Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Im 14 one month from 15 years old and i need help on how to lose weight -

So basically I m a 14 almost 15 (one month away) year old boy. I m 6 0-6 1 and 208 lbs, and I m entering high school in like 16 days and want a need is diet and workout plan to help me lose weight and gain muscle. In those 16 days I m hoping to lose 5 lbs. or more, but i do wanna continue losing weight and gaining muscle after too. So basically i need a diet and fitness plan i follow everyday until i can reach my goal of having a 6 pack and a Nice upper body instead of man boobs and a beer belly. ha ha so help me please. I m up for anything!

drink h2o dont eat after 6pm and do this video every day��

Dont drink any soda s or anything. Drink just water.. you will notice results quickly by doing this. Run or walk like a mile every day and cut down on junk food. Also go on youtube and look at aerobic 8 min abs.. it works greatly and its only 8 mins. Also do some pushups at night and dont eat food 3 hours before you go to sleep and you will loose weight. Also dont eat too much carbs or fat or sugar and your set you will lose weight.

go to gyms

hey mate first of all you dont want to go and do to much weight lifting..only because u are allmost 15 and at your age you could do more damage to your muscle then good.. at your age your muscle wouldent be developed properly yet and if you go and do a lot of weights you will most proberly damage them more then build saying that it dosent mean u cant do anything at all.if u go for a run every day and drink lots of water and eat healthy u will loose that 5 pounds.with the body weight just think with ya head YOU know what food is good and what food is bad(fast food).stay away from the fatty foods and the best thing to drink is WATER and its free.also a good thing would be join some sort of sporting team u will make friends have fun and if u are running then u are gunna loose weight.there are a lot of plans that you can find on the net BUT they might not be for you.the best thing is go to a gym get a personal trainer for the day and explain to them what your goals are and what equipment u have to work with and they will set a plan perfect for do at homego for a run or walk every day for like 20-30 minsand most of all what ever you do make sure you stick at it and u will see results.good luck mate