Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weight Loss Tips? -

I need to lose about 10kg, any tips on any weightloss aids, stuff to speed up my metabolism, certain foods to eat or not eat, that sort of stuff...

Eat when you get up in the morning, drink plenty of water, do weights and cardio at gym.

Reduce/eliminate bread productsNo fried foodsReduce juices - eat fresh and dried fruit insteadNo pork products or processed meats (sliced meats)No sodasEat only low fat or no fat sauces, dressings, breads, cookies, etc..Cut back on milk products - add in a calcium supplement. Eat only fat free cheese or yogurt a few times a week. Increase your exercise by short bursts - it s hard to just start up a 30 minute regimen each day. Short bursts are easier to keep up with - 10 minutes of fast walking or swimming or exercise in the morning, 15 minutes at lunch and something longer in the evening. Park your car farther out in the lot, and take the long way to everything - adding in those few steps will add up at the end of the day. Examine your diet carefully and you will find lots of ways to cut back on fat grams and calories.Good luck...

2 Easy Steps1. Exercise raises your metabolism and therefore helps control your weight.2. Eating more often in smaller amounts helps increase your metabolism.if you��re consistent with daily activity and eating frequent small meals you��ll see dramatic weight loss results in a just few weeks! Read more at�� about How to Control Your Weight

Healthy weight loss tips * Take one pound at a time Don��t get overwhelmed by how much weight you need to lose. Try to remember that losing 15 pounds in two weeks is nothing to celebrate. It is important to realize that the more quickly weight is lost, the more likely the loss is coming from water and muscle, not fat. Since muscle tissue is critical in keeping our metabolism elevated, losing it actually leads to a decrease in the amount of calories we can each day without gaining weight. Fat loss is best achieved when weight is lost slowly. Strive for a weight loss of no more than 3-4 pounds per week. One pound of weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. * Set Reachable Goals For instance, if you know you need to get more exercise, begin with a manageable goal of, say, walking 10 minutes a day that you know you can achieve. Then build your self-esteem by achieving the small goals you set yourself. The same logic applies for losing weight. * Stay off the scales Don��t get discouraged when your progress seems to be slow according to your bathroom scales. They do not provide a true measure of what is going on with the body. If exercise levels are adequate (5-7 days a week), you may be putting on muscle but losing fat, thus losing inches even if you are not losing pounds. It s always a good idea to do several body measurements to have a second objective way to monitor progress. * Stay focused on being healthy, not thin # Many people become more successful at long term weight loss when their motive changes from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Change your mindset to think about selecting foods that will help your body s health rather than worrying about foods that will affect your body s weight. The Food Pyramid offers a basic outline of the types and amounts of food you should eat each day to give your body the nutrients it needs for optimal health. * Fat Free? We ve known for some time that limiting high fat foods in the diet can be helpful with weight loss. That s because fats pack in 9 calories per gram compared to only 4 calories per gram from proteins or carbohydrates. To many, the message to limit fats implied an endorsement to eat unlimited amounts of fat-free products. Just to clarify, fat-free foods have calories too. In some cases fat-free foods have as many calories as their fat laden counterparts. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Eating less fat will help you to lose weight. Eating less fat and replacing it with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not. * Drink plenty of water Drink eight glasses a day. Water is a natural appetite-suppressant. Nettle tea is a great weight-loss tea as it supports metabolism and has diuretic properties. * Reward yourself # Each time you reach a goal, such as losing 5 pounds, reward yourself with a gift or a massage. * Seek help if you need it # A big key in long term weight control comes from receiving encouragement and support from others. Find a friend to lose weight with or you can check to see if groups such as Weight Watchers, or eDiets offer programs and resources in your area by clicking the links. You may also wish to check with your local hospital to see if their registered dietician conducts group weight loss programs. * Watch your portions With the advent of supersize meals and increasingly huge portions at restaurants, our concept of normal serving sizes is a distant memory. Be mindful of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting. When necessary, divide your food in half and ask for a take home bag. It is all too easy to be a plate cleaner even when served enormous portions. Learn to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed. * Eat your food slowly Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That s because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy your food.

dont eat oily food,go for walkeat vegitables,if u eat chicken then stop eating itit helps u in lose weigt

Hey...I m a personal trainer so I know a bit about weight loss and metabolism.... First you need to figure out how many calories your body needs. Eat no more than that. I don t know what you weigh, but I would say try to eat around 2500 a day. Also, drink as much water as you possibly can, this will increase your metabolism better than anything. stay away from packaged labels, make good food choices and add variety to your diet. Most important- exercise. you will not lose weight without exercise. try to fit 30 minutes of cardio activity into your day. walk, jog...whatever. also if you can do a bit of resistance training, pick up light dumbells or whatever, do that 3 times a week...anyway, there are lots of options for you. get a good fat burner if you d like..but make sure its ephedra free. hope that helps..good luck

