Friday, May 24, 2013

Does anyone know of a chinese pill that makes u lose weight fast ?? -

hey guys, does anyone know of some weight losin tablets, i really need something tht works, iv read someone say they used a chinese pill and lost weight in like 9 days and kept it off. but there is no way i can contact this person to find out more. :( please help. i really need somethin tht works. please help?i know about drinkin lots of water, excersizin, and eatin less calories. nothin works. :(

don t think it works ,,and you don t know what chinese things has inside them ,there might be lot of herbs*bad stuff that you don t know even about it?*dont think its best idea

I think weight loss tablets are usually diuretics - cause you to lose body water - which loses weight quickly but doesn t stay off. I found that eating smaller meals (things like rice, chicken, jacket potato) more often helps weight loss as it speeds up metabolism. Eating less calories than you are burning is the only way to go.I may be wrong but I remember reading somewhere that 1lb of fat contains 3500 calories, so to lose 1lb you need to burn 3500 more calories than you eat.

Chinese amphetamines get results fast - Wait til you see the Beijing Olympics... see those skinny fellows fly, xx��

No pills.Try acupuncture