Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to lose weight? -

I m wanting to lose about 40lbs. and where i live it is starting to get too cold to exercise outside.Also i have no type of exercise equipment and can t afford anything.also i need a good diet that is appropriate for a 15 year old.

first, it depends if you re really overweight or find out you have to fint you BMI [body mass index]to find your BMI, follow these steps:1. divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches2. divide the answer in step one by your height in inches3. multiply your answer in step two by 703.Thats you BMI !I.if you are:_A. 13-14 years of age, and your BMI number was:__1. 19-20, you re fit.__2. 21-23, you re slightly overweight.__3. 24-25, you re overweight.__4. 26+, you re obese._B. 15-16 years of age, and your BMI number was:__1. 20-21, you re fit.__2. 22-24, you re slightly overweight.__3. 25-28, you re overweight.__4. 29+, you re obese._C. 17-19 years of age, and your BMI number was:__1. 21-22, you re fit.__2. 23-25, you re slightly overweight.__3. 26-29, you re overweight.__4. 30+, you re obese.Everybody says the solution is to starve yourself, have to eat right. three average sized meals everyday with snacks on the side. you have to control your hunger. some people eat out of bordom. you should try drinking something before you eat, your stomach is probably telling you that you re thirsty but you feel hungry. never use weight loss pill, it helps you lose weight, but water weight, not fat weight.

you can eat different health foods like fruit and vegatables and drink plenty of water also you could do push ups and sit ups every night trust me i know i am nothing but muscle

I have been using www.dailyplate .com for a month now and lost 20 lbs you can keep track of the calories you eat and it tells you what your calories should me for your age, hieght, ect. And when you way yourself each day you put it in under your weight category and it subtracts your calorie intake. I like it. It worked for me and it s easy just don t eat over your calories and also you put in the exercise you do and it tells you how much calories you burned and everything it s free for a regular membership but you have to paye if you want to upgrade, but there s no need to upgrade because it works fine without it.

Maybe u should get some information about instantly reduce excess body weight at��

you could go for long walks eat healthily and to notice if you lose some weight,you could ask someone you really trust to take a photo of you once every week for six weeks or how ever long it takes to reach you r goal and trust me you WILL see differences in you r shape.and good luck.