Here are a few tips that I have found to work for me.Tip 1: Don��t skip breakfast! Many people are on the go or think they will lose weight quicker if they bypass breakfast but this couldn��t be further from the truth. For one, by lunch time you end up splurging because your body is starving from lack of food. Eating breakfast will give you energy and help to curb those pesky cravings that are hard to ward off. You don��t have to eat a huge breakfast it can be as simple as a yogurt, banana or bagel. Tip 2: Make small goals don��t try to lose too much weight, too fast. You will end up depressed when you don��t reach your goal. Or even more depressed when you do reach your goal quickly only to gain it right back and then some. Tip 3: Smaller portions! Rather than not eating any of the pasta you love, eat a small serving. Moderation is the key, dieting doesn��t have to feel like torture. Willpower is important; you will have to be able to stop eating your favorite pasta after you finish the half cup you allowed for yourself.Tip 4:Eat slowly. Relax and eat dinner, don��t rush. You will find that when you eat slowly, you won��t eat as much and you will fill up on less food. Walking away from the dinner table feeling pleasantly full is far better than walking away feeling stuffed and bloated!Tip 5: You have heard it a thousand times, drink more water! You should consume half your weight in water. For instance, if you weigh 14olbs you should drink 70 ounces of water per day. If you can��t fathom drinking that much water there are many flavored waters on the market or your can add a piece of lime or lemon to your water. Crystal Lite can also be a good drink of choice but water is still your best choice.Tip 6.: If you can��t live without your soda, switch to diet soda. Most people suffer from headaches if they are used to consuming a large amount of soda and then suddenly stop. Slowly make the switch to diet soda. If you can give up soda as a whole both diet and regular you will see optimal results. For one diet soda is sweet and it tends to make you crave more sweet foods. You may also notice when you cut diet from your soda your rings start fitting better on your finger.Also you might have heard about the apple diet.In addition to what you normally eat each day, eat 3 apples. One before each meal. Not only will they fill you up so that you eat less but you burn more calories digesting them than each one has. This is called negative calories.

Forget Sugar sweets........ Drink only water ( plenty). Forget other drinks including your soft drink.Walks a lot..... Do yoga meditation. Don t forget that you get an attactive look in few days or weeks ...... it will take long time...... be sure that then all must appreciate your beauty..... remember that it comes from innner parts of your heath.For any information on yoga meditation you can contact :-Club ��Explore India��Web site: www.tourindiatravel.comPhone : +91- 9811418805 (24 Hrs.), +91- 9212717805 E- Mail: ,tourindiadesk@yahoo.comExplore India can help you for Yoga meditation .

Hey, I m an engineer and I know that if you want less heat throw less coal in the furnace. My daughter puts it this way; try half servings! When on a diet it is important to eat only nutritious foods (the best coal available?) and to get proper rest and healthy exercise (even walking a mile or two). Also consider a one-a-day type vitamin to avoid any shortage of needed vitamins and minerals in a sparser diet. Exercise, especially with the larger leg muscles, will speed up metabolism and the effect lasts much longer than the exercise period. Remember that little train, I think I can ... I think I can ... I think I can ... I was the Engineer! Works for me! Good luck.

I am a weight-loss coach, and I can help. Go to this website. it has everything you need there. The best part, it is all natural !!Good Luck

Listen: you need to do 200 minutes of cardio a week. Remember fat does not turn into muscle, so you need to lose your fat while putting on muscle. The 45 minute thing is not true, but don t over 60 minutes at a time.Do 5-10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then do your weight training. Do 30 to 60 minutes more of cardio, then go home.The best time to eat is just after your workout within an hour when your metabolism is raging. For your muscles, incorporate some isolated soy protein or whey protein. Whey is more potent but the soy tastes better!Don t look at your scale as the be all and end all, but get a measuring tape to check your progress, and that will show more tangible results.Good luck and stick at it.

eat lots of food that is water basis. Eat celery. always eat breakfast to spead thins up. make sure you excerise 4 times a week. I lost 50lbs and I am now 135 (61 kgs I think).

Try the free tips and links regarding weight loss at

if u r too fat ,u deposit rs.500/ in my account ,number i ll give if u mail me .u ll receive a belt which u use n reduce ur weight