Friday, July 10, 2009

How to lose weight and improve complexion? -

i want to lose weight and at the same time have a better complexion. i cant seem to lose weight with diet control. but exercise works great for me.. tell me what diet to follow so while i lose weight, my complexion improves at the same time. thanks

Water plenty of fruit and veg lay off processed foods and refined sugars. Sweet tooth try honey to sweeten not too much though

Losing weight is simple.Burn more calories than you eat.Exercise combined with diet is the best solution.You have not mentioned your age and your weight. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies.Stop redmeat. Drink plenty of water. Enjoy outdoor activity. Have a healthy attitude.Be patient.The weight you gained has to go at a slow pace.Only then your complexion will remain good. Stop junk food.You need patience, selfcontrol and positive attitude.That is all. Good luck to you.