Saturday, January 17, 2009

How to lose weight on your tighs/butt/and stumach? -

summer is gonna come before i know it and i want to look better much better than last years disaster What should i do and how much should i do it Please help!

Everyone has a problem spot. It can be around the stomach, thighs, arms or chest. No matter where your trouble spot is, the solution is exactly the same. You need to eat less and exercise more. The reason why there s only one solution for all of these problems is because it s impossible to tell your body where to burn the excess fat from.When you eat too many calories, your body stores the excess energy as fat in different areas around the body. To lose this fat, you need to create a calorie deficit (eat less than you burn) to force your body to start burning that fat for energy. There is absolutely no way to control where your body goes to find this extra fat. The larger your calorie deficit (a bigger calorie deficit means a bigger difference between what you eat and what you burn) the faster your body will burn excess fat and the quicker your body fat percentage will start to decrease. You can increase your calorie deficit by cutting your daily intake and exercising more. Sit ups will do nothing to target the fat around your abs just like squats will do nothing to target the fat around your thighs. You can read more about fixing your trouble spots at the Guide to Reducing Body Fat -��

You can t really spot reduce . You can though do strengthening excersices for those particular areas and do mre reps etc. Cardio should be another thing. Running is great and if yo do it consistently whie eating a well balanced diet, you should see weight loss everywhere. Good luck! =)