Because everyone is looking for the quick fix that does not exist...THE MAGIC PILL!!!!. Not all people are over weight because they eat to much, some do have medical and mental problems. but those that are don t want to work for it. Someday maybe people will realize that there is only one way to lose weight and that is to eat Healthy and exercise.
because no one this year want to be fat
This is America. Our culture has assimilated food into more aspects of life than most other countries. Have you read books such as Fast Food Nation, or Super-Size Me? We are becoming gluttons and the technology we produce only makes life easier (i.e. less exercise). Food is as ubiquitous as water, and cheaper in some cases. Also, current educational practices have been de-emphasizing the importance of physical education and exercise. What do kids do to play these days? Run around and play games, or sit on the couch and play on the computer or PlayStation?
cus they are finally realizing how fat they are lol