Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to lose weight if Im too busy to exercise? -

I am told by everyone that if I lost like a couple pounds, I would look a lot better. The problem is that I never have time to exercise. For school, I have to wake up everyday at 5:00AM, get back around 4:30PM, have to go to Tutoring classes til 7:30, go home, eat dinner, do homework, take a shower, and sleep at like 1:00AM. I don t get much sleep, and never have time to exercise. The problem why I gain weight is that during my free time at school, I go to coffee shops and get coffee (latte s), go get bagels/doughnuts, and just eat! I love eating, and I can t not eat. How can I loose weight a healthy way? Are there any pills I can take?

Change the items that you are snacking on.

Make time for exercise. If you really wanted to lose weight and be healthy, you would do it. Pills are not healthy.

Look into tho Isagenix. My sister is on the 9 day program and she s already seeing results.Judge for yourself

Since you said you don t have the time to exercise, why don t you try changing your diet a little, instead of eating bagels and doughnuts why don t you try eating healthier snacks, take fruit with you, it s good for you and it really does taste good once you give it a chance.

Best thing is to work more good food into your routine, and less junk. Hey exercise doesn t have to be a real big thing, just walk around the block once, and swing your arms a bit. Something, anything. Pills are not a part of a healthy lifestyle, unless you are talking about vitamin-mineral supplements (and you aren t)

s-t-r-e-t-c-h before you get out of bed.p-u-l-l on those muscles and f-e-e-l them s-t-r-e-t-c-h.Great for toning. It elongates your muscles.AND it really feels good!!

I guess u can try pills, but those can be unhealthy.A program like Nutrisystem works, but can be expensive.If u find time somewhere, like not sitting at coffee houses, then that would be a great time to exercise.

in 4:30 till 5:30 excersise thenORjust try to excersise on where you are like suck in your stomach for 10 seconds so that counts as ONE crunch

If it was a priority you would make space for it