!

My advice is to treat yourself once a week. When you want something fatty, look at your stomach and your other problem areas and if you need to, stop for a second and think about it. Substitute coke for water. If you drink a lot of coke daily, cut down to one can a day and the rest drink water. Eat smaller portions and only eat when you are truly hungry. Try not to finish everything on your plate. Good luck!

To tone up, you really need to start doing some weight-lifting exercises. Lunges are a great one to tone your legs and butt. Also make sure to get in plenty of cardio. Both of those are important. However, another thing a lot of people don t realize is important is your fluid intake. If you are dehydrated (which a lot of people are, without realizing it), your body is going to retain fluid. If you consistently drink 8 glasses of water a day AT LEAST, your body will learn that it no longer needs to retain fluid because it is being kept hydrated. Drinking water also gets rid of your desire to snack- a lot of times, people think they are hungry when in reality they are just thirsty. Finally, eat healthy! THIS DOES NOT MEAN DIET!!! Diets are bad! Start off the morning with eggs, incorporate as many fruits, veggies and whole grains as you can throughout the day, and try to eat 5-6 small meals instead of 3 big ones. Good luck!!

By walking that will help you lose weight in those areas-make it a brisk walk- and try to find someone to walk with- it goes much easier with a walking buddy- but if you really want to tone those areas up- use weights on your ankles- start with a small amount of weight and then build them more and more. You can even do this around your home and it will help without you giving it much effort- Good luck!

if you drink a lot of soda STOP! you can lose up to 10 pounds (if you drink a lot)try jogging 4 at least 20 a day.if you start working out go one day big workout one day small etc...if working out isnt your thing then stretch those target muscles.i knew a guy that would stretch for 2 hour every day he was ripped. but if you just wanna firm up you probably dont need 2 keep weight off:eat small frequent meals not one or 2 large ones.when eating try to imagine whats on your plate in your stomach. will it really fit in there?don t eat after 8pm. your body will automatically turn all that food into fat if you eat before you meat for lunch instead of dinner. meat takes the longest to digest so if you eat it for dinner your body wont get to it until you sleep that means automatic fat.just a few facts ive learned.

k well im 5 5 and 130 so i know what u mean u dont need to lose much weight ur at avg so dont go crazy try to get muscle by weight resistance and ab training it sheds more pounds if u do more reps less resistance or builds more muscle if do less reps more weight try weight training or push ups like 3-4x a week and different muscle groups u could even do everyday but diff muscle groups each time u do like 30mins of it if 3-4x a week 20min if everyday one day do chest and tricepts next day do back and bicepts stufff like that and u can do legs everyday but wont worry ur legs will tone with cardio do cardio 4-5x a week for 45mins of like running running is a great one but now make sure u eat right u could work out but diet is most important it depends on ur age idk teens usally eat more so teen guy like 2400cals teen girl 2000cals grown up guy about 2200cals and girl about 1800 make sure u dont go much less or more than that and eat alot of protein it takes the most cals to digest (65% of it goes to fat as fat cals 98% of it is stored as fat) so protein burns off more easily still have fats but not too much have about 75% protein to ur weight so if u weigh 100lbs have 75g of protein and get in good whole grain carbs fruit and good fats like peanut butter..yes peanuts and peanut butter almonds stuff like that even cookies but not everyday treat urself when ur doing good and try having like 4 meals a day 6 is tough if u can do six though then go ahead but that sometimes leads to more overeating..hope i helped

well if u want to tone up then u dont wanna loose any weight b ut if u wanna loose weight then tone u got gotta drop the pounds good idea is wear a bag over your stomach but dont run on a treadmill go out and run that way u are forced to run back the distance if u wanna get home treadmills tend to get u a little lasy sometimes when ur down to the weight u want eat normal and just work the ur legs or butt and that should tone it up

just cut down on the amount of sugar you eat.because sugar just causes weight gain in all the worst places.also, try jogging. that usually slims your whole body focusing on ur calves and thighs.and if you really want to get results, cut the fat content in your diet in half. this means no junk food, more greens less meat. that worked for me i lost 5 pounds in about 2-3 weeks

Try not finishing your food. I started losing weight just by leaving a little bit of food on my plate every time I ate.

well I d try am early morning jog or swim.. in the cold jog.. hot, swim.. always warm up and .........count calories..! don t buy unhealthy food .. try the special K thing

do sit ups, leg squats, and maybe do some walking/running... do this about 5 times a week 30 min at a time