Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I need to lose weight fast. Not too much about 4 kg. Any ideas? -

No medical ideas please like pills, surgery. Just practical ways. Thanks

eat healthy. exercise reguarly.go for a run for 30 mins everyday.. that should do it.

Pills are a bad way to lose weight as your body becomes dependent on them to digest food, so once you get off them you rapidly gain weight. Surgery is costly as well. However, there are several practical ways to lose weight.An easy one is standing up more often. You burn 80 calories every hour sitting, but 100 calories an hour standing. Those calories add up quickly.Another one is to enjoy a tasty low calorie snack once a week. Lobster anyone? Only 83 calories in 3 ounces. Shrimp? 60 calories in 12 Large. Not in the mood for seafood? Whip cream has 8 calories in 1 tablespoon.After breakfast, try replacing all drinks with water. he average American consumes an extra 245 calories a day from soft drinks. That s nearly 90,000 calories a year, or 25 pounds! That s a simple way to lose weight.For a bunch of more ways check out my blog

Colon cleaning is the new way to lose weight. Boffins have noted the fact that not all extra weight is due to excess fat, a great deal of weight just lies there in the colon, and all you have to do is clean it out. has a risk free trial on currently, give it a go, you could lose up to twenty lbs!