Thursday, August 27, 2009

May someone give me advice on how to lose weight? -

No pills, no starving myself to death or anything like that I just want to lose weight the old fashion way could someone help me on that? Thanks alot

There is one sure way you can loose weight that no one really likes but I have done it along with many others and it is proven effective everytime. Watch what you eat; look for more low fat and low calorie foods, don t eat three solid meals a day; eat a nutrient filled breakfast with plenty of protein and snack on low fat foods through out the day. Don t over eat, when you are no longer hungry, stop eating and save your remains for later, never stuff yourself as this will cause your stomach to stretch. If you drink pop, stop. Pop/soda is a very fatty substance that is in no way good for you even if it is diet. If you don t enjoy plain water I recommend buying some flavored water or flavor packets such as Crystal Light. You could also drink juice, but watch the amount of sugar that is in it. You would be amazed how much sugar they pack into juices these days. Last but certainly not least, find some way of exercise. Brisk walking for thirty minutes a day is sufficient and any other physical activity for roughly thirty minutes will help you loose weight. But most of all you MUST be motivated. If you aren t motivated you will not be able to do this. On a last note, try not to indulge in anything often as it can sometimes become more of a daily ritual.

Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks??There are some websites on the Internet, which promise you that you are going to lose 10 pounds in every 2 weeks. If you are good in math you will find that keeping these stats in mind, 260 pounds in a year. Losing 260 pounds is the figure, which is unbelievable and unexpected.This kind of claims are planned just to cause clients to make impulsive decisions. When you gain weight, did you gained around 50 minds in two months? Certainly not. We gain weight in weight in small parts, which add up to our weight. This keeps on increasing with time.I think you get what I mean to say. We normally gain weight in grams like 65 gram per week. With this stat you are going to gain around 7 pounds at the end of year.This weight is so slow that you cannot measure it weekly. But in fur years you are going to gain around 28 pounds.So how can you expect this weight to go in few days? You are going to lose the way you have gained it. So it will take time to lose weight. So you have to start losing weight systematically. You can lose weight by developing the good eating habits in you and nutritious foods.

Let me tell you how I did it and I am still doing it ... I started using a No Diet Weight Loss Plan . Honestly, I did not diet (that s boring), eat special foods (that cost extra money), skip meals (that makes your stomach growl), or even exercise (physically that is hard for me to do because of my back). I have lost 20 pounds in 26 days and 2 in my waist and I have 30 more pounds to go. It is the simpliest weight loss plan that I have ever experienced and I am 45 years old

Make small, gradual changes and over time, they will have an extremely powerful effect on you.Check out�� . The guy there is an ex-Marine, like myself, and he s putting together a program for himself in his blog that will get him back into shape. It will work for pretty much anyone and he s doing it all publically.He s not selling anything, just sharing what he s doing as he does it. He s hoping for encouragement and motivation from his readers.Hope that helps.

The best way is to change you eating habits(not diet) I eat @ 6 meals a day (breakfast, lunch dinner and 3 snacks) all are healthy, lower calorie meals( chicken breast, veggies or tuna and wheat crackers) snacks are yogurt with blueberries or low fat cheese and crackers. Calorie intake depends on your weight and desired weight.Excercise is also very important, cardio every other day @ 30-45 minutes and weight training in between.Also, cheat 1 meal a week! Only one this will keep you from getting bored or frustrated with changes

Exercise! Believe me, it s the only way to have a fit body. Along with regular exercise, you may also control your food intake with Weight Loss/Hoodia sample. These will help develop firmer muscles, while you burn fats and shed off those extra pounds. Check out this site for more info.

You see there is no secret to losing weight... I myself was obese at a time and now am currently a in shape, low wieghted man. Its as simple as you think... Many meals a day(4-5) will boost your metabolism at a rapid rate as long as these meals are smaller than regular meals. Eating healthy is the key, no fast foods candy soda(especially soda), and all that jazz. When people say, oh its OK to cheat once or twice , there wrong, once you start cheating your body consumes and happens to favor these sugar which will lead to more cravings of fatty foods. Its good that your not starving yourself, because if you do, body fat is stored within you and muscle is being eaten away... I hope this helped, these are only the basics, I have read about 7 diet books and within all of them this is the key... Good luck, I m rooting for ya!!!

