Sunday, September 21, 2008

How to lose weight for track and field? -

Track season is starting at the end of this month, and I need to get in shape soon! I m 5 4 142 lbs, and I need to lose weight for track. How much should I run everyday before the season starts and so I can start losing weight and start running with the others?

well my track season already started. im a sprinter so far an easy work out is a 400meter, two 300meters, three 200meters, and four 100 meters. but yea just try running a mile a day and doing a daily workout upper body and lower. oo and by the way track isn t all sprinting and long distance running there are also weight throwing events. so if you can t run fast enough you should weight throw. o and by the way i do guys track cus im a guy and i don t know whether your a guy or girl. if your a girl you cans still do weight throwing, but if your running still try to run a mile a day. depending on what events you do you might end up running more then a mile. hell im a sprinter and i sprint a total of like 2 miles.

Ultimately, losing weight comes down to one key principle: Burn more calories than you consume. The steps that follow won t work if you have a thousand more calories coming into your body on a daily basis than you have going out. Lay the foundation for weight loss with these practices:1- Count calories and keep a food diary.2- Go on a diet.3- Cut down on sugar, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats and saturated fats.4- Burn more calories by exercisingDrink lots of water( or fruit cordials with water). , eat your fruits and vegetables , avoid coke and other fuzzy drinks ,for whole-grain food (oatmeal, whole-grain cereal, whole-grain pasta, brown rice and barley) You need to eat foods high in carbs since they are your body s main source of energy. The trick is to choose the right carbs. Simple carbs like sugar and processed flour are quickly absorbed by the body s digestive system. This causes a kind of carb overload, and your body releases huge amounts of insulin to combat the overload. Not only is the excess insulin bad on your heart, but it encourages weight gain. Insulin is the main hormone in your body responsible for fat storage. Eat plenty of carbs, but eat carbs that are slowly digested by the body like whole grain flour, hearty vegetables, oats, and unprocessed grains like brown rice. These kinds of food not only contain complex carbs that are slowly digested by the body, but are usually higher in vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body and they are higher in fiber which keeps your digestive system running smoothly.Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy.Eat less lunch than usual. For example, make your own sandwich and limit the use of margarine/butter and full-fat mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both).as for exercise , you ll burn more calories with cardio (aerobic) exercise than with strength or resistance training.

Okay, so let me tell you what I learned. I learned that if I used Metamucil that i would eat less, add healthy fiber to my diet, cut my cholesterol, and suck up some of my dietary fat. This might be an option for you too.I have written 3 big and detailed articles about why and how Metamucil works in each of these ways. Here are the links to these articles. I wrote these in hopes that what I have learned would somehow help somebody else. Oh, by the way, I lost 40 pounds in a healthy way over 9 months or so, with no diet pills!Lose weight with metamucil article:��How Metamucil helps you to lower your cholesterol levels without the use of cholesterol drugs:��How Metamucil sucks up some of the fat in your diet article:��I hope that the knowledge I have learned helps somebody else out!