Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to lose weight in a short period? -

without having to exercise, or hit the gym, or take up any drugs, or any dangerous moves.. just clean ways of shedding off those unwanted fat =]

If you want to lose weight fast, a meal replacement program will probably work best. These usually are shakes or bars, there are even meal replacement cookies. These severely cut back on daily caloric intake, which is the key to fast weight loss. They are generally safe, because they contain high amounts of vitamins and essential nutrients. However, if you want to keep the weight off you should look into a diet that provides a more balanced approach and incorporate a exercise routine. These replacement programs can be good if you are pressed for time or need to jump start your weight loss. Whatever you choose good luck, be smart and stay healthy. You can find out more about specific diets at

The only way to lose weight quickly is to go on what I call a drastic diet. This would be a diet that is okay in the short-term but you couldn t eat that way for the long-term and get enough nutrients. As for exercise, I m sure you know that you would lose weight more quickly if you worked out, but if you don t want to, you CAN diet and not exercise. The only problem is that if you have a lot to lose, your skin will hang loose when you re done. If you only need to lose a small amount, you may be able to get away with it. There are several great short-term drastic diets and motivation pages on the website, easy-weightloss-tips. I can t add the link because I ve done it too much and yahoo is blocking me, but you know what goes in front and what goes in back, if you want to look it up. It really helped me. Check out the diet plan button and the motivation button. Good luck!

ok...well first of all cut down the food. you re suppose to eat 2-3 meals a day and 2 snacks to keep ur matablisn going! breakfast is the most important meal of the day so dont skip that cuz thats the first meal that starts ur matablism. cut junk food out of ur system. eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. (ex. salad, banana, peach, watermelon, celery and peanutbutter) those can be ur healthy snacks. CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! cardio is the best way to loose that unwanted fat. run, jog, or walk everyday for 30 minutes-1 hour every day. put on a song u like and start dancing. do some jumping jacks, leg lifts, and crunches.i hope that helped :)

You have to eat very often (every 2-3 hours) small pieces. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetable. Dont eat: salt or sweet meat, sugar, fry You have to drink water and sugar free fruit juice, dont drink alcohol, mineral waters and sugar juices Go for walk very often.Don t sleep too much...(sleep 6hrs/day).

Try Calorie Shifting, which works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day. Then by rotating it so that your metabolism never gets used to any routine.All the best!

You HAVE to work out to lose weight.

dont eat... thats the only way ur gonna do it with out exercising or become bulimic or anorexic