Start off by exercising everyday... If nothing else, go for a 30 minute run.. your fitness will increase at an amazing rate as you find you are able to do more and more exercise.
I suggest going on a raw food diet.
get yourself down the gym, ask for a programme to be tailor made for you and around month 3 you willbe fit, healthy and muscle toned
Anybody can loose weight.Just follow some tips.Here is a good website offering free tips on weight loss,
watch what you eat and how much, then walk, walk, walk.
(Given w/ your info above your current BMI [website below has references] is 24.87, so your normal- going to overweight... )Try to eat a bit more healthy, such as LESS oily foods. You can still eat the food, but CONTROL yourself. Don t over eat!Fit some time for yourself to go to the gym- run, jog! Lift weights... etc. And, at home do some crunches/ sit ups everyday.In order to reach your goal, you ll have to stick to it. Don t give up! In time, you will see the differences. Good luck!