Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to lose weight safely but quickly, in a short period of time? -

The best way to lose weight is doing it slowly, in my opinion.You should decide how many calories you want in your diet, and then I would recomend looking for items that are low calorie, but also low fat, but it all depends on what you are doing for your diet. The main thing for a diet to work is just to consume fewer calories than what you are burning, so lower calorie is best. But the thing about just lower calorie is that you don t want to get something that is lower calorie, but still has a ton of fat, and you don t want to get something that is low calorie but with a ton of sugar. Just look at the labels and you need to figure out what fits into YOUR diet.

Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. You can have 5 meals but each progressively smaller. The best answer is walking at least 10,000 steps a day. By walking at a conversational pace will burn fat and not carbs resulting in quicker weight loss. Keep in mind you should not lose more than 3 pounds a week.

My Ali pills, low fat diet, exercise

It depends what your aim is. If you don t mind losing muscle as well as fat and water or just being plain unhealthy, then do aerobic exercise until the cows come home, eat 1500 calories daily (30% carb 20% fat 50% protein), lots of veggies, caffeine, lecithin, and omega 3 EFA. If you re looking for a healthy, lean physique, then you have to realize that you can only lose one pound of fat a week without losing muscle. exercise, a diet of about 2500 (thats my need, there are a ton of calculators online), lots of aerobic and weights, and 50% carb 30% protein and 20% fat. Lecithin and omega 3 EFA supplements help with metabolism too. eat meals every 2.5 hours and drink lots of water. good luck.

Thats like asking how do I get rich by next weekend without working or doing something illegal . Live a healthy lifestyle and the weight will follow.