Monday, February 25, 2008

Why do people ask how to lose weight? -

Everyone born in the last one hundred years knows that weight loss is a result is a result of eating corrently and getting exercise. Parents, schools, television, magazines and health care professionals all repeat the same mantra: Eat right and move your body. Through personal experience, most people have also learned that there are no quick fixes, and that fad-diets don t work. So why do so many people continue to come to this site, asking how to lose weight?

well they have a desire to loose weight.they follow the plan start doing exercise and then after loosing few inches or few pounds.break away the shedule and return to old habits and then they weight more than what they where in start and they go asking again n again.they need strong determination and a step plan which should go on climbing not a flight take off and then landdown.

Why do people ask how to lose weight?Id i ot! Chatting! ~smiles Report Abuse

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I guess they want to lose weight very badly, anyway hey do u know voodoo, e-mail me about it okay

I agree with the last answer! It is people like you that put out the wrong info to people. There are many people that have real medical problems that cause them to have a weight issue! It is not always a diet and exercise issue! Are you really that lame?

because people like you are putting out stupid questions like this instead of taking the time to provide people with the right information.

boy you re judgemental!! give people a break jeez..yea they hear that stuff from people, but they come here for advice from people who ve lost weight..and for your information, it s NOT as simple at you say it takes ALOT of work to lose s not just about eating and exercise..there are also reasons why people overeat....I m glad i m not related to you or a friend of re definitely NOT a supportive person.

Its either they don t accept it or its too hard for them or they don t wanna do it

i ask how to lose weight because i get frustrated by doing something that i havent seen any work from it. it s their questions and they want to know better answers from other people than their own and from regular people they hear from. let them ask what they want . .dont be so mean and think that they can t

They don`t know how thats why they ask.