If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate , and plan your diet carefully. Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

cut calories and s the only thing that works short and long term...anyone saying anything else is a fool

Every year Americans invest billions of dollars in weight loss diets and gimmicks, many of which yield few results. However, the lure of quick, easy weight loss is hard to resist. Despite ineffective tools, most hopeful consumers are willing to give the next weight loss fad a chance. If you re planning to start a new diet, it is important to remember the following information.Food-specific diets: Have you ever tried the cabbage diet or the fruit-only diet? These are just a couple of examples of diets that promote one specific food that causes weight loss. No matter how much you think you ll enjoy ice cream at every meal, inevitably you will get bored with eating the same food repeatedly. As a result, you ll eat less food than needed to maintain your weight. This type of diet will not teach you healthier eating habits or provide a balance of nutrients, and consequently is not effective for long-term weight loss.High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets: One of the most recent trends in dieting, these diets are based on the concept that carbohydrates are bad and that everyone has some degree of insulin resistance, resulting in poor carbohydrate metabolism. Many proponents of these diets suggest that including carbohydrates in your diet will cause weight gain. The reality, though, is that eating more calories (whether as carbohydrate, fats, or protein) than you burn will cause weight gain.High-fiber, low-calorie diets: Fiber-rich foods play an important role in a healthy diet. They are a helpful ingredient of weight loss efforts because they provide bulk to the diet, which helps you feel fuller sooner. Be careful, though: if you plan to increase the fiber in your diet, be sure to increase your fluid intake at the same time or you may experience cramping, bloating, and constipation. High-fiber diets will help with weight loss only if you restrict calories in conjunction with addition of extra grains, fruits and vegetables.Liquid diets: Consumers face a couple of different liquid diet options. Your local grocery store and pharmacy sell over-the-counter liquid meal replacements, which can be expensive and frequently add extra calories to daily consumption if not managed carefully. On the other hand are liquid diets that require medical supervision. These diets are usually very low in calories and may result in metabolic abnormalities if dieters are not carefully monitored. Neither type of liquid diet should be used for long-term weight loss unless monitored by a health care professional. Radically changing your caloric intake in this way will not result in long-term behavior modification and healthy eating patterns.Fasting: As a way to cleanse the body or jump-start a weight-loss program, fasting has been recommended for years. However, all that fasting really does is deprive your body of nutrients and decrease your energy, leaving you feeling weak and lightheaded. If the right nutrients are not available for your cells to use as energy, your liver will convert fat stores to ketones for use as energy (ketosis). Long-term ketosis can be harmful to your health. No fad diet or gimmick will work magic for safe and effective weight loss. The following are some suggestions for ensuring a long-term healthy eating plan and getting your weight loss efforts off to an encouraging start: Eat a variety of foods. Remember, a balanced diet will ensure that you get all necessary nutrients. Get some physical activity every day. Calories in must be less than calories out to ensure successful weight loss. To keep calories out at a healthful level, make you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.Include sources of fiber in your diet. They will add bulk and give you a feeling of fullness.Choose a diet low in fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol. You do need to consume some fat for good health. Aim for no more than 30 percent of your total calories as fat calories, of which no more than 10 percent should be saturated fat calories.Choose foods moderate in sugars. Foods that are high in simple sugars usually offer little nutritional value and will add unwanted calories.Choose foods moderate in salt and sodium. Remember that salt has been added to many foods during preparation or processing, so it s not necessary to add extra salt at the table.

I would love to help!Go see my before and after picture...I lost alot of weigth! just posted on Question of the Week some great info on cutting/saving calories)Here is basically what I did1. NO SUGAR EVER (not even hidden sugars, read the ingredients)2. Lots of water (2-3 liters a day - clean water too, not tap)3. Exercise - 30 mins of cardio 3x a week with 2-3 weight sessions.4. Eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up5. SLEEP! (preferably before 11pm and for 8 hours)6. smile and believe you are losing weight

Don t eat as much, but at the same time don t starve yourself. And do at least moderate cardio or aerobic workouts 3-4 times a week.Note: if you haven t been working out (running, cycling, swimming, etc.) you WILL put on some weight at the beginning - this is muscle and it helps you burn fat - do not stress over it.

Try baby food and ensure and water .... It s called the stripper diet... It cost to be beautiful!!! Good Luck

South Beach Diet....easy and healthy while still eating delicious food.

Weight watchers. Hands down it is the easiest thing I have ever tried.You can pretty much eat anything you want but food is assigned a point value depending on such factors as fat, calories and dietary fiber grams. You have measure and weigh almost everything. Look up weight watchers online to find a meeting place. Yes you need to attend the meeting and weigh in every week for it to really work. You will get support and they will give you the guides that show you the ponits value for every food you can think of. I lost 46 pounds in 4 months.

you basically have to burn off more calories then you intake. you have to excersice off more calories then what you eat

The Best Exercises To Lose Weight��