Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to lose weight quick and the health way..? -

I have been working out for well over 6 months and I can t seem to lose weight. I also tried the no carb thing for a month and I couldn t fight the carvings anymore, so I gave in. I started taking Slim Quick and I lose on 5 pounds. Is there better way to lose weight other than starving myself and depriving my self of the foods I love to eat?

Losing weight could be easy if you know what you are doing and have the right attitude and motivation. Below are some of the fastest way to lose weight! that will help you.1) before you start at all, you have got to to ask yourself these questions (A) Is weight loss your top priority? B) Is dieting right for you? C) Do you have the right motivation? D) Are you able to devote 20-30% of your time to your body? E) Would you accept the things you can not change? F) Do your family and friends support you?If your answers are YES to all the above questions then you are ready.2: Never ever skip breakfast : Most people who are trying to lose weight skip breakfast which is the biggest mistake any one intending to lose weight can make. Make sure you don t miss any breafast as it is the major source of energy for the day and missing it will do you no good but harm. You should also make sure you don t miss your lunch and dinner too as you don t loss weight skipping meals but instead skipping meals makes you look ugly and it does not help your self esteem.3. Accept the fact that weight loss will not be easy and learn to be disciple. You must realise the fact that to loss weight you must do some researches on what works and what does not. You should also learn to keep records of your intake and body weight as often as you can.4. Let your brain understand the fact that you now have a new lifestyle and that you will not eat just any how again until you have the appetite to do so. You need to know that your mind is subconcious. It will believe whatever we make it to believe and will adapt easily with time. That is why you need to keep remaining your mind about your plans to loss weight and to do it real very fast.5. Workout smartlyDo you know you can actually lose more weight keep your metabolism fired up longer by doing 3-to-4 shorter 10-minute workouts instead of 1 big 30-to-40-minute cardio workout?A research study at the university of Pittsburgh found that women who split up their 40 minute cardio workouts into 4 separate 10 minute cardio workout sessions during the day LOST 20 pounds while the group of women who did one big 40 minute cardio workout only lost 14 pounds.The reason why more shorter workouts are better is because you never give your fat burning metabolism a chance to slow down.Read the rest of the article at��

6 months and no weight are definately doing something wrong. You need to do cardio for 45 minutes every day or at least 4-5 times a week. I do 45 minutes cardio every day 7 days a week and eat 1300 calories and lost 45 pounds in 3 months. Make sure your work out puts your heart rate very high, at least 150 or higher for the full duration of your cardio workout. I do elliptical mostly and interval training on the treadmill.

If you re looking to lose weight, then before you get suckered into any fad diets, diet pills schemes or any of the gimmicks, I highly recommend you download the free guide at http://www.dietreportzone.comIt shows you the healthiest and quickest way to get thin (and how to easily maintain that weight). The book is 100% free and is a big eye-opener to you if you re looking to drop some pounds.The book is 100% free - you just type your name and email in to the site to download it.

Actually what you really need is proper diet, not starvation.=)I was just like you few weeks ago until I found the product with the most ideal dieting technique.In case you want to know more, I wrote a review about this product at you can check this out because it has worked for me, it might work for you too!

Add vegetables to your diet. Avoid quick fixes or short cuts, they usually end up screwing your metabolism up. Try the Fat X diet, it s healthy and easy to follow.

There s only ONE WAY to lose fat - and that is to create a calorie deficit. However, there are two ways to create a calorie deficit - one is to decrease your food intake so you are eating less than you burn, the other is to increase your exercise and activity so you are burning more than you eat.Of the two ways to create a calorie deficit, burning the fat is far superior to starving it. You see, cutting calories too much causes weight loss at first, but it also causes muscle loss and it eventually leads to a decrease in metabolism, so the weight loss stops. This is very common on conventional diets, right? You lose weight in the beginning, but then you hit a plateau that you just can t break through. Cutting calories even more at this point only digs you even into a deeper metabolic hole. Eating more of the right foods (up to a certain point) actually increases your metabolic heat like putting wood on a fire. Food is energy; food is fuel, and it produces (metabolic) heat.Exercise burns calories and creates a calorie deficit, but the real advantage of exercise over diet is that exercise increases your metabolism, dieting slows it down. Exercise also has major health benefits, while starvation can only create health problems.So if you eat more (healthy foods) and exercise more, you get a double increase in metabolism. If you eat less and exercise less you get a double decrease in metabolism. That makes complete sense doesn t it?The IDEAL exercise program for fat loss has a combination of cardiovascular (aerobic) training and strength training. But ultimately, you re not likely to stick with exercise long term unless you choose activities you enjoy - so pick something you enjoy, even if it doesn t follow the guidelines of traditional fat loss programs. It s better to do something than nothing, and all exercise counts.Some people may have orthopedic problems which limit the type of exercise they can do. But nearly everyone can walk. So if you can walk, then walk. And almost everyone can do some type of strength training. Instead of focusing on what you can t do or what you don t like to do, direct your attention to what you CAN do and what you would like to do.Maybe you don t like being couped up inside all the time. Maybe you d prefer hiking or jogging outside. Or maybe boxing or martial arts sounds cool to you. Maybe you like basketball or tennis. Maybe you d enjoy classes, or yoga or pilates. Your options are nearly unlimited, but you have to do something or your body will begin to deteriorate.As you increase your lean muscle mass, you ll also get a permanent increase in your resting metabolic rate. Muscle is what drives your metabolism, keeps you young and makes you look more physically attractive. Others will notice how good you look, and you ll feel better about yourself too. Yes, you may lose weight from diet alone, but you re likely to end up a skinny fat person with a slow metabolism and very little lean body mass (not to mention, you ll probably gain back all the fat)Last, but not least, be careful what you say to yourself over and over because that tends to program your subconscious mind and create your self image. If you ve been repeating to yourself for years, I m not big on exercise or I m not an exercise person , that eventually becomes a part of your identity. You always tend to behave in alignment with your identity in order to stay true to yourself. Maybe when you look in the mirror after just a few weeks and see your body start to change you ll begin to like enjoy exercise a LOT. It can get addictive, you know. The endorphins that are released when you exercise are like opiates. Ever hear of runners HIGH? Ever hear of an exercise addict? What would YOU rather be hooked on? Forget about popping pills, Your body is the most exquisite pharmacy on the planet. Exercise is a better fat burner, health creator, energy producer and anti-depressant than any man-made drug will EVER be. Exercise can be fun and FEEL GOOD too.Human beings were meant to move. Bodies don t lose their function by being used too much and wearing out , they lose their function by not being used enough and rusting out. So if the positive benefits of exercise don t motivate you enough, then just picture yourself 10, 20 years from now and imagine what will happen to you if you DON T start exercising today.Check out my website, where I have reviewed the top weight loss products.��I hope this is beneficial to you reaching your goals!