Friday, July 17, 2009

How to lose weight on upper body? -

This is a pic of me i want to lose my stomach and arms what should i do without getting bulk?��

you have to do lots and lots of cardio.and one thing... you cannot target one part of your body to loose weight in... you have to loose weight/fat in general; all over. so cardio and diet and plenty of water.good luck.

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!search : lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search

the thing about bulk is when you lift weights and you lift EXTREMELY heavy ones. for example, im 125lb and im 15 years old. i can carry 20 pounds in my hands and lift them. i can carry 10 with struggle (ish) and i 5lb i can carry easily. im a cross country runner so i use the 5lb for muscle endurance and i don t know how much you can lift, find your max, and go down to a really comfortable level. hit the gym and go on weight machines. find a weight that you ll be able to perform 3 sets of 10 wish. don t feel weak beacuse people around you are lifting bigger weights, just focus on yourself. ask a trainer or look online for various ways to lift that focus on certain parts of your balls are amazing as well. a great sub for crunches on the ground. do crunches, once again 3 sets of 10 or more. don t kill yourself. start small and take breaks when needed. you know how you do crunches to the front of your legs/knees? well when you re done with those, do crunches but rotate your body to the left and right (seperatly per crunch) to work on obliques. i really suggest running. im not just saying this because im a cross country runner. im saying this because not only will you just lose weight in your upper body you will lose weight everywhere else. adjust your diet. whatever you re eating now, lower down the calories. eat healthier. not only that, burn more calories than you eat. the thing is, diets trick you into thinking it s magical, but WHAT EVERY DIET TELLS YOU is to exercise as well. don t fall for it. you can eat what you want in certain amounts, control yourself.i wish you good luck :)

i really have no personal advice for you but i did Slim4Life and i lost at least 4 lbs a week!and the diet is easy to stick toi didn t have to run, jog, do anything super active either.!basically... drink 80 oz of water a day.!(keep track on paper or something)get two servings of protein a day (meat, eggs, .. just stay away from the really salty or fatty meats like ham and steak.. pork exc.)three vegtables (stay away from corn)three fruits two starches (bread, noodles, baked patatos)and you want at least 8 oz of milk a dayvitamins are essential too

i wish it was that simple!... but unfortunatly .... where u have the most fat will be the last place you ll start losing fat... the best thing is to be active walk or run ... running works miracles! this will help you to lose weight everywhere. and do crunches and legs lifts to tone your stomach an tricept lifts and light dumbell work using a yoga ball should tone your arms too :)

when you wake up, always get a drink of water and have breakfast.i ve done that all my life and i m 5 5 and weight 100 lbs.

mild dieting, and running along with minor uper body workouts

do the stairs climbing exercise (Best AND easiest), or treadmill (TREAD-mill)

Do Sit ups, you look fine to me.