Friday, September 11, 2009

How to lose weight fast please help -

I don t like the way I look but I am a little overweight. I want to be normal but low normal like almost underweight which would be like 80 or 85 so ill settle for 90. I am 12 yrs old and I am 5 0. I want to be a size 2 in juniors I am a size 5 I weigh 113.5 I am on a diet and gain weight I want to be able to wear xs or xxs in junior tanks. Gosh Darnit I wanna be skinny.T_T. Plz help me tips how to lose weight and stuff what r u doin to diet if your dieting. Sooooo help me. PLZ

Have you tried this work out program?��

If you are unhappy with your weight, ask your parents to take you to your doctor so that you can discuss options. Also you could discuss extra curricular activities that will get you out and about more often. Please realize that at your age you are still you ll probably lose the weight over time anyway.

WTF you are skinny enough check your BMI at this site�� and if you go below underweight go eat 10 pies because i had a friend that became anaxit and she had to go 2 hospital and she just got incridibly sick it is worst that being overweight 4 sure

I m not helping you be unhealthy. You re fine the way you are. I d say you ve a problem right now. You sound like a candidate for an eating disorder. Talk your parents. :/